Doctor explains why you should NEVER use Q-tips!! #shorts

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Do you use cotton buds or q tips? Stop now! Here’s why! #shorts
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Why do q-tips give me the happy shivers though?


I went into an ENT for an ear cleaning, because I thought I needed one after years of using cotton swabs twice a week after my showers to remove wax, dry the ear, and get that amazing, scratchings-induced eargasm.

ENT looked into my ears, and told me there was nothing to do, since my ears were so clean, that they worried taking any of my current wax out would cause issues with precisely what you talked about in the video.

I told them about my Q-tip habits, and the ENT said “Listen, I can’t prevent you from using them. I can tell you we don’t recommend it. I can tell you that you’ve apparently done well, and have no injuries. I can tell you that you might not always be lucky or skilled enough to never get an ear injury. Do this if you want to, there’s no one who can stop you. I’d say leave them, honestly since it’s not always safe. You could also stand to let them build up a little more than they are right now. Generally, we want to see the entirety of the skin of the ear canal covered in a thin layer of wax. I saw a couple of spots where it’s not quite thick enough, so if you ignore my recommendation and keep using the Q-tips, at least don’t remove all of your wax. Okay?”

I took that advice to heart. I now just jiggle the Q-tip inside a little to absorb the excess water/wax mixture after my showers, and I only ever scratch for eargasms with a tiny smear of lanolin on the Q-tip now, to prevent my ear canal being dry when I’m done. It still feels so domn good.

No issues with my ears, and I have the most sensitive and exact hearing in the entire family.

The point here is; Different strokes for different folks. If you have the same Vagus nerve thing as I do, and your ear feels amazing when you push on it with a Q-Tip, try not to take out all of your wax. I take out most of it, then dab a fresh Q-tip in some Lanolin and smooth it over the cotton before doing my scratchies, again, to keep the ear coated, and to mix that and the wax and smear it around evenly on the skin when I leave.

Happy ear scratching! And please do be safe doing this!


You can't stop me, the inside of my ears get sweaty and itchy.


Wax buildup reduces my hearing. Using a Q-tip half way in usually clears the wax and muffled sounds.


I don't use q-tips for getting wax out, that just happens as a result.
I use q-tips to dry my ears.
Towel doesn't get all the water and when I leave water in, it pools up and now I have water trapped in my ears for 20 mins


This doesn't explain how to clean wax out of the ear. I have a problem where I get wax build up inside the ear causing blockages. I usually squirt warm water in my ear with a syringe and after a while of repeated squirting a chunk of ear wax will fall out. But having to do that every few months is annoying.


If I don't clean my ears with qtips every few days after a warm shower so the earwax melts a little and is softer, I start having problems with my ears and it starts to hurt and my hearing gets worse. This is because of the pressure it causes by basically closing off my ear. The connection between my nose and my ears is too narrow so even small changes in pressure cause this kind of stuff. When I don't clean my ears regularly I also can't wear my headphones anymore and I am afraid of my ear fully shutting again like it did twice already before it got diagnosed. Like just completely shut and it felt and sounded like when you put your finger in your ear. It was very painful too and now I have tinnitus after the second time. I don't want it to get worse.


It gonna be dangerous if your earwax was dry type, you'll end up pushing it further inside your ear canals, but if you earwax was wet type (like mine), it's okay to use q-tips, if I don't clean my ears with q-tip just a day, it'll build up outside my ear canals and it's can cause itching and I have to clean it by picking it by hand


I always like watching these educational videos. What a nice guy, too.🎉


1. My grandpa told my mum and aunt to wash their ears with soap which lead to soap build up and extreme infections for both of them.
2. I've used qtips all of my life (30 years) and I am completely fine, never had problems


I'm addicted to the Q-tips, I'm just trying to clean the beginning of the ear canal 😢it feels so good


I have several tricks. One is to rely it out by running warm water in and out of your ears while in the shower. Feels like when your ears become loaded with water when swimming upside down.
The other trick is use the natural pump behind your ear. Place your thumb very close and just behind your ear lobe, now roll your thumb up towards your inner ear. As you roll the thumb it sticks the ear canal together and then re-releases it as you roll away. This creates a suction towards the outside as you roll your thumb, it also squeezes any excess way out far enough so you can scoop it with the little finger nail. Don't but your nails too short!
Any super heating of the zone, like in very warm weather, a sauna, or exercise can help to loosen or unblock the area. Just don't overdo it as you might cause inflammation.


My ear totally clogged before, not very fun. I had to go to urgent care where they used a plunder type device to break it free! 😣👂


Swimmer here. Sometimes I have issues getting water out of my ears. I've found that if I put a couple of drops of 90% isopropyl alcohol into that ear (with the ear facing up) makers the water run out when I straighten my head. It reduced the surface tension which is what was keeping the water in.


My issue, I have a body disorder where I over produce earwax. Sometimes I can be nice and all bu then you can see the stuff leaking out of my ear which is gross.

It's weird really because my ears get incredibly red and hot and for a minite or two I have an overstimulation and production of semi liquid earwax. While not advice using those to cleaning reduces the chances of a leaking happening so while not advice, I much prefer using them so I am not leaking that stuff out.


Warm vegetable oil works great. Drip it in with a dropper, then soak it out with a tissue. Repeat several times. This cleared up an ear infection that I had once.


I puschased a 60ml irrigation syringe. Gently rest the tip on my ear and lightly compress plunger tilt my head to the side. Works great. Warm water.


You can use them, just don’t go too deep and do a gentle circular motion around the skin. Don’t force it inside and don’t go more than 0, 8-10 mm. I’ve been doing that for years and my doctor said my ears look totally fine.


If you suffer from blockages, use either an earwax removal or if approved by your doctor, hydrogen peroxide. Use a pipette or bulb to place droplets inside of your ear, and use the bulb or pipette to clear out that earwax/peroxide mix using lukewarm water.


People don’t realize this but ear “wax” isn’t really “wax”. It’s not like paraffin, it dissolves in warm water. If you really got a blockage take a medium-hot shower and let it soak in there then rest with the blocked ear down. It’ll run out usually.
