Why you can't finish more songs (and what you can do to change this)

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DAW (Music making software): Logic Pro and Ableton Live
Studio monitors (speakers): Yamaha HS8's
Headphones: Audeze LCD X (open back)
Camera: Canon 80d
Computer: Mac Studio with M2 Ultra chip and 2 TB hardrive
Midi controller (keyboard): Komplete Kontrol 61
Interface: Scarlett Clarett 2 pre
Desk: a cheap one from ikea
Chair: also a cheap one from ikea

My favorite plugins that I use the most:
XFER Serum
Sylenth 1
Nexus 3
RC 20
Valhalla Shimmer
Valhalla Vintage Verb
Shaperbox 3
Fab Filter Saturn 2
Fab Filter Pro C 2
Arturia Pigments
Baby Audio Comeback Kid
Output Thermal and Portal
LABS Soft Piano

Hardware that I use behind the scenes but not in videos:
Elektron Octatrack (my fav)
Elektron Digitakt
Korg Minilogue XD
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Your EDM bootcamp changed my life.. I have over 400K streams on the song I made during it. Reference tracking is my favorite tip from you. Made music fun again!


I'm a 42 year old man coming from a very musical family, and were introduced to music and instruments at a early age and was told I had a great talent for music. I've been so frustrated my entire life for not having "patience" and tenacity to continue practicing and become good at it, despite encouragement and praise for being talented, my brain just got utterly bored after a certain point.
In resent years I learned my struggles comes from undiagnosed ADHD, and learning about that was like finding the content of my user manual I've been lacking my entire life.

I recently stumbled on to your channel and you really inspired me to learn music production, and that just hit the tone for me. I just cant get enough of it, and despite being "old" I think I've found a new path in my life I definitely want to pursue.

I really love your uplifting tone, your ability to motivate and explaining things in a clear and understandable way. Not sure if you've taken courses for it, but you have great pedagogical skills, inspiring me for a deep dive into the field.

So thanks for all your excellent work and content!

Not sure if you're ever going to read this, but if you do, do you have a tip for a starter course learning music production in a systematic manner? I've seen you offer your bootcamp, but doubt I'm eligible for that with my limited experience.


This is the only Producer that keeps us going...no matter what❤❤❤


I haven’t finished one single song during my 7 years of music production…Can you imagine how frustrating it is?:(


Don’t focus too much on the end goal!! That is so true. Focusing on the outcome kills the creativity.


#3 helped me out a lot. I'll take a song that sounds similar to something I want to make and basically do a cover of the song and try to get it as close as possible to the original, then I start changing melodies and instruments and the structure to turn it into my own song


I love writing music, and you are definitely one of the main people who I have been inspired from!🙂


I have stopped producing, lost my spark due to responsibilities but i always want to make music till my last breath. Watching your videos gives me spark each time. And i hope one day going 20% each day I would reach a 100%. Lot's of love to you Mr. Alex you are the best music producer teachers out there.


You are a wonderful teacher. If I hear one more lesson that I’ve already been trying to teach myself, I might just have to pay for your class.


And yep, that's me with +50 projects with no resolution


True bro! It’s most important thing. Like, when someone song inspired you just follow you favorite artist to make you own! Simple. Boom!


my guy, just out here dropping a video that solves every single one of my production issues at the moment. much thanks sir


Reference tracks are by far the best thing to use as a guideline


Reference tracking is a great tool indeed.
Just imagine, when Mozart wanted to do a symphony, he knew exactly what pieces he needed to put one together. "Only" had to come up with some good melodies and then he followed the structure and voilá, a new piece was done.
We can do the same following a track that is popular or fits our taste.


I learned by myself: If I can't finish the song is because the song isn't good enough. So I start another one. I like to start with random inspiration. I stopped being perfectionist. If you listen carefully to old songs and hits like Beatles, you can 'understand' they found the perfection not doing perfect songs, Today we keep fighting for the best sound, but why? Some songs sounds "powerful", but souless. Too perfect, too mastered. And ephemeral.


What you’re describing regarding your formula of creation and completion; Silent Planet is a prime example! They’ll leave you guessing the whole album but what they write is unmistakably THEM ❤


Thank Alex, I went on YouTube tonight as I was stuck on a song for days now, and the funny thing is your video showed up, perfect timing. I'll try your tricks and let you know how it went. Love your channel btw!


Thank to reason #1 I have been more productive in the last 30minutes before teaching my Uni lecture then I have been in the last week of mostly holiday, thank you so much, you are a treasure.


Whenever I give up on a formerly-promising new track because I find it too hard to finish, I congratulate myself on my dedication to practice 😆

Point taken, though: genuine practice may be less bounded and take you further beyond your usual comfort zone than when you're trying to achieve a particular aim. As long as you keep in mind that it's important to experiment and do things you perhaps haven't tried before.


Thanks pal. I thought I was the only one going through this pesky cycle. But you absolutely make sense! Cheers!.
