16 Personalities Through the Eyes of the INTJ

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#intj #mbti #16personalities #16types #myersbriggs
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ENFP was in the middle of doing the dishes (hence the spatula). In the middle of rinsing off the spatula, she finally figured out how to use the ice cream cups she was gifted and had no use for (because she scoops ice cream with a table spoon into a bowl and eats it that way) but felt sorry for whoever gave it to her so she tried to find use for them, and she had to tell the INTJ immediately because otherwise she’d forget, and that’s why she’s *still* holding the spatula (4th Si and 8th Se).


Please do this for all types! It'd be so fun!


This is hilarious, the last part was epic. With the horror movie type music playing in the background 🤣


In summary:
ESTP: Rebel without a cause
ENTJ: Horrifying nightmare of a person
ISFP: The Chillest
ESTJ: Shallow efficiency machine
INFJ: An enigma
INTP: Wasted potential
ESFJ: Nonstop gossip machine
ISTJ: The one type that gets it
INFP: Emotionally fragile Yes Man/Woman
ENTP: *Nihilism 100*
ENFP: *white noise*
ISFJ: Way too innocent, is hiding something
ESFP: My inner demon, the type I love to hate, but hate to love
ISTP: The type I secrectly want to be
INTJ: Pseudo-intellectual poser

But seriously though, great video. Would love to see this for other types :D


As an INTJ, this video was fantastic!

I unironically have an INFJ friend that I have the exact dynamic as portrayed in the video. She’s a good kind person, but my ability to understand her, her emotions, and why she feels them is… limited. This sometimes causes her to become frustrated with me. I try my best though.


I'm an INFP and my husband is an INTJ lol... I do know he tries extra hard to be sensitive with me, but I have come a long way in recognizing that his straightforward manner is just the way he is and he's never intentionally trying to hurt my feelings. We have both grown so much and just "get" each other now and have learned how to communicate with each other in an effective way. I truly believe we are a very compatible pairing once you figure out how the other person thinks. We are both extremely loyal and deeply passionate people. I love the way he views the world and his ability to problem solve is truly incredible to behold. He says he loves the way I brainstorm and how my ideas just grow and expand. He says it helps him when thinking through problems because I can give him more possibilities to contemplate which help him to make good decisions. We have the most interesting and random conversations about a vast variety of topics. I just love INTJs! My mom was one, too, and we got along really well. Drawing out an INTJ is such a fun challenge for me, but I feel like I get to see a secret side of them that they don't show to the world. I feel like INTJs are really misunderstood by a lot of people. Viewed as robots, but they really aren't. My sweet and amazing INTJ is my ride or die love of my life. I can't imagine life without him <3


I have an INTJ manager and I found this hillarious (without actually laughing out loud because I have no emotions) - ISTP



The ENFP is saying
"So you see this spatula? And these ice cream cups? I ALWAYS thought they used these to make fried ice cream. Like, you mix the ice cream up and just gallop it into one of the cups and put it in the oil, then just turn it round and round. I always wondered how the ice cream never melted."


Let's settle this: ENFP we are deep. Deep like shit. Deep like: I read this book and I've been thinking a whole week about what happened to the author and what he or she meant. So INTJ are really engaged to us because we are kind and empathetic (even with them) and we don't buy the hostile facade, we care about people but we are not stupid. We overthink and never share our thoughts, we play the charming and fun person because we want people to feel ok. Once an INTJ has seen your "dark version" he/she can't forget.


1:02 As an INFP, I would like to say: Dear INTJs, please do the exact opposite. I'm not offended that easily, but I hate it when people pretend to listen to/care about what I'm saying but don't really. If I trust you enough to share thoughts or feelings that actually matter to me, I've probably seen you being "offensive" before and don't care about it. Just be genuine. The worst thing you could say is something along the lines of "I don't care about any of that", in which case, I'll leave you alone about it and everybody wins.


My last boss was an ISTJ. As an INTJ, we got along so well. We both had an appreciation for efficient systems to the point where whenever it was slow, one of us would be queuing up the next step of whatever task needed to be done, so the whole process ran smoothly. Probably the best person I've worked with. Plus, whenever there was downtime, we were either having a good conversation or enjoying the silence.


The ENFP was singing while frying ice cream but then she remembered she forgot to get brussel sprouts for the ice cream at the same time she realized all the ice cream melted because oddly it's not designed for frying. So she decided to make pasta sauce out of it instead. She was explaining that to the INTJ on her way out to jog and dance to the store for brussel sprouts which she forgot she no longer needed because she's making something else now.


As an ENFJ with an INTJ best friend I feel personally called out.

I love how your ENFJ has that smirk and glare in her eye suggesting she fully knows the INTJ is going to be uncomfortable and what's she's doing, but her Fe and Ni is encouraging her to proceed with the torment because she knows it's best for the INTJ. Well done!


With the word "find, " the ISTP said her 1, 000th word in the Dear Kristin canon! Congratulations, ISTP! Here's to another 1, 000 by the time the ENTJ's crush starts her popcorn business (June 28, 2026 - and yes, I've saved that date in my phone).


INTJ here, and you got it absolutely down. Every single one. You definitely got into my brain but due to how impressive it was, I don't mind! Also, you made my ISFP girlfriend happy, because it's true--she _is_ the only person with a calming effect on me. lol


My dad's INTJ. I think he thinks of a wider variety of solutions more quickly, so naturally something he proposes to fix a problem will work. I'm a bit more careful about accurately diagnosing problems and taking the time to fix them so that they won't have to be fixed again. He's also much more patient with people than I am.


Oh my goodness, as an ISTJ mom with teenage twins (he's an INTJ, she's an INFJ), this was SO spot-on, all the way around. He makes her crazy, but she's always been able to mess with his mind, like no one else. Keep me in your thoughts...😬


You outdid yourself Kristin. This video's idea is simply genius. Can't wait for the other 15.
Yeah, that's exactly how I see ESTJs. And of course I deeply admire ISTPs. Who wouldn't?

Edit: OMG the ESFJ's skit with the alternative subtitles is brilliant.


00:00 ESTP
00:08 ENTJ
00:14 ISFP
00:22 ESTJ
00:27 INFJ
00:38 INTP
00:49 ESFJ
00:55 ISTJ
01:02 INFP
01:10 ENTP
01:20 ENFP
01:25 ISFJ
01:35 ESFP
01:49 ISTP
02:01 INTJ
02:06 ENFJ
Enjoy 🤍✨


as an INTP with INTJ best friend I can say I can literally hear her saying exactly these about other types!

do an INTP one😂😍
