They're Using DEADLY Snake Venom in Your Blood Pressure Medicine! 😱

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😱 The Shocking Truth About Blood Pressure Medications! 🐍

In this jaw-dropping video, we uncover the terrifying reality behind a common ingredient found in many blood pressure medications—deadly snake venom! Yes, you heard that right. Pharmaceutical companies are using venom from some of the world’s most dangerous snakes to create the drugs millions rely on daily. But what does this mean for your health?

🩸 How is snake venom used in medicine? Learn the science behind this surprising ingredient and how it works to control blood pressure.

⚠️ Are there risks? We’ll dive into the potential dangers and side effects you need to know about.

🌿 Natural alternatives? Discover safer, natural ways to manage your blood pressure without relying on snake venom-based medications.

This information could change the way you view your health. Don’t miss out on this eye-opening investigation!

🔥 LIKE, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE for more shocking health revelations and tips! 🔥

#SnakeVenom #BloodPressureMedicine #HealthAlert #PharmaceuticalsExposed #NaturalHealth #Wellness #ShockingTruth
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before retiring I practiced medicine for 37 years. you are absolutely right. I retired because big pharma was killing my patients and using me as their hitman. and their meds almost killed me.


Was on lisinipril for 8 years. Blood pressure had been good. Cardiologist told me I needed to start lisinipril only because I was 59. Eight years later had an allergic reaction. Entire faced puffed up.
Off lisinipril. Intermittant fasting, daily weights, and threadmill. BP is fine at age 71. Americans are being farmed for profit cradle to untimely death.


My brother suffered a long (1 year) hospitalisation where his muscles melted, he had attended gym 3 times a week, was very solid build, he was on a respirator & in constant pain for a whole year b4 fortunately dying as a virtual skeleton. Previously he had a stroke & was put onto lipitor about six months previously. I asked one of the doctors "what was causing this degradation of his body" he answered that they think it may be an allergy to the Lipitor. So a few years later, a doctor prescribed me some Lipitor, I told her that I refuse to take it & she told me she is going to report that I refused the medication, I said go ahead, I'd decided that my life was more important than my blood pressure, this was at least a decade ago, still alive & strong, so my advice is don't take those poisonous statins


I don’t trust anything medically any longer. I watched two loved ones shrivel and die with cancer. What they both endured was horrific.


I brew hibiscus tea and drink it every day. It lowers BP, is high in vitamin C and anti-inflammatory.


McDonalds was boycotted in the 90s to use vegetable oil instead of beef fat for frying. The idea was to be healthy. This made fast food highly inflammatory.


It’s best to prepare your meals at home 90 percent of the time so you don’t get health issues from restaurant food


They use to accuse the olde time horse and wagon traveling salesmen as “snake oil” salesmen. Guess our physicians have taken over this career.


I've been given authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the powers of the enemy... And nothing shall by any means harm me in Jesus name! I can drink deadly poison.... And shall not die! Hallelujah!
There is a reason those Scriptures are in The Book!! Bcuz they're trying to get that venom in us through foods and medications.... PRAY over everything and be strong and courageous ✝️🔥✝️


I told my quack doctor I'm not comfortable taking Lisinopril, and he refused to change my med. Said I could always just stop taking it. He should lose his license.


I had a stroke. They gave me lisinipril and atorvastatin when I was released from the hospital. Took for a couple weeks and the decades long psoriasis I had that covered approx. 30% of my body exploded to cover 80-90% of my body. Also had edema in one foot that I'd never had before. I stopped the meds immediately and started vitamin e for cholesterol and niacin for blood pressure. BP has been fine for the last 5.5 years. Keep using your platform to make people aware.


Here's a gem for everyone, if you want to lower your blood pressure naturally, take a magnesium supplent and eat foods high potassium. Low magnesium and low potassium levels equal high blood pressure. The pharmaceutical companies already know this...that's why blood pressure meds fall under two categories, calcium channel blockers and potassium sparing meds. Magnesium is a natural calcium blocker. Potassium sparing meds increase your bodies potassium level. Ding..ding..ding....why not just increase your own potassium level by eating more foods high in potassium.


Each for himself and God for us all. Lord, have mercy on us.


Those meds almost killed me. My face seized up and a doctor I was working for said you’re allergic to Ramipril stop taking it or you will die. Oh yea, I never had high blood pressure but my doctor said you have to take the Ramipril because had a heart attack. I told him I was not a fan of sorcery medicines but I listened to him because he was a doctor. I almost died. Haven’t taken meds for over 8 years now. Fish oil, COQ10, garlic etc.


Cayenne pepper lowers blood pressure quickly.
Spinkle in /on everything ice cream, yogurt apple juice, tea, eggs. Its Gods gift.❤


Vegetable oils are not from veg they're from seeds. Seed oils are the most inflammatory "foods". Lard, beef tallow, ghee, coconut oil and avocado oil are the best


If you can find your own course of treatment, by doing your own research, you will live longer. The longer you can avoid going to the doctor, the longer you will live. And that advice came from a doctor.


Gives new meaning to the term “snake oil salesmen “


I used to take blood pressure medicine for several months and then I stopped once I went carnivore I just figured I didn't need it anymore and yes lard is the only way to cook in. I take no meds 68 here and feeling great


In 2022 I went cold turkey on BPM, Statin along with a few others. Got rid of my doctor! Dr 💀. Went full carnivore dropped 140 lbs it’s now 2024, had an echo done, clean as a whistle. I never eat out, I cook at home. With tallow or butter, avocado oil sparingly.I now only eat animal products ditched the avocado oil .Life is good! Finding a good cardiologist and Dr can be challenging. I lucked out on MD cardiologist not so much! He still keeps pushing statins . I flat out. Refused
