Throttle Body Calibration - Nissan Micra K12

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How to calibrate the throttle body on a 2003 to 2010 Nissan Micra K12. There are 3 steps:

1. Accelerator Pedal Released Position Learning

Accelerator Pedal Released Position Learning is an operation to learn the fully released position of the accelerator pedal by monitoring the accelerator pedal position sensor output signal. It must be performed each time the harness connector of accelerator pedal position sensor or ECM is disconnected.

2. Throttle Valve Closed Position Learning

Throttle Valve Closed Position Learning is an operation to learn the fully closed position of the throttle valve by monitoring the throttle position sensor output signal. It must be performed each time harness connector of the electric throttle control actuator or ECM is disconnected.

3. Idle Air Volume Learning (Throttle Position Learning)

Idle Air Volume Learning is an operation to learn the idle air volume that keeps each engine within the specific range. It must be performed under any of the following conditions:
• Each time electric throttle control actuator or ECM is replaced.
• Idle speed or ignition timing is out of specification.

If the idle speed and ignition timing are not within the specification, Idle Air Volume Learning will not be carried out successfully. In this case, find the cause of the incident by referring to the Diagnostic Procedure below.

If idle air volume learning cannot be performed successfully, proceed as follows:
1. Check that throttle valve is fully closed.
2. Check PCV valve operation.
3. Check that downstream of throttle valve is free from air leakage.
4. When the above three items check out OK, engine component parts and their installation condition are questionable. Check and eliminate the cause of the incident.
5. If any of the following conditions occur after the engine has started, eliminate the cause of the
incident and perform Idle air volume learning all over again:
• Engine stalls.
• Erroneous idle.

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Рекомендации по теме

Yay. My idle and power seems to be functioning much better now. Thank you so much 😊😊😊


Ti ringrazio, con questo tuo video mi hai salvato la


Ευχαριστώ πολύ για την βοήθεια σας. Το ρελαντί έφτιαξε αμέσως.


Plaese make a Video abaut Injektor cleaning in Nissan micra k12.


I got a weird one K12 Nissan Micra Cold engine runs perfect plenty of power no probs, soon as it reaches op temp Blue light out starts messing about lacking power. Pull over wait till engine cools and everything is perfect again.. Defo seems like a sensor prob?


I cleaned this part of the car with EGR cleaner now i got high RPM and i cannot recalibrate, i have a faulty code for o2 sensor. What do you suggest


Does the car need to be hot? So after cleaning should I start the engine till it gets warm and then calibrate? Thank you for the video


Merci pour la vidéo pour mon cas !! Cas venais bien du clapet encrass6😂


Your video is very helpful full thanks.
Just one question after I clean the throttle body my car becomes noisy what do I have to do?
Thank you for your help.


Dear Author, hi! Could you make a video about dis/assembly the FULL micra k12 interior with the full dashboard, carpet, seat, headliners, everything, etc, to the bone? I want to fully clean it, to be like new! Thanks!


Thanks, really helpful video. When I performed the Idle Air Volume Learning (TPL), the check engine light didn't flash, tried ot a few times.

Any idea why? (2005, 1.2 Micra K12)


Hey thanks for this video. I have a Nissan Note with CR14DE engine. As you mentioned it idles at 650rpm but its vibration is too much, like diesel. When i turn on air circulation or headlamps it idles at 850rpm and becomes so smooth, no vibration at all. I want to make idle rpm higher, is it possible thanks.


So how did you know when it reached operating temperature? Did you wait for the blue temp light to go out, or did you use a device such as infrared thermometer?


What's the reason for you to calibrate the throttle body? I got some powerloss on my micra K12.


Hi when I turn the key I don’t hear the throttle sound at all.. I’ve cleaned it out and and still car stalls when idle. Thinking of replacing it. I only hear the throttle when engine running and I turn it off.


I need to replace the throttle body in a micra k11. Is this procedure appropriate for calibration? I can’t find one specific for k11.


I have an unstable idle which tends to drop in speed and excessive fuel consumption, could this be coming from the throttle body?


I have micra k12 2004 automatic transmission 95.000 mil this problem my car Performance has dropped a lot and the car accelerates very slowly after 50 mph. There is no problem with stalling or idling. Only the performance of the vehicle is extremely low. I cleaned and calibrated the throttle body. I changed the air filter. I checked the camshaft position sensor. I cleaned the air flow sensor. I applied Würth injector cleaner and drove about 300 km, but I could not solve the problem. I opened the catalytic converter and checked if it was clogged, and there is no problem. Do you have any ideas what could be the problem? Finally, there is no fault code on the OBD device in the vehicle...


What do i do wrong, when the engine sign does not start to blink?


Can I do that after cleaning and installing the throttle after unplugging it and putting it back on?
