Who is the best golden tower? (TDS Meme)

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I say golden crook boss. Also like sub and star code e thanks
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Actually, I recently made a statistics chart with Golden towers and how they do in certain categories. This is just my opinion: 6th Pyro, the rest are all good, 5th Crook Boss (cuz of placement limit but that’s it) 4th Cowboy, 3rd Scout, 2nd Soldier, and 1st Minigunner
Edit: this is outdated cuz of the new update


Gold crook boss would be good. It can also solo lvl 3 killing all of the hiddens in fallen mode by himself with his helper, The guards.


With golden crook you can solo fallen mode, its really usefull for multiple strategy and can be used for late game in molten and normal mode, for golden scout its more better than golden crook in the start of the game butwhen its wave 25 in fallen mode its completly useless because it can't kill glitches compared to the golden crook who can kill the tank at max level, the towers has different advantages so we can't too much decide in both of them because they are really good, just to resume, golden scout can be used to solo molten and normal mode and is the best tower for early defense in fallen mode, for the golden crook it cn be used to solo normal mode and get mid and early game defense in molten mode and it can be used for early and mid game in fallen mode to defend against glitchy and tank.


Imo, I would say that g crook is first solely because of its cost efficiency and it's good in event. g soldier would come in second due to its speedrunning capabilities. Next would be g mini because of the DPS is good, but RoF bug pretty much destroys it. On fourth, I would put scout because it's a good early game tower but soldier buff outranks it. Fifth is g cowboy because farms is better. Last is g pyro because obvious reasons


Heres my tierlist base on Placement cost, efficiency, usefullness, and it's dps

6th: Gold pyro: damage buff is useless because due to damage on pyro by 2 which adds to 2.5 which doesn't affect it's DPS, the range buff by 50% is good for pyro due to flames go for short range, It's a support which lowers defense armor by 50% the drawback is 15% speed

5th: Golden minigunner

Base cost by 2000 and damage buff only works until level 3
which you have to upgrade 8650 it's a raw damage tower

4th: Golden cowboy

It's uses is give money, the buff is 40% damage buff and 25% more money, it's only gonna be used on fallen, if you spammed 20 of them at max level (if you can), you're gonna be rich

3rd: Golden crook boss

Base cost of 650 and it is the most efficient tower

Golden crook boss level 3 can carry to wave 21 on molten due to it's guards spawned

2nd: Golden scout: it is a great early tower, mid, and late, but due to it's rework, it got buffed and nerfed at the same time
It's upgrades now doubles

1st: Golden soldier

It is the best golden skin so far, it's so cheap that you can farm with it, doesn't have increase upgrade, the buff is more burst
and it's new rework made him good, he can now solo molten with ease


i know im late at this but im still going to say something for then..
so.. golden crook boss is one of best towers for its cost if not the best
for fallen, getting 1 maxed golden crook boss lets you farm until wave 26 (i think) and 2 maxed till wave 30, so even if you have 1 maxed golden crook you will probably have all farms maxed as long as you farm correctly
that makes golden crook kinda broken for solo fallen..
however it has 1 insane disadvantage... that is the placement limit of 4, which makes it garbage against major bosses
now for golden scout
this tower is also great for for fallen
also it doesent suck against major bosses since there is no placement limit
its also great for speedrunning
the only disatvantage it has is that golden crook boss is way better for farming, and you cant rely just on golden scouts

i think that golden scout is better, but thats my opinion


Crook boss he has “godly cost efficiency” higher dps coming in at 93.33 with his mafia man way more than scout so I say crook who else agrees?


I think elite smoked too much weed, this is all wrong!
#6 Golden Pyromancer: Serves absolutely no purpose now
#5 Golden Scout: it gets useless fast and the firerate is quite slow, besides golden solder is a bit better.
#4 Golden Cowboy: does have more range and more damage, but costs 25% more which can be annoying
#3 Golden Soldier: 31 dps, 6, 750 to max out, no placement limit and can carry molten mode easy
#2 Golden Minigunner: deals like 84 dps and costs $19, 000, the cost efficiency would prob be like 250 dollars for 1 single dps
#1 Golden crook boss: very good for mid game and max lvl can deal huge damage to slow boss. I do understand that golden crook boss has 4 placement limit but the golden mafia has more dps than max militant and max scout combined.
Edit: this comment turned very controversial. Can you guys stop talking about politics
Also when the ROF bug gets fixed really soon ima put golden mini at number 1


Scout’s shoots are stronger, but crook boss isn’t but it does have helpers that makes him stronger, I say remove scout


I say golden crook boss. 4 normal crook bosses can deal thousands of damage that can help you with hiddens if you are playing solo. It would be better if it was golden right? It can also be used as an early game defense to a late game defense


Golden scout: I m best
Golden crook: no I m best
Viewers: and the winner is golden pyro


The placement limit on crook boss makes him bad they should make it 10 or something


Golden scout is effective against early games, but become weaker as stronger enemies will take over, but it has unlimited placement (40)
Golden crook boss might become a little expensive to be an early game tower, but his minions can somehow came in clutch.
If we want to choose which is the best, it depends on how easy to use and cost efficient.
So I'd say.... Golden crook boss
(that just my opinion, pls don't say anything very bad)


I would say golden crook has good dps on lv 3 a cheap tower really good early - mid game a good starter for every mode max golden crook is op for golden scout it can only reach until wave 9 before it start letting zombies through


1:Crook boss
2:pryo cus he cant speed up and melting enemies defense
3: scout
4: mini
5: soldier


Good choice on eliminating cowboy and pyro. Golden mini’s buff is useless untill level 3 but the rof bug is fixed so golden mini should not have been eleminated. Soldier got a huge glow up and is now better the scout, so scout should have been eliminated. Even then golden crook boss is better because it can litteraly clutch you and is a good starter tower. 1750 for 2 troops is a bit overprice tho. I’m still sticking with golden crook boss but golden soldier would be a great alternative if you don’t have golden crook boss.


I like how because of golden perks, gold pyro being one of the best isn’t a joke anymore.


Old golden crook is better than a rework golden scout because it have no placement limit


I think scout but solider should have made it farther cuz I’m my opinion he’s better than scout and should prob be used for hardcore

Edit: he said choose either crook or scout I mean I would have chose solider if he made it further which he should have


Gold crook boss is better because despite its low placement limit of 4, a regular crook boss army can dish out over 160 dps and golden skins buff towers so imagine it’s dps. Plus at least it does not have its upgrade cost doubled.
