Freedom of Speech: Crash Course Government and Politics #25

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Today, FINALLY, Craig is going to talk about Free Speech! Now, free speech is so important because it not only allows you to critique the government, but it also protects you from the government. But it's essential to remember that not ALL speech is protected equally under the First Amendment, and just because you have a right to free speech doesn't mean your employer, for instance, can't fire you for something you say (unless your work for the government and then things get a bit more complicated). So we'll take a look at a couple significant Supreme Court cases that have gotten us to our current definition of free speech, and we'll also discuss some of the more controversial aspects of free speech - like hate speech.

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Freedom of Speech allows us to see what is wrong with Society


my favorite argument: John stuart Mill, a political philosopher argued for free speech, including that of hate speech, saying that if we censor hate speech, our fundamental beliefs of what is right and wrong won't be tested. If our beliefs aren’t argued against, then we won’t attempt to rationalize what we believe to be true; we don't’ think about why our beliefs are right, and when we don’t question our beliefs, we don’t think about them. When we don’t think about our beliefs we don’t learn new things about these beliefs, or improve to advance our thoughts on what is right or wrong. Even if a person’s argument is wrong, doesn’t mean that it is useless, it serves as a tool to let us rationalize and think about our own arguments, and why they are right, or improving our beliefs by discussing opposing viewpoints with others.


Can people also please learn that "freedom of speech" doesn't translate into "freedom from being criticized for saying stupid things", or "everyone has to always be super-nice to me because I have the right to say whatever I want"?  A lot of people seem to get these mixed up.


"I'm trying to talk about free speech, shut up."


*This comment was removed by the US government*


Just came here to refresh my memory on true freedom


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"you can't shout "FIRE!" in a crowded theatre" reminds me of an incident I read about in World War Two, in a cinema in London during a film, a firebomb went off just outside the actual screen... room? whatever, anyway, the audience started panicking thinking it was the Germans until someone got said "don't worry, it's only the Irish" everyone calmed down and went back to watching the film


It is also within your first amendment right to not have to stand and say the pledge of allegiance if you're in school. People often forget about this.


Freedom of speech is an amazing thing. Everyone has the right to voice their opinions and speak their minds, as long as they are not meant to be offensive. If you don't like someone or something, it's okay. You are free to like who/whatever you want to like. However, there is a difference between voicing an opinion and insulting someone. No one has the right to insult another person just because of religion, race, looks, sexual orientation, personal views and preferences which are not meant to offend anyone etc. People should only be judged because of their personality.


I can't wait for the shitstorm that will be your episode on the second amendment.


Even though you have free speech. You are accountable for what you say.


I'm glad you finally talked about this. I hear whenever certain celebs get into trouble for saying certain things on tv or radio and almost get fired, some play real, "FREE SPEECH! FREE SPEECH!". But, to what you said in the video, what they say ON THE JOB  is not protected by free speech cause they are offending technically the studio's costumers, shall we say, and that means ratings go down, or in the case of this one incident, they lose sponsors, and the host or celeb could get FIRED FOR OPENING THEIR BIG FAT MOUTH! Some people try to pull the free speech card when it comes to the talk shows, but money is money and if people are offended and stop watching cause of it, they got to fix that.


Great video series, I've shown it to my high school broadcasting students. The only issue is Craig talks way too fast. The students had trouble understanding at some points. Otherwise, very well done and great tool to teach 1st Amendment.


Three eagle punches in one video?! You spoil us Craig.


I've watched this 10 times to help with my business law midterm. I hope all of this kicks in


I know this is really off topic, but would you guys consider doing a crash course on music theory???


"We're trying to talk about free speech, shut up."
- Craig


One important thing that people often forget is that free speech is only the right to talk, not the "right" to have other people hear you.


the poor eagle doesn't deserve this abuse !
