When A Man Does THIS, You're Just An OPTION To Him

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When A Man Does THIS, You're Just An OPTION To Him... In this dating, love and relationship advice video, I will give you the seven signs you're just an option to him that you should not overlook. You may meet a man and feel like you're just an option to him and it might be on first dates, online dating, or somewhere in the dating process. Take heed to these dating tips, and ensure you watch the entire video.

I don't want you to be with a man who will make you a convenience and not a priority. When you feel like you are not a priority in your relationship, it can be frustrating and may create confusion when dating. In this dating advice, I will give you seven signs you're just an option to him so that you will avoid wasting your time with a man who is not serious with you.

I want you to know how men think and help you to understand men better to know when you are a priority to your man. This relationship advice will help you know what men think so that when you see the signs you're just an option to a man, you will be in a position to do what is truly best. Be sure to embrace these dating tips to avoid wasting time with a man who doesn't value you.

As a certified life coach, relationship coach, and dating coach, I want to make dating and relationships easier for you. I pray that you find this video helpful, and you will be able to enjoy dating and have a fulfilling, healthy relationship.

If you are asking any of the following questions or searching for:
- Signs you're just an option to him
- Signs you're just an option
- Signs he made you an option
- Am I just an option to him
- Online dating
- Signs you are just an option to a man
- How men think
- What men think
- Understand men
- Relationship advice
- Dating
- Dating advice for women
- Dating advice
- Dating tips
and more, well, I believe this dating advice for women and men video will give you the clarity you need.



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I hope you enjoyed my video: When A Man Does THIS, You're Just An OPTION To Him

Watch this dating advice video next: THIS Makes A Man Start To CARE After You Stop Caring


#SignsYoureJustAnOptionToHim #SignsYoureJustAnOption #HowMenThink #OnlineDating #DatingAdvice #DatingAdviceForWomen #UnderstandMen #WhatMenThink #RelationshipAdviceForWomen #StephanSpeaks
Рекомендации по теме

I don't want nobody that doesn't want me! 💯


I honestly believe that if a man loves me…nothing will hold him back from giving me the love that I truly deserve. Men are pretty straightforward…no commitment means he doesn’t value you enough to give it to you.


My ex didnt make an effort. My current partner does everything to make our relationship work. You are right on this one


Yeap!! I've healed and was able to walk away, whereas unhealed me would have stayed. No one deserves to be an option when you make them a priority. We deserve better!!


Relationships are so hard. I don’t think I have the patience for one.


If someone is showing you who they are and don’t see your value, no matter how much time you invested in the relationship, let them go. One thing you cannot get back is time. If he is willing to let you go, let it go! And this can be someone who married you. Healing is available at any stage in your life.


Let them go ladies! I just did this with a guy who was not bringing me peace to my life so I finally said I don’t like the way you treat me and I’m moving on!! End of story


Let me tell you something ladies and gentlemen relationships are not supposed to be hard not supposed to be writing a dissertation they are supposed to flow easily and naturally and if it does not do that without a lot of thought and processing get out and stay out no love treats you like that. Read the warning signs drop that ZERO and get your self a HERO👑💕🤗


Amen, always remember he will repeat the behavior if you compromise your values.


If he loves you he will go to the ends of the Earth for you❤️


The man who was pursing me did me like this and I ended up being a baby mother on top of I found out he was married. After all his bullshit came to light. I was so blinded by my emotions on trying to make something that wasn't working out or meant for me at all. However as a single mother It has taught me to love me more and be aware of what a man said by his actions.


Stephen I don't appreciate you calling me out like that lol. I'm definitely getting my act together. Loneliness kept me going back to an unfulfilling off and on relationship.


Women protect your PEACE!! No matter how good you act or how ride or die you are you will still get cheated on !! Let’s stop making men a priority and make children, family, and friends one #2023


This is so exhausting. If I'm an option just leave me alone. Alot of times they have no reason to be unhappy. They just want you to accept their bullshit and be quiet about it. Don't have time for that bs


This is spot on. Im recovering from this type of thing right now. I was dating a seemingly wonderful man. Great career, active father, had his own business. The downside, hes in a biker club and he leaves for several days on rides. That wasnt the main problem, the problem is that he would leave without saying anything to me. I told him I had an issue with this. All I asked is that he let me know when he was going to leave and stay in touch while gone. He pretended to correct the issue by explaining to me that his contact with me was sporadic because he cant ride his motorcycle and text at the same time. so fast forward, he did well for a few months with telling me he would be on the road. And now we're back to square one. Im walking away because I know Im not a priority to him. In the past I would have tried to get him back but no, thats it for me.


Every time I click on your video I have to emotionally prepare myself for the truth bombs, oh my little heart 😭




This is another strategy, when they release you are right, they always try another way to pulling you back. Peace out


That's exactly right! This is so helpful. He never tries to correct anything. It absolutely doesn't even matter to him, I actually don't matter to him. I find myself begging and pleading and feeling so ashamed and be the fool at the end of the day. My heart feels broken like everyday. He totally breadcrumbs me and gaslights me everyday. I've been in total isolation and it's extremely depressing and I'm medicating myself just to get through it. A vicious cycle is and understatement! 😭💔👎😞🤢😞


I can’t settle for someone who’s settling for me. I’d rather die unwed even though marriage is a life goal of mine. My husband will be family and getting divorced won’t be a possibility because he will feel the same about me and about marriage. If I don’t ever meet a man I can call my husband, I will at least feel good about staying authentic to myself and to others. I’d rather die alone than die feeling lonely and mistreated because I chose marriage over a man who wants to hear me and understand me and build an atmosphere we both can thrive in.
An ex of mind divorced a second time, I could’ve been than second wife and I’m glad I didn’t let my excitement and feelings ignore exactly what was going on which Stephan explains in this video. This video brought clarity to me and why something didn’t feel right, and it wasn’t just my nerves! That gut feeling is right! We can feel when someone doesn’t love us or invest in us the way we do in them.
