Are you transgender? Male to Female/MtF Part 1

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Watching this video can help you answer the question, "Am I transgender?"

This video was created to help you determine whether or not you are transgender, specifically male to female, male to "whatever," or transfeminine. ("Male to whatever/MtW" is a phrase inclusive of all gender fluidity identities such as those who feel gender queer, bigender, two spirit, agender, neutrois, eunuch, etc.) If you think about the questions proposed in the video, particularly the statements in the top left hand corner of the video, this may help you understand whether or not you are transgender. Please note, this video is part 1 of 2, so be sure to watch the 2nd video following this video.

Are you transgender? First determine if you have "dysphoria," a criteria to be diagnosed with "Gender Dysphoria."
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"Imagine you could never change it"

*Waterfalls in my eyes*


I wish it was as easy as waking up the way I see myself


this didn't only help, it basically confirmed it. thank you so much


I've always thought my want and desire to become a girl wasn't severe enough to be considered dysphoric, but this video proved me wrong. This video was extremely helpful, thank you! I feel sorry that you have so much student loan to pay off, hope you finish it soon!


im not trans, nor am i questioning, but this was still helpful in learning how to relate to my trans friends' struggles.


"Imagine you could never change it"
I wanted to cry as she said that...


"Imagine that you could never change it"
My brain: no, bad, go to the corner, ew


I have felt that I am a girl ever since I was little and up until a few years ago I have suppressed the feeling deeply. When I was little I loved to dress up in girl clothing, I would play dress up with my sisters and I wore a dress, make-up, a wig, bra-inserts and high heels and I felt so happy at that time. It's been so long since I have felt the way I did when I was younger, I haven't been around many girls and I am certainly not allowed to wear girl clothing. It's been a few years now that the feelings of being a girl have come creeping back up and I don't want to fight it anymore, sometimes I cry and when I go to sleep I say to myself "if only I could wake up looking like a girl tomorrow, all of this dysphoria would go away" and of course that doesn't happen. My biggest fear about telling anyone that I am transgender is losing my dad as I'm his only child and he's always wanted a boy. I still look like a guy today, I am twenty-four years old and I am struggling with the idea of being a guy for the rest of my life, I know suicide isn't the answer but I feel stuck, trapped, I am suffocating in my own body, I want to leap out and express myself and I can't and I want to crawl into a hole and die. Why did God allow this to happen? (now I'm starting to cry). I'm sorry. I want to transition so badly but I don't know where to turn, how do I tell my parents and my friends, I don't want to not pass either and I know I am fairly masculine. I'm afraid that if I don't do something soon I am going to dig myself a hole and live there until my time is over. Please God, turn me into a girl, please!


I'm 6 weeks on hormones and out to all my friends, family and coworkers with my new name and pronoun. I found this video a couple of weeks ago and I rewatched it today. I'm very sure of my decision and don't really *need* to confirm it. But this video is so affirming and comforting, thank you!


DAMN IT! How am I going to explain this to my family? I’m 14, they’re gonna think it’s a phase or something! Help!


Thank you so much! After watching part 1 & 2 it feels like a fog has been lifted and I actually laughed at myself because my doubts were so stupid! I am transgender and your videos have helped me more than any others. Thank you so much.


ive been questioning if i was a woman for a while now. this helps, thank you.


Walking through these things really helped me to identity my dysphoria. I now see I have mild dysphoria and it makes me feel better knowing for sure that I am trans.


Alexis has been so great with me. She has been my therapist for several months now. She helped me get on HRT and has given me so much support in my transition. Thanks to her, I am now living and presenting as a full time girl. I am on top of the world. I had no idea it would be this good. I love it. Ill never go back to being a boy. It is such an amazing feeling to have the world look at you and treat you like a girl. This was the hardest decision of my life, but also the best decision that I ever made. I finally feel like myself. At 48 years old, I am so happy, free, and peaceful. I'm living a dream. Thank you, Alexis !


Yes, I'm a transexual woman in Canada, I've fully transitioned many years ago, great Chan by the way 💖


I could not have made it without you. You are not making a mistake if you ask Alexis for help. Whatever you decide do not go it alone.


I kinda feel nostalgic when I found this video in my recommendation. I watched this video when I was younger when I was trying to figure myself out. Makes me really happy I figured it out and I hope other people feel the same


I just found out that I'm trans gender mtf and I'm currently on hormones and have blockers and I have not regretted this I keep to myself and it works so easily your videos have made me proud for who I am and make me feel happy


I have dysphoria but mainly about my face, body hair and being perceived as male by others.


3:36 "And by the way, feeling better at the conceptual change, just imagining this change, does mean that you have dysphoria, it's just less obvious."

Oof. That kinda hit home right there.
