NATO And The EU Are Destroying France and Germany. End of Europe | Arnaud Bertrand

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[Part 2 of 2] Germany's economy is in tatters, and French diplomacy is laughed at globally. Even the largest EU states have seized to be international actors in their own right. Only as neutered annexes of the globalist institutions they are permitted to contribute obediently to the projects of outside forces. Welcome to the new Europe, the satellite of US Empire.

This is the second part of an interview with Arnaud Bertrand, a French national living in Malaysia and one of the few people who doesn’t post just their opinions but data and analysis about global politics—especially East Asian affairs.

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Let’s face it Europe doesn’t exist anymore. It’s a colony!


Instead of arming Ukraine; EU tax payer money should be spent on infrastructure, healthcare, education etc.


Russia is not our enemy. Russia is our last hope.


Last year, the EU approved 12 sanction packages against Russia and the Russian economy grew 3%. Meanwhile, the German economy is in "tatters". The EU sanctioned itself.


The US meticulously engineered the conflict between Russia and Ukraine to hinder Europe's economic rise. As Europe was growing and forging stronger ties with Russia and China, the US sought to maintain its global dominance by keeping Europe dependent.


Ever since this conflict began, the nuclear option was on the table.
Anyone who says anything else is simply lying.
On one side there is a country with the largest nuclear stockpile in the world (Russia) on the other side there is the only country which has used a nuclear weapon in a conflict. (USA)

America is the worst ally in the world.
1) America didn't Let Brexit happen in Britain.
2) America destroyed the Nord stream 2 pipeline in Germany.
3) America sabotaged the Australia's Submarine deals with France.
To be an enemy of US is dangerous but to be a friend is absolutely lethal: Henry Kissinger

It's most looks like America is destroying Europe deliberately with the European Elite.


Arnaud is one of the best impartial and unbiased geopolitical analysts there are 👍🏻


I actually don’t see much hate towards Russians in Europe… it’s a minority


We're British and we told you about the EU, it's a sclerotic, ramshackle, decaying bureaucracy, and NATO is an out of date and dangerous security arrangement.


US ‘disconnecting’ the cheap gas supply, and forcing everyone to buy their expensive shipped in gas has destroyed Europe.


de Gaulle once remarked, Europe has to get on together and not be led by the Anglo Saxon duo, if war comes to Europe, the Europeans suffer the most, because at the end of the day, the Americans do not live in Europe, and the British live on an island.

That can be seen very clearly : Europe is saddled with the Ukrainian refugees, the British and the Americans took in very few.


I'm in the UK. I see no hate towards Russia. I personally see the Russian perspective and believe the war is the fault of western policy. I know several Italians who either support Russia or don't care. I see no evidence for your statement to the effect that being anti-Russian is one thing Europeans have in common.


La France a toujours agi comme un pays colonialiste et n'a jamais été la voix de la liberté Arnaud. Je suis bien content que la France ait perdu du terrain, elle fera moins de mal à l'Afrique. Game is over!


I'm an old Irish republican I love every nation in Europe, i love their histories, food, culture, language. I understand them love them welcome them but the EU isn't that Europe. I detest it, reject it and it's aspirations which turn living nations into zombie province's. I regard it as occupying my own nation and would prefer it to go away before my people become angry. I'll welcome French, Germans, Czechs Spanish, Greek's I'll welcome all of them as friends and accompany them with pleasure as friends. We all joined a free trade and cultural exchange organisation and wanted that we didn't sign up to create an inhuman super state and loose our power of self determination to unelected globalists with no morality or country of origin. It's our differences we find pleasure in not our mutual subjection by a bland political monster that seeks to eraticate are individual gifts to other nations and people's. I don't want to have conflict with any nation in Europe but I think conflict will be inevitable if the EU continues, that's how I see it from an Irish position. The politicians of the EU are bringing nothing but misery to the children of Europe. Souless manifest evil is it's gift. No individuality, no freedom, no culture, nothing but the misery of slavery . Free Europe now! I hold it to be s contemptible thing that my nation is still subject to an alien force after 800 years by an impersonal uncaring power. I even love the English people not their government but the people themselves, they contribute to the good. Anyway i don't hate anyone despite all I've suffered in conflict as for the Russian's you'll find it very hard to convince an Irish man that i should be an enemy of a people who did us no wrong and who also have contributed so much in culture literature art that lift's us all up and gives us pleasure and happiness. We Irish refuse to be their enemy but would rather extend the hand of friendship to them as brother's in life. Slan abu Russ beidh an la bua libh. Love from Ireland.


🗽☮ We, the free citizens in Europe, do not hate Russians.... NAT0 is a very aggressive military alliance. ☝


It's Not The End Of Europe It's The End of the EU!!


I really loathe America as an institution . Since the end of WW2 the USA has seen itself as the guardian angel of its brand of democracy. If it doesn't like what it sees or percieves, then it has to go.
The Cold war and the consequential creation of NATO was due to American paranoia of communism.
The neglect of learning history, not just ancient but recent is a stupid folly.
As we have seen recently in the UK, a controlling government with less then a third of the poulations support, will sell it down the river. In the USA Presidential election, turnouts have rarely been above 60%. Lets imagine in November either Trump or Harris get over 50% of the votes cast, they wii not represent the total population, so in what way is that democracy. Its probable that those who abstained have no preference for either candidate. If Harris wins expect more massive payments to the Ukrainian crook, If Trump wins there will be more assassination attempts from Democrat nutters.


The EU now is like the eunuch for the US.


Macron was always known as the Rich Man's President from the start. The richest 500 people in France have more than doubled their wealth since Macron gained power. His first duty as President was to abolish the Wealth Tax & at every turn he has legislated to enrich the richest, whilst forcing austerity on the general French population.


Where is the European indigenous home grown autonomic strategy independence to follow its own path. Wake up !
