What's the Best Tower in Kingdom Rush Origins?

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I'm back. Here's my ranking of the 8 fully upgraded towers in the Kingdom Rush Origins.

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The Arcane Archers are for taking down the magic resistances so afterwards the wild magi can kill everything in seconds.


Forest keepers should be seen as a non barrack tower. See them as a mage or archery tower instead, but with the Frontiers' mech's movement. In exchange for obviously being killable, they can stay in the back while bladesingers do the blocking, then they deal damage which ignores all protections and they can mildly slow approaching enemies. If the enemies get past, they engage them phisically, but that is the last resort.


Arcane Archers is the best tower in my opinion. It's very useful tower . It can reduce magic resistance, have a high speed attack, have a good skill and the best part is it's not expensive compare to the other towers so you can build this tower easily .


not sure if you know this or not but ether way i am surprised these were not mentioned in the video:

wild magnus does more damage with each successive hit on the same enemy
arcane archers reduce magic resistance with each hit
golden long bows attack faster the closer the enemies are


I disagree with all the placements except for the arch druid henge
It's your opinion so I respect it
Here are my placements
8) High Elven Mage - this tower has few big problems, first it's attacks are bad because it divide their damage between three targets and that reduces their killpower when there are multiple enemies nearby. Splitting your damage between targets isn't good, because each target gets to live much longer this way and use their dangerous abilities. This is very dangerous in Origins, since Twilight Scourgers, Avengers, Evokers, Fungus Breeder, Heretics and Dark Splitters in particular have very dangerous abilities and leaving them alive for longer just doesn't result in any good. Second their dps is low compared to Wild Magus when they don't have arcane sentinels.They are poor choices against smarms of enemies and outclassed in single targets. Third the timelapse can literally screw you at wrong time because
it can wastes you lighting and also any type of effect on enemies like hunters mark, even instakill and the silencing ability of wild Magus etc literally gets
cancelled if timelapse is used on those enemies and enemies don't take any damage from any damage from the tower, heroes, reinforcement and lighting except for the damage in the ball, they can be useful sometimes.The arcane sentinels are good because they increase the dps of the tower and the sentinels have really large range. This tower is so underwhelming.
High Elven Mage is the worst tower in Origins
7)Arch druid henge - this has few small problems.First the abilities are so expensive and are almost useless because the curse randomly choses a enemies not the enemy nearest to the exit so it loses its potential because all towers attacks the enemy who is closest to the exit and The Runed Bears are so expensive and they are pathetic and they have pathetic stats, they have 250 health and low Armor with heal rate of 25 and respawn time of 20s which is pathetic for the price you are paying, with that money you could have get bladesingers, forest keepers, even level 3 barracks instead of this pathetic bears. The good thing about this tower is it's basic attacks which deals true damage (after the heavy load upgrade of artillery) and it can also store three rocks.this is kind of underwhelming but it is not as underwhelming as high Elven Mage.
6) Wierdwood - Not lie artillery is kinda nerfed in Origins but this is pretty solid tower. But it some issues, first it's abilities
are expensive especially fiery nut but are useful not like arch druid henge 's abilities. Fiery nut deals very good amount of damage but it's too expensive (almost a thousand gold to fully ungrade it).Clobber is really good for crowds, also it is not very expensive but it is map dependent, it is like DWRAAP but frontiers had many good placements for DWRAAP but origins doesn't have much placements for Clobber. Artillery in origins are by my least used towers because what can artillery do, bladesingers and forest keepers do it better.But still a good tower in my opinion . Actually Artillery is not very useful in Origins.
5) Golden Longbow - Yeah Archers in origins are OP because of the upgrades of archers
This tower is a good but there are very few issues, first the instakill is very expensive and the chance is only 9% or 9.9% with Elven training upgrade of archers and its kind of unreliable but can be useful if your lucky (Pray to RNGJesus).
Second, this tower misses a lot because of slow projectile speed .
The hunters mark is good for killing strong enemies like golems, Heretics and champions.The thing that makes this
tower good is the upgrades of archers in Origins especially obsidian heads and blood letting shot.the obsidian heads makes archers to do max damage to unarmoured enemiy which is very good
Since this tower max deals 63 physical damage so it is effective against unarmoured enemies as there are more magic resistance in comparison to armoured enemies.The thing that makes archers So powerful is the blood letting shot I love this upgrade, this upgrade makes archers to make enemies bleed and it deals true damage and golden Longbow deals the highest bleed damage and the best part is that this bleeding is literally stackable and every archers can cause and stack this bleeding which is so Overpowered even armoured enemies takes so much damage because it is true damage (True damage ignored any type of resistance).
4) Wild Magus - This is a good mage tower.This tower attacks very fast and the damage increases if the tower is continuously attacking the same enemy.
The instakill is useful as it deal area damage if the target is instakilled but it has a long cooldown(28 seconds) and it interrupts the damage increase of wild Magus.
The silencing ability is useful since they are many enemies that have dangerous abilities like Heretics, Scourgers, Avengers, Evokers and many more . The main issue is the interruption of damage increase as both abilities and the last upgrade of mages interrupts the damage increase . As level 1-3 mages and high Elven Mage divides their damage between man targets, wild Magus is very good for killing armoured enemies.
3) Forest keepers - Yeah barracks and archers are op in Origins.This tower is very good but there are two issues, first they come in only 2 so they stalling power is worse than their counterpart.
Second, even with 300 hp and 10%, they have a bit bad durability, so try to not to send them strong hard hitting enemies ( actually try to not to send them in melee if not necessary, so try to keep them in ranged they are better in ranged)
Circle of Life gives regeneration to forest keepers and nearby allies which useful but they only use circle of life if forest keepers are under 50% health . Eerie gardener is a crowd control ability which kind of increases the crowd control of forest keepers. The ability that makes forest keepers forest keepers is ancient oak spear, with this ability forest keepers hits like a truck, 160 true damage is insane powerful.Two forest keepers can deal 320 true damage every 3.1 seconds.
They are the 2nd best barracks in the series in my opinion even they are a bit fragile, their raw power makes them the 2nd barracks in the series.
2) Bladesingers Hall- This barracks tower is very good.They have good durability . Perfect Parry is amazing ability that increases the survivability of bladesingers and also deals true damage, in my opinion perfect parry is the best ability of the bladesingers.
Blade of Demise is kind of useful because bladesingers have a bit low dps and this ability increases the dps of bladesingers.
Blade Dance is a amazing crowd control ability which is so good against crowds.The 3 Bladesingers deals 480-672 true damage with Blade dance(fully upgraded)
They are the best barracks in the series in my opinion.They are better than forest keepers because they come in 3, they have better stalling power, they have better durability and they can also tank strong hard hitting enemies and even bosses.
1)Arcane Archers - The passive ability of reduces magic resistance of arcane archers is very useful in Origins because they are more magic resistance enemies then armoured enemies.Burst arrows is very ability for crowd control because first they reduce magic resistance and then they deal 240 magic area damage . Sleep arrow is good because it makes a single enemy sleep for 4 seconds.
As I have already said the upgrades of archers in Origins are op which makes archers op even without upgrades this tower is good. As Arcane Archers attacks fast, so they can easily stack the bleeding.
In my opinion, Arcane Archers is the best tower in Kingdom rush Origins (I think it's better than rangers hideout and crossbow fort)
Archers and Barracks are OP in Origins
Mages and Artillery are less useful in Origins than the previous two games.

Thank you


You are wrong about almost every tower, though I respect your opinion.
1.Wild Magus does A LOT of damage - probably you did not know, but he stacks it. After 14 second he will deal about 34 - 42 damage every 0.3 seconds! That is WAY more than HEM, which is the worst tower in this game.
2. Artillery is not necessary in this game at all. Weirdwoods gets outclassed by Perfect Parry, and ADH equals pitiful DPS + weak abilities.
3. Crimson Sentence is not viable. 900 gold for 10% instakill chance is a joke. Compare it with Sniper shot from KR1.
4. Arcane Archers are actually the best. They reduca magic resistance, their dps is much better then GLs, and have amazing abilities.
5. Just look at the damage Forest keepers deal with their Spears.


Arch Druid bears combine well with Forest Keepers. Bears stall enemies, Druid provides artillery support and Forest Keepers provide ranged damage (and stalling if needed).


My list:
1 arcane archers, good damage, great splash damge arrow
2. Bladesingers, very good stalling power, dont upgrade the stat upgrade ability but invincibility is good and blade dance can pass
3. Wild magus, abilities are crap but the way her damage ramps up is really good against those dark elementals and twilight elves with shields. Just make sure you have archer towers to deal with the magic dudes.
4. Forest keepers, if I get these I get them for their ranged attack, massive true damage okay otherwise bladesingers overpower their block ability
5. Golden longbows, just overshadowed by arcane archers
6 arch druid, artillery sucks in this game the best of the worst i guess
7. Weirdwood, overpriced
8 high elven mage, it splits damage over multiple enemies, sentinel overpriced, kinda like crow from shadow archers(vengeance)


Ok so everyone gets to have their own opinion but I can comfortably say that forest keepers is easily like a top 2 tower and here's why: Their enormous hp means that they can fight almost anything and come out on top and they need minimal support. If you need to block alot of enemies you can simply build another barracks or use reinforcements to help with that. They kill small enemies quickly enough to deal with swarm to a certain level. But origins doesn't have that many spam enemies except the boom/munchshroom but they're actually pretty good against them to as they can just soak the boomshrooms while killing the bigger ones on their own. The ancient oak spear is also a SUPER good ability as they get high ranged true damage ignoring all armor essentially removing the need for mage towers as they can deal with things like the avenger and twilight golem. They also just ignore magic resistance. The circle life is also a great ability as it makes them able to sustain things like the bandersnatch and golem while dealing great damage. They can also hit air units which is always nice. Their third ability is good but a bit expensive but can help enormously with swarm units as it slows and damages them.
As for practical use I've beaten the campaign three times on each difficulty (on my phone) with almost only the Forest keepers. And that's why I think that there one of the best towers in origins and quite possibly the best barrack in all of kingdom rush


I strongly object to your ranking of the towers in Kingdom Rush Origin. I found the artillery and mage towers to be ineffective compared to the barracks and archer towers, which I relied heavily on in the later stages of the game. In fact, I believe it would be nearly impossible to beat the game on the later stages at highest difficulty without using any of these three towers.

My reasoning for using these three towers is as follows:

Forest Keepers - These towers have an extremely high DPS once you unlock the oak spear upgrade (320 DPS/shot). They serve as an excellent replacement for mage towers in terms of dealing high damage and are also essential for taking down flying enemies. I found it helpful to pair them with Bladesingers or extra Forest Keepers.

Bladesingers Hall - These towers have excellent durability and deal high DPS when all abilities are fully maxed out. However, they are unable to attack air troops and sometimes get taken out by long ranges enemies.

Arcane Archers - These towers are capable of taking down magic resistance and dealing high area magic damage with their abilities. Even without their abilities, they are still a good choice.

Other towers worth noting include:

Golden Longbow - These towers can be placed in the center and have a very effective insta-kill ability. While they are not good at crowd control, they provide high value as they can support various lanes.

Wild Magus - These towers have high DPS and are useful for taking down high HP enemies, as they deal more damage the longer they attack a target.

On the other hand, I found the following towers to be ineffective:

Both artillery towers lack crowd control. I am referring to the tower that allows you to attack an entire area at once or with high speed.

The High Elven Mage tower is actually a very good tower in any other series, but in this one it's not very effective due to the fact that it divides its attack. This series has lots of low hp high magic resistant enemies which makes it useless on few stages. Furthermore, enemies which are high armour has lots of hp, so dividing the attacks makes them hard to kill .


Arcane Archers are the best. I used in every lvl, because it's so OP.


"Fiery nuts" and "Balls of magic" got me dying


My list…

7.Elven mage
5.Wise mystical tree
4.Forest Keeper
3.Blade singers
1.Arcane archers


Forest keepers are my favorite Tower in this game I finish last stage using only barracks and 3 weridwood and I can Say they are really good at tanky enemies but on small but in hordes enemies they not that good, thats why I put barracks before them and then they do their job perfectly


I tend to listen to videos as i'm doing something else, but when I heard forest keepers at 8th? I turned so fast to the screen. Maybe its my play style, but I beat the game using forest keepers only. They are so powerful, they even have a true damage ability. Thanks


I want to mention a few things. The first being that I do in fact think that Bladesingers are the best barracks in the entire franchise (KR, Frontiers and Origins). They are insanely durable (literally becoming immune) and with their Blade Dance ability they can easily remove entire crowds from the fields allowing them to block stronger, more important units (they are also the coolest looking barracks imo). Second, while I agree that Arcane Archers and Wild Magus aren't the best on their own, together, they make what is probably the best two-tower combo in the franchise. Every shot of Arcane Archers lowers the targets Magic Resistance while every consecutive attack of Wild Magus deals increasingly more damage. Combined with the fast attack speed, they can shred even high Magic Resistance enemies like crazy. Lastly, Wild Magus' Eldritch Doom can insta-kill enemies despite their health, potentially removing 2000+ health enemies instantly.


Here's what i have to say,
I do not think high elven mage is good. At all.
Simply because it is outclassed by Wild Magus, which has a damage stack and forest keepers which do high true damage.
Think of forest keepers as more of mage tower than a barracks. Also Arcane Archers are a whole package imho, they stun, and deal high damage.
But that's just how i play kingdom rush origins.


I beat all kingdom rush origins with only barracks and you would understand how powerful they are in combination with Arivan, you need to understand the usage of blade singers to stall and forest keepers to kill which most people don't understand, this is why most of players say that a tower is bad, because they don't know how to use it.


My favourite is definitely weirdwood. It deals good damage especially with fire lingering skill


Origins enemies have the most resistances out of any other game. Forest keepers have crazy true dmg, amazing health and healing capabilities. Even if there’s two. With any kind of damage or stalling tower or hero they become extremely good
