Every TDS Event Tower Ranked [Re-Upload of Tds Best Event Tower] #towerdefensesimulator [OUTDATED]

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its sad how most of the event towers will never be used, they're just like a collection


Ahh, I remember, when I got the Commando once I beated the Área 51 Event, I was really happy bc of his "High" DPS, which was the Best tower in the game at máx level, now it Just sucks


Archer is underrated tbh.
It has very good early damage and not bad dps in my opinion


Archer is actually pretty decent, maybe even good, early hidden detection, lead detection, and pierce

I did a random wheel and got paintballer, archer, soldier, scout, and toxic gunner on POLLUTED WASTELANDS, and archer carried until wave 22 so yeah, I’d say archer is underrated and is actually pretty good


only the ogs remember when archer first came out and had like 20 pierce at max level, super fast firerate and super high dps


After thousands of event towers reworks and new event towers
14) Slasher: Low damage for its high cost and a poor tower
13) Necromancer: Skeletons just die to fallens and necromancer too overpriced for its low damage
12) Commando: It's ok for early game but it becomes useless at mid game
11)Swarmer:Stacking was removed and it attacks the same enemy everytime so he's bad now
10) Sledger: I dunno when to use it now as freezing sucks and weak for main dps
9) Cryomancer: I like how it stalls but it doesnt do a lot of damage and kills units
8) Toxic gunner: Slowdown finnaly good, but still not that much damage
7) Executioner: Kinda good at many pathed maps but too expensive and not always hits that much enemies
6) Frost blaster: The freezing is insane, it just freezes many enemies in 1 burst and it has good dps if hits many
5) Archer: Very good early game def if used on straight path maps
4) Elf camp: Spawns many units aka better mil base
3) Engineer: Its good if you know how to use it
2) Gladiator: It was the best until they nerfed it, still can do very good
1)Jester: Many bombs that just helps with support so much, confusing bomb is soooo op


The elf camp its a very good unit for early defense and can lag your game because the spam of units lol


I use executioner alot because its fun to use and is good against breakers


Even tho i have toxic gunner, it’s still kinda bad but worse than elf camp, People might say:Umm…Actually it’s good for early game🤓. Well there is a lot of early game defenses that can counter toxic gunner. But it’s your opinion i respect it still a very good tier list have a good day!


My tier list:
10: Toxic gunner (he just sucks, the slowing down by 50% is actually 15%)
9: Commando (sucks)
8: Slasher (not the best)
7: Frost Blaster (forgotten tower, freezer as if it had hidden detection)
6: Sledger (literally an electroshocker copy)
5: Executioner (meh tower, but it’s cool)
4: Archer (okay early defense)
3: Elf Camp (it’s okay, better mil base)
2: Gladiator (GScout better get mad)
1: Swarmer (Overpowered, glitch makes it better)


Replace cowboy with jester, cowboy is a permanent reward for a map once you beat called badlands (one or two), if cowboy is an event tower you might as well add warden


The great thing is though, (from the looks of it) event towers are definitely getting much better and more unique as years go by. Think about how good something like the frostblaster is to the sledger or slasher to executioner.


i hope for a comando rework cause its just sitting on my inventory for 5 years of not being used


You guys I know Cowboy is not an event tower because me and my young self thought Badlands was an “event” but now it’s permanent so you don’t have to keep commenting “Cowboy isn’t an event tower” I know it isn’t and Warden is just like Cowboy except they are different events I Apologize for my mistakes😊!


Well, first of all, The Cowboy is not an event tower. In my opinion, Sledger is better than glad. The reason is because the stuns are insane and the damage is insane because when they are frozen they take 2 times the damage from that sledger and with how fast the attack speed is that is a lot of damage.


commando used to be pretty good when it was early in tds life span


I remember when Commando used to be so op now its nerfed so hard you can't even use it for any situation


frost blaster is kinda good when mixed with sledger and warden


I have both sledger and gladiator, although i havent played tds in a solid 2 years


10. Slasher
9. Archer
8. Frost Blaster
7. Commando
6. Elf Camp
5. Toxic Gunner
4. Executioner
3. Swarmer
2. Gladiator/Sledge
1. Sledger/Glad

1 and 2 can really go either way imo
