Crime Beat: The Deadly Contract | S5 E8

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January 16th, 2006, started like any other for Jack Beauchamp. The financier grabbed a coffee and went to work in his downtown Calgary office. Minutes after he arrived, he was fighting for his life. He was shot six times and left for dead on his office floor.

Follow along as senior crime reporter Nancy Hixt shares the story of how grieving co-workers helped police identify a suspect. And how the case took an unexpected turn when evidence pointed to someone else.

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I hope the family is suing the Calgary police. He called and told them he was getting threatening emails and the cop said the way it was worded wasn't enough for them to do anything. The police should of asked for the emails and gone over them and contacted the killer. They were clearly threatening emails....who cares if they aren't correctly worded. Seemed like the cop just didn't feel like doing anything


The second trial was a joke. What was unclear about the case? It was clearly premeditated. Another case of Canadian justice for you


Unfortunately this is a lot more common. You will speak to the police about reciving threats and they wont take it serious because you havent been harmed physically and by the time that does happen its too late. Justice for his family


Another injustice for canadian’s 😔 So terrible. 😢


In Austria a death threat is a criminal offence. The officer on the phone should feel guilty for the rest of his life. He took Beauchamp's phone call not serious enough.


Police charged Deer with criminal harassment after Jack was killed. What a joke? Why not before?


Those neighbours are crazy appearing on camera admitting turning him in… this man is insane he hired a hit before he can do it again behind prison walls


The POS cop advising the eventual victim about the ‘wording of a threat’ was beyond useless. The cops who investigated the murder did an incredible and amazingly thorough job. So the question is what kind of culture are we? People can be assholes, send harassing emails, make veiled threats and what? Nothing? They get away with that vile behaviour? Are we agreeing as a society that only when you are murdered do you warrant the attention and help of the police? It’s massively inept of lawmakers to not address IN LAW the prior behaviour of criminals, the cries for help from the victims or any other incidents that a reasonable person would deem worthy of follow-up. But we vote for who represents us. Again, for you to posit, what kind of society are we?


That judge needs to go back to law school. The shooter had no beef with the victim, but the guy that hired him sure did. Ridiculous decision. If that had been my father murdered, I would want that judge’s decision appealed against, right up to the Supreme Court level.


when Mr Beuchamp reached out to the police in my view the policed failed him badly. if this was the judge's friends or family member, how would she sentence these two. One person dead and two criminals can eventually go free. the family should sue the police force for not taking Deers threatening emails seriously


Lazy police strikes again. They could have prevent this.


Too bad the lazy reporter didn't have the stones to ask the lazy cop why the harassment wasn't worth investigating until after the fact. So much lazy.


Better to not be the victim of such a crime in Canada because your family will sure be let down by the justice system. There's no doubt about what hapenned because the shooter said it himself on camera. Shame on that judge. May Jack RIP.


These two idiots obviously did not read “Murder for Dummies 101”. They kept receipts, go shopping together in Walmart( Walmart will get you every time), wear a distinctive jacket that he is known for, the shooter stays in the same outfit after the murder, only without his beard, drives his Hummer by the building, threatens the victim by phone and email and keeps incriminating correspondence. The shooter practically had a flashing sign saying “look at me.” Talk about Dumb and Dumber!! The second judge was completely wrong in her rulings. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is a friggin duck! I mean, everything came together regardless if it was circumstantial. Canada has no justice system; we have a criminal system that rewards killers with a slap on the wrist. Life should mean life, not this ridiculous parole after 25 years. This whole country is becoming a joke. My sincerest condolences to the Beauchamp family. You deserved so much better than this.


It’s just so odd that a strange man (ie non employee) could access the building so easy.
I used to work in the CIBC tower downtown Toronto and there were 3 controls. First you needed a fob to get into the elevator area; Second, if anyone extra was in an elevator who did not scan a fob all elevators would stop/stay open and security would have to check us all, there were scanners on the elevator doors that counted the # of people; third - once you get to the desired floor you can’t just walk in to an open office space - there are further locked doors that you need the fob for. All fobs were provided by the building security services with strict protocols and sign offs by company executives allowing an employee to have a fob - so every fob was assigned to specific individuals & they could trace us throughout the building. It felt safe.


Well another Judge alone making the decision of 2 murderers and she went against the jury of the 1st trial. Unbelievable…same evidence given at both trials, there is definitely something wrong with these Judges whom I think need training on a lot of these laws. The laws are broken and you can see this across Canada where sentences are being reduced and the parole boards are letting murderers out knowing that are a high risk to reoffend . It angers me so much. Tough the laws against the murderers .


Our lovely outdated judicial system! So many innocent people have to suffer because the criminal gets treated better than the victim


That’s crap! What’s wrong with that second judge’s sentence seriously!! Where’s the justice 😡


Did the police ever think that man hired a hitman?


What horrible advice from the officer on the phone before the murder. Why do we have police?
