The NEW BEST SOLO CARRY CHAMPIONS on PATCH 14.14 - League of Legends

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As someone who play none of these champs; I learned that I just need to play Janna or Lulu to counter every single of of these


I'm a french speaker and hearing them pronounce "coup de grâce" > "coup de gras" (literally stroke of fat) cracked me up xD


Cant wait for those firsttime leblanc support players as my duo 😊


The future of LoL is Nami Top. Natural counter of no-hands top champs. A single bubble and I deleted a Morde.


You need to mention on udyr that most, if not all Udyrs start level 1 with Q. Unless you're doing something weird like starting raptors or wolves


Eyeball collection is outdated. dmg when feared performs better.
same for Hexblade. skip it and go straight into cleaver second. from there you have your situational items like frozen heart, rookern and so on...

however. if you are lowelo, it doesnt matter much. you can go full lethality or crit if you know and understand how to play noc, when to engage and when not. in higher elo you will focus more on surviving after you R into teamfights since you have literally no escape.


I have watched so many courses, according to your calculation I should be challenger by now


I'm an otp Sett in low elo (High Silver / Low Gold), and the champs I'm having the most trouble with are Warwick, Vayne, a good Volibear or a good Fiora, but especially Malphite and Poppy. Teemo can be painful too...
Because I'm a low elo player, maybe I'm just doing some things wrong against some of these picks, and I'm willing to learn. So if any good Sett main have tips to give me, you're more than welcome.

Right now I'm perma banning Malphite because I'm just not able to deal with it. He just perma pokes me with his Q, stealing my MS so I'm not able to gap-close him or run away from him. If I do succeed to gap-close him, he slows down my AS, so he wins the trade. And his R can be used either way to run away if I somehow manage to win the fight, or to just finish me if I'm low enough from his poke.
But same problem with Poppy, she gives me a heck of a hard time. Seems to out-damage and out-tank me somehow. Her boosted auto at range is a pain. And if I win the trade, she just yeet me.
For Vayne and Teemo, I don't think I have a lot to explain. They're range, I'm full melee, and as a low elo, I just don't know how to properly deal with them (Even with FleetFootWork)
A good Fiora that dodges my W and parry my E is almost unplayable (At least for a player like me). Fortunately I rarely see this in low elo.
For Volibear and Warwick, it's just too much sustain. I can deal with a Volibear that don't do the trades correctly. But for Warwick I just don't get it. If I all-in, he just out-sustain all the damages I can do to him, and if I try small trades, he just sustain on minions and I did a trade for nothing. I'm just having the impression that I just have to play as passively as possible and wait.

And again, I'm fully self-aware that I'm a low elo player, and that I probably do some things wrong, or even completely don't understand how to lane against some opponents. So I would be more than happy to have some advices from a good Sett main. It's my favorite champ ever and I just want to get better on him.


As a voli main the most fun thing about him is the ability to outplay the enemy hard. Going from running to a 180 kill feels amazing. The current build just makes it better then ever before. Only negative is that the early levels are weaker than an AP bruiser build unless you can rush the blasting wand.


If the enemy isn't that squishy go conqueror on naafiri since the dogs also proc it. Ult + W straight up procs it instantly so many shield yoo. First strike and electrocute are alright but I don't see people run arcane comet unless it's a rare matchup


Why would you not build ravenous hydra on Warwick first item?


I feel like I simply cannot carry these games lol. Getting a constant spree of 1 lane getting several kills before I can even hit level 6 on fiddle, which is snowballing into other lanes. Top lane I like to play Sion or Voli. I do want to genuinely learn how I can better carry the team, but I just cannot catch the weaknesses in my recent ranked games


Shyvana is the best jungler in the game for solo queue. Especially when you can build bork, kraken slayer & then AP for a hybrid tank shredding build against Mundo players.


I don't know if Dan reads the comments, but it was a pleasant surprise to hear him out of nowhere when playing Zenless Zone Zero


I went Miss Fortune to gold, played Caitlyn back to bronze. Can I get my money back? Just kiddin skillcapped I lov ya.


Personal tip: play nasus mid (ad) against naafiri…the big dog kills the small dog!


Do you all have the support LeBlanc guide on your site?


How is lux a better solo carry than tristana in mid lane right now?


Bad thing about jana and lulu. If your team is bad then all ur buffs and slows dont matter. Play assasins and snowball.


This is basically the exact same like it was for the past 4 weeks - except the lb supp pick..
