Answers - Final Fantasy XIV [performed by Erutan]

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*Hi guys, I apologize for this cover....from some of the comments I've been receiving, I understand that I've kinda failed here. I tried my best but there's only so much you can do with a weak voice and little folk instruments, lol. Still, a huge thanks to my regulars for sparing my feelings and writing a load of lovely comments for me ^w^ Love you!

'Answers' is from Final Fantasy XIV a Realm Reborn. It was a kickstarter request (aka mandatory cover) from my friend David. Just a warning: I have taken HUGE liberties with this song, both with the chords and the melody. The answer/chorus sections for example have a totally different melody than in the original - I will understand if fans of the song are upset by these changes, but trying it the original way would have only showcased how weak my voice and instruments are in comparison to the original. Just trying to make the best possible sound with the tools at hand.
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Erutan, don’t undersell this. My wife and I walked down the aisle to this song to /your/ rendition. It’s a beautiful cover. Don’t let the haters get you down.


I miss Erutan. I hope she is well. I know she has lost her voice back few years ago. Her music had big impact on me and my life throughout the years. Now that I'm nearing 30, I wonder more and more often how her life is going.


Ok I wanted to see what the big deal was with her cover against the original.

Erutan has a sound and style that she writes and in this case, arranges in. Her voice has an soft and breathy quality, and it works for the ethereal sound she seems to go for. It works great here.
The original singer has a brassy sounding voice which lends itself better to heavy orchestration because of it's piercing quality.

The best song composers write for their singer's voice, and Erutan's star singer is herself, so she rearranged it for her voice type. I feel that criticizing someone's artistic vision is unfair, because there is no right and wrong with something that subjective.


Anyone who was "iffy" about this cover, go play Endwalker. Then With all that fresh in your mind, come back. Listen to this again. There's multiple "eras" shown in Endwalker, and honestly, this rendition of "Answers" fits in one of those eras IMO. I would absolutely love if Erutan were to cover "Flow". I really think it fits her


This is not a fail.

The original Answers was like Mother Hydaelyn crying for her children in a time of great pain.

Yours is like a young mother Hydaelyn singing raising and nurturing her children in more peaceful, better times.

There is an innocence to your version that is very beautiful.

This is not a fail.
This is a triumph.

You did not just do a cover. You made this your own.


This is a 2 year old video so nobody is probably going to even read this comment but I don't think you need to apologize for this cover at all. I've loved FFXIV for years and Answers is one of my favorite scores in the game and, while very different in tone from the source material, this cover should stand just as proudly. You have a lovely voice and great instrumental talent and you did a wonderful job making this cover your own while still remaining faithful to the original. you've earned one more subscriber from this alone and I can't wait to look through your other works!


I bet Nobuo Uematsu himself would absolutely adore this amazing cover.


In the cursed year of 2020, I found something beautiful.

Thank you.


I don't know what to say. I discovered Erutan only recently. I had heard her Dragonborn song maybe a couple of years ago and absolutely loved it. It filled a space in my heart and mind that other songs just weren't able to at the time. I don't even remember what it was but something brought me back to her work on Spotify recently. Here I am now discovering the range of her talent, and it may sound dramatic, but my chest feels bruised knowing I am late to the party. I read on her site that she had been experiencing trouble with her voice, and it seems like that was some time ago. I can't imagine.. but I do hope that she has found a way to be happy and content. This magic she's released into the world through her musical talent is forever.

Here's to hoping she lets that creative spirit loose in more areas. 🌿 If you're reading these comments, I'd just like to say thank you, and be well.


"Hi guys, I apologize for this cover....from some of the comments I've been receiving, I understand that I've kinda failed here. " Failed? FAR from it. You took this beautiful song, and made it like a folksong.

I do not know if you've played Final Fantasy 14; but I could see people singing this to their children like so.
Or this being a Reprise with wide angle shots in game showing people recovering and even smiling in the taverns, inns, or bustling about the Ul'Dah streets!

This is not a fail. I LOVE this rendition. This is beautiful.


The fact that the comment under the video is an apology saddens me. You should not be apologizing. It sounded absolutely beautiful.

EDIT: To all the hateful people in the comments, you should be ashamed of yourself. If you don't like it, fine. You don't have to. You also don't have to be such a hateful, crappy person.


I usually don't comment any videos and I struggled with myself to write this one. But after reading the description and the comments, I figured I had to come back to this video and may I say that this song ultimately pushed me to play FFXIV:ARR? And I don't regret it. I heard your rendition of this song first and then, because of the description and the comments, went over to listen to the original song. Yes, your version is very different from the original, but it's not a bad thing. Your voice and instruments are very soft and very beautiful, it goes directly under my skin. I can easily see the original being some sort of battle hymn, which was sung in the midst of an epic battle, while your version of this song is something a bard would sing in remembrance of the epic battle in the past. Don't belittle yourself, please. It's very very beautiful.


This is absolutely gorgeous, you never cease to amaze me!


Wow, what? Can a kickstarter request be made to pull the apology down? This is an amazing rendition of this song. Please stand by this cover. It's beautiful.


Listening to this version after finishing Endwalker. This version/interpretation feels prophetic.


Honestly Erutan, as someone who is a hardcore FF fan, being someone who enjoys FFXIV ARR and continues to play now, I think this rendition is just as beautiful as the original. Yes, the original was powerful and it was to move the listener to understand the words she sang, showing the pain Hydaelyn felt, I think your rendition is JUST as strong. It is soft, like a sorrowful lullaby yet you clearly reflect the caring and motherly side of the song. It's beautiful. I think this version pulls more emotion from me than the original and there is nothing wrong with that. With how beautiful of a singer and composer you are, you made it your own version and that is what makes it beautiful.

You're beautiful Erutan! Never forget that. And your songs move us just as much as the originals <3


I abhor the use of the word “weak” when referring to a delicate voice that has beautiful tone and control.. There are many voice types, and it is best to either choose songs (or arrangements) that are suited to one’s unique voice. You have done so! :-) No disclaimers needed, dear!


Your gentle, "weak" voice is purely beautiful. It gives the song an entirely different feel. It is a cover, it is supposed to give a different feel and sound different. If your voice was a power house like Christina Aguilera, others would like it. But with your voice that you personally have, a whole different group of people like it. You can't please anyone. Don't ever apologise for anything you do. You do everything so uniquely and magnificently. You play so many instruments and that's amazing. What I'm trying to say is that this rendition of this song is just... I love it. And so do others. Feel confident in your talents, lovely. I just found your channel and I am so glad I did. Can't wait to buy your albums! Keep going, beautiful girl.


To all of my children in whom Life flows abundant
To all of my children to whom Death hath passed his judgement
The soul yearns for honor, and the flesh the hereafter
Look to those who walked before to lead those who walk after

Shining is the Land's light of justice
Ever flows the Land's well of purpose
Walk free, walk free, walk free, believe...
The Land is alive, so believe...

Suffer (Feel) Promise (Think) Witness (Teach) Reason
(Hear) Follow (Feel) Wander (Think) Stumble (Teach) Listen
(Speak) Honor (Speak) Value (Tell) Whisper (Tell) Mention
(Hope) Ponder (Hope) Warrant (Wish) Cherish (Wish) Welcome
(Roam) Witness (Roam) Listen (Roam) Suffer (Roam) Sanction
(Sleep) Weather (Sleep) Wander (Sleep) Answer Sleep on

Now open your eyes while our plight is repeated
Still deaf to our cries, lost in hope we lie defeated
Our souls have been torn, and our bodies forsaken
Bearing sins of the past, for our future is taken

War born of strife, these trials persuade us not
(Feel what? Learn what?)
Words without sound, these lies betray our thoughts
(See what? Hear what?)
Mired by a plague of doubt, the Land, she mourns
Judgement binds all we hold to a memory of scorn
Tell us why, given Life, we are meant to die, helpless in our cries?

Witness (Feel) Suffer (Think) Borrow (Teach) Reason
(Hear) Follow (Feel) Stumble (Think) Wander (Teach) Listen
(Blink) Whisper (Blink) Shoulder (Blink) Ponder (Blink) Weather
(Hear) Answer (Look) Answer (Think) Answer together

Thy Life is a riddle, to bear rapture and sorrow
To listen, to suffer, to entrust unto tomorrow
In one fleeting moment, from the Land doth life flow
Yet in one fleeting moment, for anew it doth grow
In the same fleeting moment
Thou must live, die, and know


No one's sparing your feelings -- this is amazing. It does something new and awesome with the song, and in the wake of Endwalker, seems incredibly appropriate -- almost prophetic.

I haven't been a regular of yours in the past, but I discovered you with this song, and it hooked me immediately. It's amazing, and while I can't find the original comments, what I gather from what *is* here is that a bunch of small-minded jerks on the internet with no imagination attacked your cover because it wasn't going for the same thing as the original. And that's both stupid and messed up.

Seriously, *seriously*, I keep coming back to listen to this. You've won a new subscriber.
