How word of mouth really works | Chris Cowan | TEDxLondonBusinessSchool

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A far cry from the overused buzzwords they have become, Chris promotes ‘segmentation’ and ‘advocacy’ as ideas that must be delivered with simplicity in order to positively impact the way a business goes to market. He takes us back to one of the purest ways of delivering ideas, word of mouth, and explains how it really works.

Chris Cowan once followed the typical path of a successful marketeer: Unilever, Duracell Batteries, Disney. He then decided to start over and set up Clusters, a market research agency, which was built on his passionate belief that evidence-based targeting is a prerequisite for great marketing.

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Thank you so much Sir, it was so informative


I have a true problem, i am a professional paratransit operator.
The customers have had bad service for so long, i really don't know if it is reversible....word of mouth....these customers have to see it for themselves!!!


The second he said he watched television I realised he wasn't worth listening to.
