16 Personalities Interacting with Their Introvert/Extrovert Type

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What is it like when an INFJ and ENFJ get together? How about an INTP and ENTP?

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The 16 Personalities of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator are INFJ, INTJ, INFP, ISFP, INTP, ISTP, ISFJ, ISTJ, ENFP, ENTP, ESTP, ESFP, ENTJ, ESTJ, ENFJ, ESFJ

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So here's the thing about the INFP/ENFP bit: as an INFP, if I had gone to such lengths as to *lie* to someone about why I couldn't hang out with them, being found out would simply kill me. I would simply pass away.


I love how the INTJ didn't know who was approaching him but he waited for ENTJ to finish his thought anyway 😆


I loved the INFJ/ENFJ skit, why actually have a conversation with someone when you can easily sense EVERYTHING that they're currently feeling?! 😅😉


That ENTP and INTP one has literally happened so often before. I've (INTP) shown my husband (ENTP) so many of my favorite games before, games that I've played for YEARS, and within 15 minutes he's beating me at them and crushing all my confidence and sense of self. The predictability of the world is gone. The patterns, shattered. Nothing make sense anymore.


I feel like INTJ and ENTJ relations vary between “we plan amazing things together” to “we disagree completely” and there’s no in between
-Fellow INTJ


0:01 ENTJ & INTJ
0:13 ISTP & ESTP
0:54 ENTP & INTP
1:26 ISFJ & ESFJ
1:54 ESFP & ISFP
2:19 ISTJ & ESTJ
2:34 ENFJ & INFJ
3:17 ENFP & INFP


Do a series where every personality describes one in particular:

16 Personalities describing INFP
16 Personalities describing ISTP
16 Personalities describing ENTJ
And so on.


I’m an INFJ and my twin sister an ENFJ - this is exactly how every conversation goes and it drives our family insane😂 haha


I have a twin sister. I am ENFJ and she's INFJ and I can never agree more about how this video was so accurate. That's exactly how our conversation goes and it doesn't end. I showed it to her and we were both laughing. She is 5 minutes older than me.


I'm an INFJ and having an ENFJ friend is totally heaven. The chemistry is on another level. We could go hours and hours talking about the topics we both love without any interruption because others can't relate to what we talk about 😂👍🏻 great minds sure think alike


I'm an INFP and my mom is an ENFP and we go on long distance hikes every morning. Our whole dynamic is basically
Me: "I'm gonna plan this route so we don't get lost"
Mom: "Sure. Now let's go this way."
Me: "Wow, it's beautiful over here- wait, where are we?"
Mom: "No idea. Hey look, dewdrops in a spider web!"


I think we need a "16 personalities and their toxic versions" like INFJ w/ toxic INFJ, ESTP w/ toxic ESTP etc.


I'm absolutely loving this counterpart series. Could you do thinking types with their feeling types next? Entj/enfj, infp/intp etc


My INFP friend won't lie to me if she doesn't feel like going out with me. She just tell me she doesn't want to go out, and that's ok n_n But we then set other day to meet up :3 Also, ENFP and INFP conversations are full of randomness and deepness. Or "randeepness" :3


I knew the first one would be ENTJ because he was planning a lot but too loud about it, and then the INTJ reaction killed me. 😆


The ENFJ-INFJ duo is literally me and one of my absolute best friends 🤩
We either talk for hours or just keep each other company without much talking at all


My closest cousins are an INFJ and an ENFJ. I myself am an INFJ and honestly these 2 are the most understanding human beings I've ever met. My boyfriend is an ISTJ and learning about the 16P has helped me understand why we are so different in how we deal with situations. The best thing is that we both want the same things. That is what has worked for us in the relationship for the most part. That and talking about anything and everything under the sun since the past 10 years of knowing one another and 5 years of dating one another hehehe


Yep, as an ENFJ, having an INFJ friend is free therapy for me and free therapy for them. It was so relatable that I was just laughing, holding my stomach. Also when I heard "I am sensing.." I was like "Yeah, that's NFJs, woahhhh"


I am ENTJ and my husband and best friend are both my introverted counterparts, INTJ. This is accurate. I am always the one coming up with these big ideas. They are both the logical geniuses who develop more precision plans for execution. My best friend and I had a secret love of writing. As soon as I discovered this I said "let's write a book together, publish it, sell thousands of copies." We wrote the book, she did all of our accounting, I did the marketing. We won an award for that book, went on to publish several more books. ENTJ and INTJ = perfect match.


I am an ENFJ and one time I was talking with another ENFJ, 10 minutes after meeting him I said "It's so nice that you're so confident, I know that you weren't always like this and it's been a struggle. You know what? Your future pain will make you a lot more mature and a lot happier." And he was like "Wait how did you know that I wasn't confident since recently?" And then he was like "Oh, I understand why you understand it" and I'm like "Yeah" and he's like "seriously I'm not lying, I can understand how you found it out it's like... Umm..." Me: "Hey I understand how you understand that I understand it" and he's like "yeah I understand how 😅😃"
