How Much Longer Will You Wait to Quit Smoking?

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Whether you are thinking about quitting, you’re ready to quit, or just working to stay quit, we can help. The Arizona Smokers' Helpline (ASHLine) provides free services in both English and Spanish. Our quit coaches are real people located right here in Arizona. Most of them are former tobacco users so they've "been there" and understand how hard it is to quit and stay quit.

In addition to our free telephone-based coaching services, you can also use WebQuit. Create an account, work through activities, set goals, and monitor your progress from your own computer. WebQuit is available whenever you need support – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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I saw this ad like 2 years ago when I was on a trip to the grandcanon still remember it


I became horribly depressed in my late teens and through my early, mid, and even somewhat into my late 20's and early 30's. I use to be a health nut and really into healthy eating/exercising and hated cigarettes, but the fact that cigarettes kill people is kind of what sold me on them. These days I'm 80lbs over weight, I smoke and drink heavily all in the goal to hasten my demise. Yesterday I got drunk, smoked half a pack of menthol cigarettes with a menthol ball, and ate 7/8's of a large Little Caesars pizza for my "dinner" (mom had 1 slice). I think it was realizing that I will never, under any circumstances, ever, find a significant other, that made me start smoking, at least in a way.


Ciggarete to machine to cardiovascular surgery


Wow, now these kind of commercials fit in the top 20 disturbing anti-smoking psa commercials; the commercial with the guy ending up in a body bag really creeped me out.
