What is Space-Time? | Wondrium Perspectives

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Do you ever wish time would just slow down a bit? Maybe to spend more time on hobbies, or with family, or just to enjoy your morning coffee. Well you’re in luck—all you need is to travel close to the speed of light and time dilation will take care of the rest!
Well, sort of...
In this episode Perspectives, three experts discuss the philosophy and science of space and time, and how they unify into what we call “space-time.”
Clips in this video are from the following series on Wondrium:

The Great Questions of Philosophy and Physics, presented by Steven Gimbel

The Theory of Everything: The Quest to Explain All Reality, presented by Don Lincoln

Great Heroes and Discoveries of Astronomy, presented by Emily Levesque

Redefining Reality: The Intellectual Implications of Modern Science, presented by Steven Gimbel
00:00 Intro
00:43 Einstein versus Newton
04:40 Einstein Unifies Space and Time
07:58 Space-Time and Gravity
Wondrium Perspectives is hosted by Rich Bernett.
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This is an explanation for what space time does, not what it is. There’s a big difference


Good work... Continue your work. They are treasure.


Just some people talking about Newton and the new ideas of Einstein. What is this, 1995? And Don from Fermilab randomly stating we move through time at the speed of light, as if that explains everything. When a second passes, am I moving 300k km? That could have used some explanation. How spacetime works maybe, but def not the "what is spacetime". Was hoping for a bit more on a new video from a big channel on this subject.


The Electro-static (ES) and Electro-gravitic (EG) model explains and clarifies the whole topic of space-time, gravity, gravity forces, fields, and waves.

There are 3 matter space-time fabrics and 3 Aether space-time fabrics.
Electrons and Positrons at the top 5 energy levels create their own fabrics. Gravitons at each of these levels are such objects, with forces, fields, and waves making up these space-time fabrics of lesser and greater energy levels and size of meshing.

In all 6 energy levels there are the 3 matter tensor bosons and 3 Aether tensor bosinos. They have the dual properties of the electrical force and gravitational force. In modern words they are the AC (Tesla) and DC (Edison) talked about as the cosmic dual energy ADC. What they are saying is that these tensors have dual properties, ADC, and they are the cosmic tension holding forces between all of these space-time fabrics, and their wave meshes.

As such, tensor bosons and bosinos, with their gravitational force, hold the space-time fabric gravity objects (forces, fields, and waves) together, while their dual property of the electrical force keeps them apart. As such Hubble tension, Einstein tension, cosmic tension is held in check against run-away cosmic expansion, or cosmic contraction and collapse.

The tensor bosons and bosinos are known in other regions as Birkeland currents, Be'nards Convection in the stellar engine photosphere, and the inter-sphere SPICULES between the stellar engine photosphere and chromosphere. Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are actual Birkeland currents, or these massive tensor boson segments detaching from their stars and hurtling out into space, impacting other planets and moons.

The 6 levels of space-time fabrics are Tau, Muon, Electron, Small Electron, Electrino, and Graviton. Their meshes vary across the galactic arms, whereas near the galactic core where space-time fabrics are energy-intensive, they have majority Tau energy meshes and Tau tensor bosons (Higgs-1). Out where we live near the end of the galactic arm, we have a very weakened space-time fabric, mesh, and forces, the energy levels of the gravitons and electrinos are the majority of whispy space-time fabrics, mesh, and forces.

There is no singular "G" gravity as there are 6 energy levels, inclusive with the 6 tensor bosons and bosinos interacting with those fabrics.


Sorry folks, YT insists now that we either watch their own commercial content or buy a monthly YT subscription. I watch creators' commercial content, that's enough. And I've already reached my limit of paid media subscriptions. Thanks for all the truly great content. I'll miss it.


So, if I travel a lot, moving through space, I will reduce the amount of time that I have. Conversely if I sit in one spot I will maximize my time. Inactivity is the key to longevity.


Are you sitting down? 1. Occam's razor tells us that our relationship with sidereal time is simply the inverse of our speed through the galactic medium. This covers SR and GR.
2. The Twin Paradox makes sense only when you know what is relative in the absolute sense.
3. Horse feathers are curved, too.
Thanks for an interesting video!


6:15 So, if you add a line that say represents the spatial length of your spaceship, to the tip of the yellow motion vector arrow, you now have all that is required to derive the SR mathematical equations. Of course if the arrow of fixed length now is pointing across both space and time, then the line has also been rotated and thus less of the spaceship is extending across space, hence spatial length contraction, and the remainder of the spaceship extends across the dimension of time. This is why if you had clocks located at the front and rear of the spaceship, they would no longer be synchronized, and of course both clocks will be ticking slower than they were when the spaceships motion was previously motion across the time dimension only.


Space & time are 2 different entities. The only thing common b/w them is that both are affected by mass. Mass curves space & slows time. We can use spacetime in this context. Otherwise Space is a physical entity, whereas time does not have any physical existence, it is amergent entity arising from change. I think time represents relative motion b/w space motion & motion of objects in space. Space moves at light speed in all directions. Faster the speed of object, slower the relative motion & slower the time. Slower the speed of object faster the relative motion & faster the time. At light speed relative speed is zero & time is also zero. Time runs fastest for object at rest in free space. If an object somehow breaks light speed barrier, time will start increasing with increasing object speed till both reach infinity.


It appears that the universe started as something tiny and started to expand to what we can observe and detect today. It also appears that anything we can observe or detect is made from extremely tiny particles which interact and combine with each other based on some fundamental predetermined rules. We have identified quit a few of these extremely tiny particles and have identified quit a few of the rules these particles follow to interact and combine. Perhaps most of the particles and most of the rules but there probably are more.

We also discovered that anything that we can observe or detect is made from the same basic stuff and we call this stuff energy. We know this because we have figured out how to calculate a value or quantity of energy for anything that we can observe or detect. I think we can say the fabric of the universe is space time but we can also say that the fabric of the universe is energy time because we now know that space is not empty and is also some type of energy and we can calculate or at least estimate how much energy is in a given volume of space.

It also appears that after the universe started to expand, no more energy was added or removed as it continued to expand. We do not know what the rules were that determined the amount of energy in the universe nor what caused the energy in the universe to start expanding. The rules for how energy expands, transforms, interacts and combines cause energy to cycle from concentrated to diluted states. Although the cycles can be repeated almost an infinite number of times, there will be a time when they stop because as the cycles keep repeating, the total amount of energy in the universe keeps becoming more and more diluted. We call this rule entropy.

At some point in time, all the energy will become so diluted that it will not be able to cycle back into more concentrated states and we think this is when the universe ends. We still do not know the rules before the universe started to expand and we still do not know the rules after the universe ends and there are probably still many rules that we do not know about what causes the energy in the universe to cycle back and forth from concentrated to diluted states as it continues to expand and dilute.


Gravitational lensing only happens with matter PARTICLES as PHOTONS - being the 3 electron energy levels - Tau electron PHOTON, Muon electron PHOTON, and Electron PHOTON. They have full light speed velocity, escape velocity, and display "gravitational lensing" around greater gravitational objects.

Lesser energy Aether PARTICULATES as PHOTINOS - being the 3 lowest energy levels - Small electron PHOTINO, Electrino PHOTINO, and Graviton PHOTINO. They have (Einstein's variable light) multiple variable light speeds, corresponding to their different weaker energy levels, and less-than light speed escape velocity. They display "gravitational capture" around greater gravitational objects.

These are the truths of light PHOTONS with Angstrom light/particle physics ... and light PHOTINOS with Hertz frequency wave physics.


Carlo Rovelli in one of His book wrote: "Gravity IS space-time".


even if you went near a black hole to have more time, in your perspective time will still pass by as usual i think.


You correctly point out that moving away from a clock will make it appear to run slow. You should also note that moving toward the same clock will make it appear to run fast.


Just so we are clear, if you were to travel close to the speed of light, to an outside observer, your clock or your time will appear to run slower. However, you yourself will still experience time flowing normally and you would not get more time to spend with your family or hobbies. In fact, everyone else 'not' traveling close to the speed of light will appear to you to be moving at super speed. This means you do not get any extra time to enjoy with anyone or any hobby as everything else will pass by instantly doing the exact opposite of giving you more time to enjoy your coffee. You literally now have less time to enjoy your hobbies/company with family as you will be moving too slow wasting hours to years of time in the real world just taking your first sip of your coffee.


Maybe a Gravitational Wave hit earth is a possible explanation for Deja Vu(?)


The whole looking into different cameras and then not looking into them doesn't work at all. Just use one camera and let the man look into it alone. Simple and it works!


The story of the 1919 eclipse results is much simplified compared to the complex reality of how the data was gathered, the challenges of taking the eclipse photos, the interpretation of the photos themselves, the reporting of the results in newspapers, etc. The real story is more interesting and tells us more about how science actually works.


When you establish the obvious that the universe is infinite, and that the scale of matter is infinite from the macro to the micro all physics changes as we know it, and the big bang goes away like it should.


Since most other animals, or perhaps all other animals cannot comprehend such a theory, then is it valid to conclude that life as we understand it is a misconception? Most animals comprehend just the 3 dimensions as far as I know. My dog only understands the neighborhood and surrounding areas. Of course, my dog doesn't know that the earth, or the lands, are curved . If our understanding of life has thus far been a misconception, then does that mean people who are born and die actually have not? Then that person already existed before he she was born, and the person still exists after he physically dies? I hope so.
