Resilient Cities JWP: The case for urban resilience and adaptation to climate change

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The Resilient Cities Joint Work Programme aims to 'strengthen global partnerships and local resilience strategies to facilitate the flow of knowledge and resources to enhance city resilience tools, approaches, and capacity development interventions within long-term urban planning processes that also address informality and the working urban poor’.
This project, co-financed by Cities Alliance and led by C40 working with ICLEI, SDI, UN-Habitat and 100RC, is aimed at creating a new approach to “adaptation diplomacy”, one that has a strong focus on identifying key challenges, needs and messages from global south cities on climate change adaptation, resilience, sustainable development, inclusivity and equity issues in cities. By bringing cities together to advance this agenda, the project will also provide an opportunity for cities to learn from their fellow peers and strengthen their institutional capacity to integrate the climate and development agenda.
This project, co-financed by Cities Alliance and led by C40 working with ICLEI, SDI, UN-Habitat and 100RC, is aimed at creating a new approach to “adaptation diplomacy”, one that has a strong focus on identifying key challenges, needs and messages from global south cities on climate change adaptation, resilience, sustainable development, inclusivity and equity issues in cities. By bringing cities together to advance this agenda, the project will also provide an opportunity for cities to learn from their fellow peers and strengthen their institutional capacity to integrate the climate and development agenda.