Climate Resiliency and Adaptation for Water Infrastructure

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August 4, 2020
NEIWPCC's first webinar in the National State Revolving Fund Webinar Series includes case studies from New Hampshire on sustainability programs for wastewater projects as well as funding partnerships and incentives to help achieve program goals. Additionally, speakers from Maine present on the implementation of climate adaptation plans as well as a technical case study from work completed in Brownville, ME. Lastly, we explore changes to water infrastructure projects in New York following Hurricane Sandy.

Sharon L. Nall, P.E., Supervisor Planning, Protection and Assistance Section
Wastewater Engineering Bureau, Water Division | New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services

Brandy M. Piers, P.E., Senior Environmental Engineer, Bureau of Water Quality Management | Maine Department of Environmental Protection

James Lord, P.E., Senior Project Engineer | Dirigo Engineering

William A. Brizzell, Jr., P.E., Deputy Director, Division of Engineering and Program Management | NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation
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