I Became The Colossal Titan In Roblox Attack On Titan...
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I Became Armin The Colossal Titan In Untitled Attack On Titan...
Untitled Attack on Titan is a Roblox attack on Titan game where you can embark on different attack on Titan missions and slay titans. Untitled Attack on Titan has different tiers of ODM maneuver gear that you could obtain. The tiers are legendary, mythic, rare, and common. The higher the tier of ODM the better the ODM gear is at slaying titans. Untitled attack on titan also has a free play mode where you can swing around and slay titans. You can titan shift into Armin colossal titan once you reach prestige 6, or titan shift into Eren attack titan when you reach prestige 5.
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Intro Song:
BUNGEE GUM | Trap Beat | Hunter x Hunter Remix (Prod. Eekway)
#ktggaming #attackontitan
Untitled Attack on Titan is a Roblox attack on Titan game where you can embark on different attack on Titan missions and slay titans. Untitled Attack on Titan has different tiers of ODM maneuver gear that you could obtain. The tiers are legendary, mythic, rare, and common. The higher the tier of ODM the better the ODM gear is at slaying titans. Untitled attack on titan also has a free play mode where you can swing around and slay titans. You can titan shift into Armin colossal titan once you reach prestige 6, or titan shift into Eren attack titan when you reach prestige 5.
🌟 Use Star Code KTG when buying Robux, premium, or gift cards. I’m a member of the Roblox Influencer Program and I may receive some perks and benefits from Roblox.
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Intro Song:
BUNGEE GUM | Trap Beat | Hunter x Hunter Remix (Prod. Eekway)
#ktggaming #attackontitan