The Multiverse, Science or Science Fiction? | Sean Carroll

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Anyone familiar with popular entertainment has surely heard about the multiverse theory—either in movies, TV shows, or sci-fi novels. In this video, Sean Carroll discusses the possibility that the big bang originated in a multiverse, giving rise to the arrow of time. But is this theory legitimate science or science fiction?

Presented by Sean Carroll

0:00 Is the Multiverse Hypothesis Valid?
4:56 Considering Hypothetical Universes
6:11 The Anthropic Principle
8:11 Understanding Vacuum Energy
10:17 Vacuum Energy Prediction
12:44 Inflation and Quantum Mechanics
15:55 Eternal Inflation and Pocket Universes
17:44 String Theory Explains Space-Time
21:16 Addressing Problems with Multiverse Hypothesis
23:11 Using Dark Matter to Make Predictions
24:00 Measure Problem with Multiverse
25:48 Why We Consider the Multiverse
27:21 Moving Forward with Multiverse Idea


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Sean is an extremely rare combination of a highly knowledgeable scientist in his field, and excellent at articulating it to laypeople. Very rare indeed and we are the beneficiaries. Thank Dr. Carroll!


This is one of the best summaries of the topic that I've seen


This set is is a Ron Burgundy line “I have many leather-bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany.” also lots of clocks. So many clocks 🤣 Joking aside, Sean Carroll rocks👍🏼


Sean Carroll, Brian Greene, Max Tegmark, Michio Kaku….we are a blessed generation to hear these outstanding human beings of absolute factual knowledge….


What I love about this clip is that every side of the topic is presented


Yeah, Sean Carroll... now I'm sorely tempted to subscribe.


Don't forget Asimov's 1st law of futurics: what has been happening will continue to happen. What has been happening? Constant revisions upward of the size of our universe and the numbers of stars and planets in it. The discovery of other universes would just be par for the course.


Love your great courses + app I have. One of the best subscriptions I’ve ever spent money on. Thank you for doing it.


I wish the date this was recorded was included in the description.


Every generation since the dawn of time has said to each other “look at how much we know and how stupid people used to be!” Maybe we have managed to understand a handful of sand on the beach of human understanding. There is so much more.


Incredible video by an incredible teacher. Subscribed today after PBS Space Time recommended Professor Carroll's series on Time. Definitely recommend


I've seen many of your videos, and, to the best of my knowledge, this is the first time I've heard you say unequivocally that the "multiverse" hypothesis is quite possibly not correct (as compared to should be, probably is, very well might be, etc.).
That's good to see/hear!


This one was amazing...great explanation.


Love the content, and especially that set... just priceless. I was expecting Alfred Hitchcock to come out at some point...


forget the multiverse, how many clocks does this guy have?


1:20 "… parable…" — too late but well done! You just debunked the
big bang gang. I'm with you.


Love Sean Carroll - For me The Multiverse is just an excuse for the dead end reached by fine tuning. If we are really in a multiverse, wouldn't it be concluded that that the Multiverse be itself in a multiverse. I'm happy with one universe with God living outside.


As a Christian, I’m often irked by scientists who parlay their specialized knowledge into an anti-Christian career(e.g. Dawkins, Krauss, Sagan, etc.). While Sean has wandered into the fray, I find him more genuine than the aforementioned.

Concerning this topic, I found Lee Smolin’s book “The Trouble with Physics: The Rise of String Theory, The Fall of Science, and What Comes Next” very illuminating.


Seems like there is some time dilation going on with the clocks in the studio.


I think that our priority should be surviving as a species and eventually we will understand the world around us and this is observable and measurable. The rodents we are descended from could only understand the world around it to a certain degree and as we evolved (survived) we began to understand the world around us. Over hundreds-of-millions of years evolution allowed our brains to develop and this happened without our consent or our conscious effort. I don't think we can find the answers we're looking for, a force greater than us will grow our understanding if only we can survive and this happened, we see it happened when we look into the past. Survival of the human species is the key to understanding the questions we have today. Write the questions down, record them in history, and spend most of your efforts making sure humans can live millions of years.
