Donating plasma vs blood what's the difference

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Globally, there are patients who rely on products of blood or plasma donation every single day. But how are they different? Here's a short video to illustrate the but one major difference between them-plasmapheresis.

#donateplasma #plasmapheresis #plasma #blooddonation
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This is partially true. If you sell plasma your product is going to pharmaceutical companies & the plasma business you went to can take another “donation” and “pay you for your time” twice a week. (Though they don’t pay you for waiting in line if you’re deferred. Funny how that works.) Non profit blood banks can only take your plasma every 28 days. And if you tell a nonprofit you just gave at Biolife your deferral is still 28 days, even if theirs is 2-4 days. Think about that.

And the plasma “donation” you were paid to give will not be accepted at a hospital. No hospital in most nations accept paid for blood product for transfusions. Yours is going to a pharmaceutical company. Biolife won’t explain that to you. Meanwhile actual blood product donations going to actual patients are at an all-time low. Biolife and companies like it have taken the healthiest adult donation candidates available, leaving blood donation to and older base that’s not as qualified to give.

So this is a misleading, absurd video. Anyone working in blood supply knows who these companies are and they aren’t there for the community.


grateful my ass i want $120 for my plasma.


What do you do when they steal it from you?


No, something is not right with this.
