The Fascinating Facts About Jupiter, Saturn & Their Moons | The New Frontier | Spark

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Their era of mere flybys of the outer solar planets is ending. Orbiters of Jupiter and Saturn are now on station. Orbiters of Uranus and Neptune have been proposed though unlikely to receive funding in the near future. But a probe dedicated to exploring the Kuiper belt has already taken a closer look at Pluto.

Enough has been learned about the moons of the outer planets in early flybys of the planets to keep scientists so intrigued that dedicated missions to the most promising for harbouring life are in the development stage. Here is what is known about these enigmatic moons and why they merit extended visits.

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The music is way annoying on this episode, half the time it's so dramatic you'd think you were storming the gates of mordor


They should say what date the documentary was made, this seems very old


Agreed. Why is there loud music underlay during the interviews & narration. Very annoying, spoils what is an excellent informative video. Fade up & fade really.


This is one of the best up to date planet documents ❤


I have trouble sleeping adhd and all that... I thought that looks like I can go to sleep chilling listening to that . nope, why make it so stressful? The music's like x-files on crack.


Detailed Summary for [The Fascinating Facts About Jupiter, Saturn & Their Moons | The New Frontier | Spark

[00:00]Juno probe aims to investigate Jupiter's interior structure and magnetosphere.
- Juno is solar-powered and uses advanced solar cell technology.
- Juno has a radiation shield to protect its electronics from Jupiter's intense radiation environment.
- Juno will study Jupiter's magnetosphere by going over its poles.
- Juno will be in a polar orbit, allowing it to map the entire planet.
- Juno will get very close to Jupiter's cloud tops, allowing it to study the planet in detail.
- Juno's findings will improve our understanding of the formation of the planet and the history of our solar system.

[06:48]Juno spacecraft mission to study Jupiter's atmosphere and composition
- Juno uses special instruments to see through Jupiter's clouds and understand its true nature
- The mission will help confirm the theory that Jupiter was the first planet to form in the solar system
- Juno's year-long mission will end with a deorbit burn and a slow descent into the upper atmosphere where it will continue to send back scientific data until its destruction

[13:22]NASA's upcoming mission to Saturn will provide insights into the planet's construction, magnetic field, and the mass of its rings.
- The mission will also allow for the observation of seasonal variations in the system.
- Currently, there are no scheduled missions to Uranus, but there have been proposals for future missions using ion propulsion and atmospheric descent probes.
- Neptune, the last of the gas giants, has only been visited once by Voyager and its magnetic field is off-centered and tilted, similar to Uranus.

[19:48]New Horizons is the first spacecraft to explore Pluto and the Kuiper belt
- New Horizons was built to focus on primary questions about Pluto and Karen
- The spacecraft passed the orbit of the moon in just nine hours and reached Jupiter in just one year
- The Kuiper belt has hundreds of times more objects in it than the asteroid belt
- New Horizons will continue to explore the outer solar system

[25:39] Europa has a high probability of supporting life due to its liquid water ocean beneath its icy shell.
- Europa is one of Jupiter's four major satellites.
- Europa's tidal energy helps maintain its liquid water ocean.
- The Europa mission will orbit Jupiter and make close flybys to collect data.
- Remote sensing instruments will be used to gather data about Europa's surface and interior structure.

[31:22]Exploring Jupiter's Moons
- Europa could potentially harbor life and the Europa Clipper Mission is set to launch in 2025 to study it.
- Ganymede is the largest moon in the solar system and the target of the Jupiter Icy Moon Explorer (JUICE) mission.
- Callisto may also harbor a subsurface ocean and is considered the most environmentally acceptable location for a manned base in the future.
- Titan is the only moon with a dense atmosphere and stable bodies of surface liquid, larger than both Mercury and our own Moon.

[37:20]Discovery of propylene on Titan is exciting and shows there's much more to be discovered.
- Methane takes the same role as water vapor on Earth and forms clouds and lakes on Titan.
- Dune fields on Titan are made of organic substances like plastics that have sedimented from the atmosphere.
- NASA is preparing a new probe called the Titan Saturn system mission to explore Titan and Enceladus.
- The mission will sample directly from a Northern lake of Titan and explore geysers on Enceladus.
- The exploration of Titan and its moons is essential to maintain continuity of knowledge and enthusiasm in outer solar system exploration.
- Uranus has 27 known moons grouped in three categories.

[42:02]Overview of the outermost moons and the Kuiper Belt objects
- Moons like Umbriel, Titania, and Triton have similar compositions of rock and ice with heavily cratered surfaces and may have tenuous atmospheres.
- Neptune creates a ring structure in the dust cloud beyond it, which features a gap where the planet itself resides, making it easy to detect even at dim distances. The Kuiper Belt Objects include Pluto, Eris, and Quawar, with Alt Cloud being the new frontier.


Io is not a smallest moon of the Jovian moons, nor galilean ones (26:24)


Such a big beautiful planet I wish we were able to live on it


No one truly knows the history of our solar system let alone the history of the multiverse 😅. But it’s all fascinating nevertheless.


To get a new perspective on how the solar system formed listen to The Enuma Elish. The epic of creation


The epic music is so annoying. Can’t stand it


Most painstaking & dedicated ! Thanks to the team of Nasa that made this possible ! It's such, that takes us closer to the solar system to enjoy the function of its complexity.Whille Saturn looks most beautiful, Jupiter draws our curiosity,
trapping asteroids that could collide against the other planets, causing huge craters.Besides, its radiation & massive magnetic field, results in the formation of Europa, the ocean of water, being the likely source of life !
Truly, it's the most intelligent minds, dedication & team spirit of the scientists & astronauts of Nasa that has fed us such details ! Thanks 🔥🔥❤️ !


Sir Patrick Moore would be 100 years of age, wish he was still around, it`s because, of the man himself and via my family that astronomy has been apart of my life since i was a young boy.


Booo! I don't want Jupiter's red spot to disappear.


I can’t stand the annoying background music. I will be back when you focus on your video. It’s the narratives that matter most.


Dude sounds like a kid deepening its voice on a prank call


I wouldn't call any of the planets in the solar system giant planets. If you fill the gap between the earth and the moon with all the planets of the solar system then you still have space left. How giant can they be?


It’s it’s not about the music it’s about the learning guys stop putting a comment to music is annoying


monkey is a project manager???? so what is a success rate?


Why is half of your content not available to people outside the US? I constantly get notifications of your new content I want to watch, but when I click on it it says it's blocked here? Why do you do this?
