Mormon Temple Wedding (aka Sealing) Ceremony

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This is hidden camera footage of a Mormon temple marriage ceremony (also referred to as a "sealing" ceremony).

FUN FACTS: Mormons get married in the same outfit they'll be buried in.

95% of Mormon brides aren't able to wear their actual wedding dress during their marriage ceremony. They also don't have flower girls, music or an "aisle" to walk down.

Unless their friends or family members are adults who pay 10% of their income to LDS, Inc. they aren't allowed to attend the wedding ceremony.

This Mormon Temple marriage/sealing ceremony was recorded in an unspecified Mormon temple in June, 2016.

Twitter: @NewNameNoah
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Creeped me out how the old dude wouldn't let them look at each other as they took their VOWS & GOT MARRIED


I can’t believe my parents were dressed like idiots while getting married


my brother was sealed to his wife and because I wasn't worthy I didn't get to see it and they couldn't tell me about it. Thank you for showing how they do this.


some say it's sacred, some say it's evil. actually, it's just more human silliness.


Man... Joseph Smith had to do this 33 times? I feel bad for those two 14 year olds he married


I went through this. When I doubted the church my wife divorced me. God is not the head of the Mormon church. The devil is.


I thank you for this so much at 14 I was not "worthy" enough to see my own brothers wedding and it was then I decided then I did not want to be in a church that I needed to be worthy enough to witness one of the biggest moments in a family members life. It has not bee until recently I have had the courage to have my name removed from the church.


I didn't get to attend my cousins sealing and she passed away unexpectedly in 2016 from complications during labor and delivery. I saw her temple dress on her in the casket and it made me realize that I missed a lot of her more important life events. Some I could have gone to and others I couldn't. I don't know why but this video made me feel as if I was watching her being sealed to her husband finally. So I guess thank you for reminding me of her. She was such an amazing woman and was taken far too soon. I miss her a lot.


This is so sexist. He is to "Receive her, " and she is to "Give herself to him." Wake up Mormon women!


This feels cold, clinical and unsettling.


SO SO glad I got married in the courthouse instead of going through this nuthouse. Thanks for the insight!


My mother once said she felt her marriage was a joke. I know realize why she said that, because she had to do THIS. I know it's not ALL of the reason, but I bet it's part of it.

What I just LOVE is the fact that the women is practically told "Hey, after you get married, start popping out babies as fast and as many as you can." That part makes me sick.

Anyway, enough assuming. This shit is just creepy as hell. Brother gets to "receive" the woman, the Sister "gives" herself to the man. WHAT? Why not give and receive for both of them? Oh I know, the man is in control and the woman has the privilege of bearing children to spread forth her husband's kingdom. How disgusting.


My Mormon family flipped their shit when I got married normally. They really would’ve preferred THIS?


The video might come as a surprise to some former LDS. Official guidelines (Feb 2019, check for example the official website of the church) clarify that attending visitors of the temple wedding/sealing ceremony must a) be LDS, b) have a temple recommend and c) dress as if they would be attending a "sacrament meeting."


From the Exmormon subreddit:

"My temple wedding dress was made by a member of my ward who was a so called seamstress. I really liked it. It was typically modest, no sin skin etc. when I tried it on it seemed fine, though obviously I didn't swing around the room in it.
I got to the temple, and after the obligatory once over by a temple worker, and an artfully placed safety pin to prevent my garment showing at the shoulder (even tho it wasn't) the endowment began.
It was then I realised something was terribly wrong with the fit. I couldn't lift my arms up above my head. In fact I couldn't even lift my arms to the square. I'm talking maybe 45 degree's up max.
So yeah, I couldn't do the arm to the square thing, I just did a twisted halfassed sign. I couldn't do the "Hear the words of my mouth" part. I just waved my arms out in front of me.
Then, the damn temple dude made me get up for the prayer circle. I was ushered into the circle next to the largest Tongan man I've ever seen. No way was I going to be able to get my elbow on his shoulder. I just put my hand on his shoulder as best I could... not good enough... the temple dude came up behind me took my elbow in both his hands and forced it up as high as he could. I had to do an undignified sideways twist and bend so as not to rip the dress. There was a long pause as he stood behind me, I guess puzzled by my weird position. He decided that would do and proceeded with the prayer. All the while I'm thinking... please, please hurry.
During the marriage sealing I couldn't get my arms up on the alter thing. I had to kind of lunge over it to take my husbands hands.
I was so bloody glad when it was over..worst wedding ever.
Then as we drove out the temple car park, my new husband looks at me, elastic hat mark across his forehead, and says, "My temple name is Abraham.. just thought you should know, seeing as I know yours" I'm thinking.. omg, he just told me his sacredy sacred new name.. he can't do that.. but it's kinda cool that he did.. but Abraham meh.. omg Best part of the day!"


How damaging the “multiply and replenish the earth” is to an infertile couple 😡


I was married in the Salt Lake Temple and this is exactly what my ceremony looked like. Not a hoax. I wish I had seen a video like this before I went in. I was crushed when I realized I had to cover my pretty wedding dress with a green apron and wear the temple veil instead of the pretty one I had picked out. Temple prep classes only teach doctrine, they don't actually tell you what promises you are expected to make until you are in the temple with all your friends and family and are expected to just say "yes."


Ok. Let me throw my two cents in here after reading comments defending this religion and it's practices. I have grown up in an LDS family my entire life. Up until my teenage years ( aka, when I had my own realization of my self and opinions) I was treated like shit from almost every family member who was a member of this church. My mother, who was never a member was treated like shit, same with my father, my sister, ( who was sexually mollested by my grandfather and when the church found out, his punishment was " he can't give blessings anymore") and of course, myself. The only main reason I can think as to why they treated us all like there was something wrong with us was that we refused to be involved.

If you grow up in Utah, and everyone around you is LDS and you are the odd one out, life is hell. If you don't go to church, if you have tattoos, if you are a young woman who is legally able to get married and aren't married, or better yet, you are married but haven't popped out a kid before your first wedding anniversary, you are treated like garbage. The way your own family looks at you, talks down to you, the way your neighbors and other church members who know you through family members treat you as if you are some poor unknowing dumbass who has no idea the sins they are committing by making these choices to not be a part, is pure and utter hell.

Got a job and a promotion opportunity comes up but your LDS boss knows that you don't go to church but the new guy just got back from his mission in San Juan? Guess whose out of getting that job due to favoritism?

It affects so many things if you aren't a part of this literal WEB. It will literally change your options in life if you continue to live here and your own family will ostracize you. It's disgusting. And now that I have recently found out about what goes on behind their precious temple doors, it made everything make so much sense. So if any LDS members are reading this, don't act like you don't know why this is such a big deal or try to deny what is going on, or worse, try to normalize this video. You have belonged to something that has told you that you are special than the average person. You belong to a community that if you do something to praise said religion, you get a pat on the back and a force of thousands behind you to praise you. You have no idea what it would be like to see from an outsiders view because you never even thought about leaving due to the consequences of losing your friends, your family and your possible livelihood. Don't you dare for one second try to lash out at the person who posted this or the people who are shocked and disgusted because you hid this for a reason.

You hid this due to the very fact that you KNOW there is something wrong with it. The people in charge for so long know there is something wrong with it. And now that technology is finally good enough you are having a hissy fit that someone would " disrespect " your religion this way. JUST STOP. You keep something like this a secret for so long and you think that someone won't find out and show you who you really are ? Please.


I don't mean to sound like a bridezilla here, but I feel I SHOULD wear a dress with a cathedral length train like Princess Diana. I SHOULD be able to walk down the the aisle to "How great thou art." I SHOULD get to wear that beautiful strapless dress that I spent five grand for at my wedding ceremony. I SHOULD get to have readings from the BIBLE included in my ceremony. And most importantly, I SHOULD get to marry the man I love. I just hate how this church ostracizes couples who did not go through this joke of a wedding, making them feel like their marriage is inferior to everyone else's. I would rather marry the RIGHT person and die tomorrow, the marry the wrong person for eternity.


Growing up as a devout Mormon, I dreamed of getting married in the temple, but life had other plans. I fell in love with a Greek Orthodox girl, we both first explored each other's faiths and would settle on 1 as a compromise, and I was the one who ended up converting and getting married in an Orthodox ceremony. It caused lots of tension with my Mormon family, but not enough for them to stop talking. My mom also wasn't turned away from seeing my own wedding, and even managed to make friends that day. Fast forward to now, I'm the 1 she isn't disappointed with, since everyone else abandoned religion altogether.
