The Moons of our Outer Solar System REVEAL some very STRANGE Coincidences

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The Moons of our Outer Solar System REVEAL some very STRANGE Coincidences

In the recent series I have explored the moons of our outer planets to looks at signs of expansion. During this study I came across a number of strange coincidences that were not relevant to the discussion on expansion but I think do warrant a further discussion here both in connection with a formation process, transmutation and also what we assume are the normal celestial mechanics.

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00:00 Intro
00:39 Icy Worlds/Moons
01:52 Size Variations
03:18 Synchronous Rotation
06:02 Origin of the Water

#electricuniverse #plasmauniverse #seethepattern
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Really enjoy your content. It's intelligent, evidence based, non-dogmatic theorisation.


You should look at the angle of inclination of the planets ... which ones have similar inclinations (the Saturnian group all have nearly the same inclination, or around 24 degrees) while the Solar/Jovian planets have an inclination of nearly zero. Does this mean that Saturn (with Earth as a satellite) was captured by the Sun at some time in the past? Very possibly, according to the Purple Dawn of Creation theory.


Wow, thank you, i didn't know jupiter's moons were tidally locked.


Outstanding! Isn't it amazing how basic detective skills can crack the case once the mind is freed from an indoctrination process? Gareth it's vital you take this insight and scrutinise everything, you will be more emboldened as this clear cause-effect unbiased perspective pays dividends, and each revelation will serve as a platform for the next insight. Even the electric universe crowd is not interested in some of the accepted conventional wisdom, someone needs to review it all through the lens of EU or even a blank slate perspective without prejudice to any accepted LAMBDA-CDM or gravity fetish assumptions. It will be worthwhile.


Wow, that bit about all the satellites having a synchronous orbit... Very intriguing...


Notification hits, immediate watch.

Finished watching. Keeping an open mind and revisiting old knowledge are fundamental parts of making progress (presuming that's what one wants to do) and it's been both very interesting and quite sobering how many people in my, erm, orbit who otherwise claim to like science or space just shut down when presented with these kinds of questions. And I mean that, questions. Only way I could make sense out of it was to apply the lense of "science as religion" (not spirituality) to these people's psychology. No hatred or anger about that, but I do admit I was blindsided and completely missed it until I ventured out into non-standard, non-establishment scientific interests. I bet religious thinking/feeling is just a part of humanity (yeah, yeah. What an original thought :))


Haha. I got into a bit of conflict about the Moon not rotating about its own axis a while ago with Eugene when I was trying to model the same system and couldn't following mainstreams parameters. Thanks for clarifying that Telsa was correct and that the Moon does not rotate. The fact this is also true for the rest of the Moons in our local neighbourhood is indeed awesome evidence of planets and stars having a tendency to eject bulk solids from within so as to maintain a least energy state in all cases as materials are separated relative to charge and the resulting inertia. Makes total sense for example, that a solid iron ball inside an incompressible fluid filled egg being spun around a central point would eject the ball through the shell eventually. I love your common sense science man. Keep it up! :)


YOU HIT IT. I made the same point in my article about "Was solar system Recently rearranged?" Given billions of years all planets in the solar system will become tidally locked to the Sun. Given the huge difference in mass in the Sun-Mercury pair and given its proximity, Mercury should show a 1:1 resonance, not 2:3. Is it a newcomer to that orbit?
(The Rembrandt crater explanation fails because many other moons in the solar system have larger craters and they are locked).
There is even the 13:8 resonance between Venus and Earth. May have they suffered a recent interaction or flyby that has created that semi-locking state?


Well the fact that all the moons circling the gas giants all circle with the same side tidally completely news to me. Second, Ben Davidson created a bunch of videos providing a satisfying explanation for what he calls "star water". Those who know of his site can go have a look at those videos as they see fit. I am interested to see where Gareth goes with this topic.


I don't think those are crater marks. I think their Plasmic Ejection marks.


Insightful. Never knew much about the outer moons.


I suspect tidal lock is related to the proximity of a much lighter object to a much heavier one. At certain distance it just falls off. Mercury and Venus have quite long days. After that, the rotation is rather fast. At some point one force overtakes the other, it doesn't need to be gradual.


Great video. BTW, "it raises the question", not "it begs the question". The phrase "to beg the question" means something entirely different.


This was particularly good. Many thanks.


Very good questions.
One answer to Water might be like on Enceladus. Electric arc discharge ionisizes rock (SiO2). The double negative Oxygen ion flies upwards and collides with solar wind H+ to form HO- while the positive Silicium stays on the ground (and probably transmutate partly in the arcs). The HO- gets captured by a magnetic field of a planet or moon and colides another time with H+ to form H2O.
As far as I know on Saturn below the rings it's raining ...


I think this has to do with planetary fission from main body since axial rotation of a moon must induce energy (eg. angular momentum) on the spin axis of another orbiting moon. This may prove that the concept of orbital resonance giving spin to satellites to be false; i.e. two moons orbiting in sync may induce axial rotations on each other cannot be possible since both are tidally locked.


Marklund Convection also has the lightest elements at the greatest distance from the center of rotation for either a primordial solar system or planet. Water is one of the most abundant molecules in the universe and polar.


Locked by magnetic fields, I think. In no position to prove it lol!


From the standpoint of the Sun our Moon rotates as well as the other moons. When our Moon is between the Sun and Earth the Sun's gravity has a greater attraction on the Moon than does the Earth's gravity. Relative to the Sun the Moon's path is sinusoidal. You did not mention orbital inclination of the moons versus their various sizes. Note the Triton's inclination seems to be rather large and it seems to rotate backwards, a significant difference from all the other large moons (note Venus's very slow backward rotation too). Relative to the Sun, I wonder how Triton's path compares with Pluto's, keeping in mind Pluto's significant orbital inclination. Lastly, Uranus's almost flipped on its side rotation and its moons. I take exception to statements of composition of any bodies, including Earth, where no actual sampling of material has been taken, where all such compositions are based solely on speculation.


For the fun of it, I'm going to have to differ with you with regard to your assertion that tidally-locked moons "don't spin" --- as if it were an absolute truth. Bear in mind that this impression appears true only from the perspective of Earth, itself. From perspectives outside of the Earth-Moon system, I believe you'll still witness a rotationally-generated view of the moon's entire surface ( i.e. it's 'spinning' ) in the course of its tidally locked orbit. The question of scale may enter the picture at this point, but I think we consider that the electrodynamics of a rotating armature in a magnetic field --- particularly with respect to its relative motion and the magnetic fields at large --- still comes into play. The effect may be subtle, but should not be overlooked. Just sayin' : ) Good video.
