How to Get Word of Mouth Recommendations

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We all know word of mouth is one of the most powerful marketing strategies you can have to grow and scale your business, but hardly anyone talks about HOW to get word of mouth marketing on your side. That's what I'm going to share with you in this video.

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This was great, Pat. Here's what I learned:

1:00: Give people a (positive) reason to share your work
2:47: Quick (or big) win
3:33: Feature your community members
5:30: Ask them to share
6:20: One example is a 30-day challenge that could encourage people to invite others to do it with them
7:18: Incentivize them to share (e.g., coupon code, early access)
7:49: Default to generosity, law of reciprocity


I totally love word of mouth. It is the easiest way to get customers. It like free marketing, it's awesome! I have students and clients that have known me thru word of mouth and it is so flattering to know that the people loved and appreciate your efforts. Great content, Pat!


This video came out 2 days after I was able to use word of mouth to get a subscriber to my YouTube channel and possibly a business partner in the future! That is awesome!! Thank you Pat!


Thanks again Pat, this REALLY convicted me!! When I first started my business, I would always ask for Testimonials and offer incentives for Referrals to grow my business. I hate to admit that I have let this practice fall to the wayside. I'm going to reinstate this in my business again ... IMMEDIATELY! 👍


Hey Pat! Thanks for the video. I love Jay Baer and have both of the books you mentioned too. They say that word of mouth is the best way to grow a podcast -- which is something you are a pro at doing. Bravo 🙌🏾


I am a german hairdresser and over the last 2 month I earned 15 new Google reviews and 55 new Treatwell reviews just by asking my clients to help me out a little bit by reviewing. I provide a lot of value for my clients by actually caring about them and helping them with their hair and as a coach also with their personality. They were glad to make those reviews.


Speaking of word of mouth. I've been following a lot of big income bloggers and a lot of them have mentioned you as someone to follow. Great content man.


Weird thing, i clicked on your video to watch, then i reached an episode of an interview you did with an online magazine (I am working on their whole Youtube ID Branding) that i am working to solidify their YouTube thumbnail image. Good content Pat like always!


Awsome advice, I really need to see what value I can add for my customers to get them talking


Pat, great topic and info! My passion is recognizing good customer service and good hardworking people. I'm glad that topics like this are brought up. In a way it kinda relates to what I do. Thank you for all the great info!


Hey Pat. I'm just going to release first public beta version of my application to track family finances, but I wouldn't even think about creating a user group on facebook to share experiences and ideas of improvements!. So thanks for a great idea. It's simple, but not obvious! Great video! Best regards!


As always, you’ve got me thinking. Thanks, Pat.


Awesome video, as usual! Thanks. Keep up the good work, friend.


Thanks for a great video and confirming what I have just pondered the other day. It has also given me some ideas about being a bit more proactive in encouraging the recommendation. I'm a great believer in word of mouth marketing. Marketing costs time and money, whatever method you use. Why not invest it into over-delivering your service or product instead? I've made a few free websites for friends and family and got two paying websites as a result of word of mouth before I even set myself up as a web designer. A friend, also a web designer, is also kept busy with word of mouth work because his clients are happy and recommend him. He could have spent a lot of time tweaking his SEO, paid a small fortune to FB or Google, but instead he spends that time creating better websites. Win-win.


Great Vid Pat! I'm going to help people.


Thanks for your (as always) great tips, we gonna build some periodic contests between our community and applause our winners out loud, so giving them a reason to share their success with their community :)


Jay Baer in your podcast.... come on worth listening


I think the 30 days challenge is helpful to engage people to your product !!


Thanks Pat
How do you get clients to share when the service is therapeutic? I can't share my best case stories due to confidentiality.
This has had me stumped for years.

As to what I will do to encourage others to share my work, I am toying with asking people to wear a T-shirt of mine or share my website and receive a coupon voucher to my online store with potential to win a T-shirt. I like the idea of a 30 day challenge but not yet sure what to do.

To answer sharing your work, I already DO on my blog and in emails. Thanks so much for all your do, I have learned a fortune from you.


Thank you so much!! I will ask someone or I will provide more value
