John MacArthur Calls ALL Psychology Satanic

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I agree with John! I wouldn’t go to any counseling unless it’s Bible based


I agree with John McArthur. Due to a traumatic childhood, I've been to several counselors since my mid 20s. Im 54 now. Psychology didnt help me. I refused antidepressants drugs, thanks to God. Im not saying people shouldn't take their medication, nor see counselors, just choose wisely, I've seen many counselors push their theories and ideas onto me and push antidepressant, thing is Psychologist get money when treating you and prescribing medication, they no longer are paid if they heal you. About 7 years ago I returned to God, I studied His word. He told me what I was worth to Him, how much He loves me, I found my Identity and worth in Him. And God saved me and healed me, continues to heal me. Starting in my 20s, I had tried to kill myself 4 times, I listened to the demonic "voices" telling me I was worthless and dirty, that nobody would love me, to kill myself. Ive not heard those "voices" in 5+ years. God is our wonderful Counselor.


It fascinates me how often certain theologians/preachers would deny the doctrine of "Common Grace", or "Universal Truths", and the "Imago Dei" when it comes to certain topics that they oppose.


At one time i used to throw out all things that weren't directly Biblical, including psychology. After intensely studying the Bible, I was taught that I was wrong. God is so sovereign that He can use donkeys, murderers, adulterers, drunkards, prostitutes and yes, even psychology for His purpose. If something contradicts scripture, however, that's when to reject it. We ought not demonize things so recklessly.


This is basically the fundamentalist's way of saying "If you tell me I don't know something but someone else does, that's gnosticism". Add that to the list of words people use to shut people down without conversation.


A Pastor i know uses this solution for when someone is in need of counselling: they need the Three P's.
- A Pastor to guide them through things theologically and support them through the healing process with Scripture.
- A Professional, which is self explanatory: neither the other two P's are qualified to find ways in which someone can pinpoint what is wrong and how to start the healing process.
- A Pal, who will be there for then as a close friend to support them and spend time with them.

All three of these P's MUST be seperate people.
It's a view that is very useful and helpful in my opinion.


John’s church counseled a lady and instructed her to stay with her husband who was abusing her and his own kids. He is in prison now and their church allowed Jonny Mac to call her out as an ungodly woman in front of the whole congregation.


How about not following the teachings of men and instead cling to the Holy Spirit?


What JMac says sounds pious and all. But you shall know them by their fruit (Matthew 7:16, 20), right? When Eileen Gray told church leaders that she would remove the protective order against her husband if the church would trust the members’ children to him by reinstating him to children’s ministry, she was called “irrational”. Yeah GCC, double-standards much? Well did Jesus say that the children of this world are shrewder than the children of light (Luke 16:8).


I think there are spiritual problems but I have pmdd and it causes things like extreme suicidal ideation along with other extreme feelings and mood swings. Basically women with PMDDs brain receptors are extremely sensitive to normal hormonal changes and if you have a hormonal imbalance its worse.

It's not even technically a mental health disorder but an endocrinological one i think but if I was only seeking help in a church I would have never have understood what was going on or gotten proper help with it.


I think Satan has had an absolute blast with all the harm J Mac and his pals have caused women and children in the name of God.


its insane how many pastors-authors and teachers worship john mac,


And yet his counselors tell women to stay in abusive situations becUse it is their God given "mission"
Dr. Scott


My father is a clinical psychologist, a member of the board that certifies the license of those who practice psychology professionally in my country, and also a pastor. He has told me countless stories of the damage caused on people by some who affirm what JMcA is saying there. Some of the stories are very grim.


As a former.ACBC certified counselor, I could write a book about the collateral damage done by the doctrines of Jay Adams whom JMAC embraced 50 years ago.

I agree that some psychological theories are errant (I was a psych major with my B.S. and finished anumber of Master's level classes). However, the denial of trained psychologists having the common grace to help others is simply wrong.
Ken Nally who was counseled at GCC with "biblical counseling" ala "Adams / MacArthur style" committed suicide in 1979 under "biblical counselor's" care.

There are countless others like me who ended up in profound despair under the guidance of supposed biblical counselors. JMAC's approved counseling has always been deadly....


Yes whenever it's anything to do with the human brain and mental health the solution is always a spiritual answer. If you seek medical treatment by the medical community of psychology and psychiatry it is automatically labeled demonic, but this is never the case when you have a problem physical problem and need to see an ENT, a gastroenterologist, an orthopedic specialist that's ok. if the body has a problem go see the specialist that's fine but if your brain's having a problem you can only seek a spiritual answer.


John Macarthur is a nestorian so I'll just assume everything in this book is false


God uses any means possible to teach the world the truth. There’s a difference between conceivable truth and fundamental truth. Since we are in times where science is a favourable discipline to find conceivable truth, psychology is the easiest way to teach atheists and misguided people the ACTUAL truth underlying all of reality…


Spiritual Warfare needs to be dealt with the way Jesus taught us right from THE WORD. We have got to STOP 🛑 turning to the worlds ways to help what God has already given us the answers for 👀 Deliverance ministry is Jesus ministry. Period. Now, of course there's some terrible worldly deliverance ministries or healing ministries false prophets and's just another form of Satan's COUNTERFEIT version. Wow, Sir Johnny Boy is right 😉 God bless him I mean no harm in Jesus name.


Some of it is, sure, but not all of mental health can be placed in the category of spiritual. We do have a fleshly brain, after all
