Keto diet improved mental illness

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A new study reports a ketogenic diet can significantly improve depression, bipolar, and schizoaffective disorders. More evidence continues to accumulate showing the potential use of ketogenic diets in various mental health conditions. It's time to take this seriously. Ongoing research will soon provide even more data to support if keto diets should be a standard treatment option.

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I suffered from anxiety for years and nothing calmed my brain more than the ketogenic diet! It even got me through the pandemic lockdown because I had the energy to learn new and exciting things. I have since transitioned to low carb diet (under 50-60 grams), but I will never go back to eating sugar or processed foods.


I used to get mad about everything!!
After being on keto for 6 months, I don’t have anger problems
It works guys!!!!


Ketones + neurological stuff = improvements (as a general rule). Seizures, mental illness, migraines, neuropathic pain, chronic pain, dementia ... Your wider nervous system THRIVES on ketones. So do lots of other tissues. As a med student in the 1970s, I was taught that ketones were the preferred fuel for brain, heart and (most of) kidney. How did the message get so screwed up?


I'm diagnosed bipolar II, but had far more depression, mild paranoia, irritability, and anxiety than I did mania. I went keto for 7 months and all of those improved. However, I then went carnivore (a year in August) and my symptoms all but vanished. No paranoia, depression, and seldom anxiety and irritability, and then only if there's an actual reason or I've eaten off plan. So if you're keto and still not seeing full improvement you might try carnivore.


People and their families struggling with serious mental illness go through hell on earth. What a miracle this could be if compliance could be obtained. Thank you for shedding light on this subject.


I lost a close family member, age 31, to mental illness 6 years ago. I only wish this type of nutritional intervention was used to help at the time. The standard interventions made it


I'm still adjusting to the massive amount of energy I have from 7 weeks of keto and intermittent fasting, but my depression is GONE. The jury is still out on my anxiety, but I feel I have more control over my thoughts now. Trying not to annoy everyone talking about the keto cult I've joined, but it's hard not to when there are so many benefits.


Going keto to lose weight had the amazing side effect of greatly reducing clinical depression. I’m forever grateful and keep my carbs lower, especially sugar carbs.


Keto then carnivore sure helped me after a concussion.. After 5 accidents and left with concussion each time, this last 1 had me very very anxious.. Not belly breathing, not able to meditate, headaches etc.. Now I'm just about back to normal. Comparing keto then carnivore to when I was eating healthy foods but a few carbs, I healed much faster, these last 2 concussions.. My brain unscrambled.. I can even beat my hubby with maths sometimes.. Which for me is big.. Cross fingers I'll not have any more.. Lol.. Thank you for all your work..


My 9-1/2 year old son developed PANS at age 3 deteriorated to nonverbal and then diagnosed Autism. When he got covid the first time became wildly aggressive, anxious, with OCD like behaviors. Then the 2nd Covid exposure had a break of Mania wildly aggressive, and first time absence seizure. His most recent blood work is borderline metabolic abnormality.

I can’t find a doctor willing to work with him. But, I am going to give it a go. I know there has to a metabolic problem in the brain as every major sickness deteriorates his condition more. Thank you all for providing a possible path to health. ❤


My daughter is 31 and has been schizoaffective since she was 17. This illness has robbed her of her adult life. She has spent most of the last 3 years in mental healthcare facilities where she would eat what they made but they do alter what they serve for health or religious purposes. She asked to be put on a ketogenic diet and they refused, or rather, the dietitian refused. Hopefully when she gets on her own she can try it.


I've had keto take my depression down from a 8-9 to a 1-2 for the last 10 years.
The last piece of the puzzle was a super high absorption B complex.


Not only does the ketogenic diet help mental disorders but it also helps chronic pain as well.
It seems we were all taught from a young age that carbohydrates should make up the majority of our dietary consumption (remember that food pyramid?) and many decades ago sugar companies paid for a whole lotta studies to prove that they were okay and that fat was the bad thing? and notice how people's health has deteriorated because of this?
Think outside the box here. It's intentionally this way.


My mood dips in depression got better and my anxiety lowered within a few days of starting keto


I can confirm with confidence that the keto diet is an excellent mood stabiliser. Tested it twice on myself. I’m more calm, positive. relaxed, and not anxious.


That's fascinating! I have been doing a low carb diet for a while and I didn't know about keto. Then I heard about it and everything makes sense to me. I am in my healthiest moment of my life.


Just eat beef and fish. No more depression. No more anxiety.


I am diagnosed with Bi-Polar2, dual diagnoses of substance abuse, and many attemps on my own life. To keep it short, KETO has 100% improved my symptoms. I have not reduced my meds because I am scared, but anything that will help my meds is a welcome in my book. Maybe one day I will reduce.


Excellent continuing news on this very important topic! i definitely believe there is a role for a low/very low/ketogenic diet in the treatment of mental illness! Thanks so much to all involved in research and education on this 👍🏻


Also lots of medications maybe cause insulin resistance or increased blood sugar levels. So like with ADHD where you might have to take the stimulant meds chronically, having the medication side effects and a poor diet is probably a pretty big contributing factor to why so many more people with ADHD go on to develop T-2 diabetes.
I couldn’t hold down a job without my ADHD medication but a ketogenic diet is perhaps EVEN more important for someone like me than for a neurotypical person who doesn’t take medication.
