Coachella: Hot or Flop?

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Edited by Israh S.

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I grew up in joshua tree and I remember how Coachella used to be back in its early days. All the hipster indie kids at my high school would attend. The music was the highlight, now it feels like an influencer event


Coachella is not in the city of Coachella, it's in the city of Indio. I'm from Indio, and I wish you would have discussed the impact that Golden Voice has on the gentrification of my city due to Coachella. Indio and the eastern Coachella valley is an area mostly comprised of Mexican Immigrants who work the fields. Coachella Fest has been detrimental in the rising housing costs in the area and will soon become so expensive that it will kick out the people who have lived and worked here for centuries. It's such a shame that this is often left out of the conversation when people talk about the festival. I really loved your video and it's your channel so I understand that you discuss what you want, just wanted to share some insight from an Indio native :)


Calling kimono’s “weird” and “obscure” and then literally saying “making it my own” omg 🤦🏽‍♀️ and the girl saying we’re all to happy to be offended by their culture being treated like a costume omg it screams “I have never put myself in another persons shoes” and “I have no poc or even non American friends” all rolled into one


I’m gonna be honest, I was so confused as to why everyone was talking about how 2010s celebrity coachella fashion was so good because no it wasn’t. 😂😂😂


As an old school music festival goer, it is sad that influencers kind of suck the spirit out of everything good.


I am so glad that Mina aknowledged the Romani influence in the boho chic aesthetic. Many refuse to recognise that the aesthetic "borrows" elements from our traditionally nomadic culture. Her mentioning the name of our community is small, but it made me really happy💚❤️💙


Mina I know you don’t read comments for your own mental health (it’s a necessity these days) but if you see this I want you to know you are awesome and I love your dedication to the subject matter of your videos! Thank you for always creating fabulous content !😉


I had a great time this year - no influencer passes, just a regular GA band. I witnessed 20+ amazing artists perform. I was there for the music and that’s exactly what I got - no regrets here.


I think people who romanticized Coachella are finally going and it’s not living up to expectations


For me Coachella was bound to “die” the moment it became an influencer/Instagram photo opportunity. It’s not about the music anymore. The presentation from the headliners is also really lacking this year (which I expected after Beyoncé set the bar extremely high)


Coachella is to festivals what Victora's secret is to fashion.


As as European, me (and my surroundings for that matter) see Coachella as a festival to celebrate capitalism at its purest form. That's really it. It's a capitalism festival, not really a music festival. And my husband is a musician, I've been to many music festivals and concerts over our 12 years together. Coachella is just... something else.


I grew up in SoCal and I was 16 in 2010, the people I hung out with always had a negative perception of Coachella. I didn’t hear good things about it until I was living in OC around 2016 and the people who had a positive view were wealthy teenagers 🤷🏻‍♀️


if you want to go to a festival, small independant music festivals are a much better option than coachella. they may not have harry styles, but what they do have is organizers & staff who actually do it for the music cos they believe in music's ability to bring ppl together & foster community.


As a European there’s something about the treatment and air of Coachella that seems so off for me. Like you never see British influencers talk about Glastonbury the same way, sure one is in a desert the other in a muddy field but there are also other fundamental differences that are both obvious and hard to put into words


BRUH girlie did not just call a Kimono "a weird obscure thing she can make her own" 🙃 The insanity of it all bro


I was never super into Coachella fashion but I will say I feel like it’s lacking more and more each year. The magic seems to fade a little bit more every season. While it wasn’t good fashion, there was something about it but I feel like that something special is gone. (Except for the cultural appropriation, that has never and will never be fashion to me) Maybe that just has something to with me getting older and not being as impressed by influencer culture. But what do I know, I’ve never actually been to Coachella and probably never will.


I think a lot of these issues also apply to Comic Con. Haven’t been since 2013 but I stopped because of the increase in ticket pricing and the ridiculous lines for events. Also told off a couple of people who inappropriately touched cosplayers as they were posing for photos.


Those prices you list are also the “list price.” So tickets were much, much, more expensive. I lived in LA from 2013-2018 and lmaooo tickets were $750-1000 for the normal ticket if you didn’t get it in the first ten minute of tickets dropping. VIP tickets ended up being in the multiple thousands, I usually saw $2500-3250.

I went to USC so students often went and we trying to buy/sell tickets the week before.


coachella is the definition of “flavourless”
