TRILL: Cultural Index

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A person owes who they are to a collection of memories and experiences. So what happens when those memories get extended and added to from 5,6,7 new people? That person is still you aren't they? Just you plus... more?
Questions like this are why Trill Initiates undergo three years of training before getting a Symbiont.
So yeah, We're looking at the Trill, joined or not.

This is the Cultural Index a series aimed at exploring various Science-Fiction species.
For outsiders to a series to get to know the basics and maybe even hardened Sci-fi nuts might discover something new.
Thanks for watching!

How to VOTE on what happens next:
Down below in the comments are two choices of topics left by me.
Whichever gets more likes is the species that will get the next video!


Cultural Index Series:

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Star Trek Online developed by Cryptic Studios and Perfect World.
Star Trek, Star Trek First Contact and Star Trek Enterprise/Voyager/Deep Space Nine and The Next Generation are all owned by Paramount Pictures and distributed by CBS.
This Video is for educational purposes with commentary.
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Hold up, we want to hear about their transportation system.


In an emergency, a Trill can be joined with a symbiote without going through the initiate training program. This was the case with Ezri Tigan who was Joined with Dax in order to save its life after the violent death of Jadzia left the Dax symbiote critically wounded. Ezri was simply the only Trill available at the time and to them, ALL other priorities are secondary to the survival of the symbiote. Besides Ezri Dax was the CUTEST officer in Starfleet. Cuteness always gets a pass.😁


They explained the ridges in one of the novels quite simply. There was a Trill colony that got hit by a mutated strain of the Klingon Augment virus thanks to a careless joined tourist.


A warlord Trill would be an interesting antagonist for the Federation.


I wish you had mentioned that in an extreme emergency a symbiot can be joined to a non trill, like that time Riker took on a symbiont from a ambassador who had been injured and dating the doctor or something, but as they said in the episode the joining to a non trill can not be maintained for long and is mostly just a stop gap measure to keep the symbiont alive


So the Symbiot is like a more beneficial version of the Gua'uld


If I ever deigned to get a full body tattoo, it'd have to be Trill spots


My favorite Trill is the rapper known as "Trill Bill" he's been known and verified to have kept it 100% Trill since his first host six cycles ago. His latest mix holo-tape "Cold Blooded Trilla" went Gold Pressed Latinum for 12 weeks straight. Easily beating his old record from his last holo-tape "To Pimp a Symbiote". They say his last single has been so popular that it's made it into the Delta Quadrant.


I’d love to see a Trill meet with a Goa’uld!

“You see this, initiates? This is Exactly why we have such strict standards!”


I still remember watching the episode of TNG with Odan after watching most of DS9, and being surprised by the fact that Dr. Crusher was unaware of symbiotes, among the Trill, as if they were only rarely off-world, and never got into accidents. It was like Star Wars, and no one knows what a Tusken or Jawa look like, even though both are killed regularly, and no one rips stuff off, and takes a look?

I like the Trill, as a Star Trek species. I'd want to play one in an RPG, and they don't even have bizarre superpowers, like telepathy, or mega-strength; just significant skill boosts.


Aw, and here I thought we were FINALLY going to get a serious discussion of public transport systems in scifi races.  :)  Ooh, I know - do Pierson's Puppeteers.  You could cover the stepping disk network while you're at it.


That one Trill from TNG actually had an alien grandfather who strongly influenced his appearance. Because of the emergency situation they had to transfer the symbiot to his cousin who was likewise of alien descent.


I had the hardest crush on Ezri Dax.. so damn adorable.


Holy cow... I just realized SG1 is set in a dark mirror universe!


I like the trills. They put perspective on consciousness. They can transfer one host's memories into another host by implanting symbiots but they can't transfer consciousness. Each host is different. They only inherit the memories.


Re-association happened with Ezri. Clearly, for practical reasons regarding Dax's experiences in the Dominion War.


When I was growing up I caught a fair amount of DS9 (not really in order, just stray episodes) and I always loved when I caught an episode with Ezri because I found her really cute and sweet but her struggles with previous lives’ memories was really interesting to me.

To be honest She’s probably the reason I have a thing for girls with short hair now as an adult.


Very Similar to the Tok'ra, though with Tok'ra you have two minds but the host can access past experience of the symbiote. The Tok'ra could take control of host body if wanted but its frowned upon by the Tok'ra. When i first saw the Trill i thought of stargate when i saw dax the first time.


loved the video, and i also love the Ood


11:12 — Thanks for implicitly reminding us that the Trill and symbiotes were retconned with the premiere of DS9.
