Dr. David Wood Proves the Resurrection of Christ

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David Wood (Ph.D) presents an excellent case for the historicity of Christ's resurrection from the dead. And these are just a few pieces of evidences - volumes of scholarship have been done on the resurrection! The empty tomb is also very well attested even by the enemies of the disciples. If the disciples stole the body (as the ancient Jews held to) then this would never result in the conversion of Paul (an enemy of the church) and James (the skeptic unbelieving brother of Jesus). And why would the disciples knowingly suffer and die for something they know is a lie? This idea simply cannot account for all the facts.

Christianity would have DIED in the 1st century hadn't Jesus rose from the dead!

Some helpful videos:

Рекомендации по теме

David Wood was largely responsible for me accepting Christ into my life. Thank you David. I know God put you in my path for a reason. I was an atheist for 38 years and used to argue with Christians online. I couldn't justify my position any longer


God put this guy across my path at the right time.


What convinced me is Pentecost. Before that, the disciples were scared, in hiding, desillusioned. Stephen was already killed. But after that, they were fierce, enboldened, outgoing, nothing could stop them. They had their live's work cut out for them. They suffered, paid with their lives, but they insisted that it was true: that Jesus had risen from the dead. And I think that is what they saw at Pentecost. They saw Him, alive and well. Their belief was not just belief anymore. They were SURE. They KNEW.


Christ died, Christ is risen, Christ will come back, Jesus is Lord, and is risen, risen indeed. Very powerful speech by our brother in Christ Dr.David Wood, amen God bless all of u and @Acts17Apologetics merry Christmas and happy holidays!!!


You will never change anyone's mind without the grace of the risen Christ as they are simply blinded by their own pride! If they admit that you are right, then they must admit that they have been wrong all the time! What a shock to their pride! Pray for them. Pray pray pray that the Lord may give them sight!


We are so blessed to have someone like Dr. David Wood.


Why everyone criticizing Jesus bcoz it is truth and everyone afraid with truth.. Truth makes u naked ur all hiding things come in light... Jesus is way of truth 👏👏👏


I've had many spiritual experiences. God has answered prayers and answers. He gave me 3 dreams with him. Everything I've seen, experienced No one can tell me Jesus isn't God. I would also give my life for my Lord. Until you experience him for yourself you will never understand!


Very well done David Wood…Our Lord had indeed risen!!! And He will be back to end the wicked and to take His bride home!


I've experienced a miracle myself, when a skin desease that bothered me for a long time was gone in one milisecond after parents took me to some old granny's house where she healed me by the power of God, she put a leaf from the tree on my skin, said a prayer and the desease was gone in that same moment, but... this wasn't the reason why I started believing in God. I simply always had the feeling that He exists, it's like it was already written down in my heart


Internet atheists: My source of information is silly memes and two YouTube videos
Woe to those who think there is no God
And for no reason something came out of nothing and we are the products of blind forces 😂


David Wood is an amazing testimony for God! He was a psychopath and an atheist who tried to kill his own father with a hammer, and now he's a Christian apologist mostly against islam. Search for his testimony on youtube. Its compelling considering what THE LORD has done with David's life.


We love you David for your knowledge and sense of humour. God bless you and the family.


atheist are like a fish in a deep wide ocean looking for evidence of water, atheist are people who are in love with their sins.


There is more evidence of Christ than Shakespeare. No one doubts Shakespeare.


Seeing atheists getting triggered over this video is hilarious.


Jesus is real. My family was Hindu, we converted due to the miraculous healing of Jesus❤


Great excerpt! Brother David does very well defending the Truth. Thanks for sharing. God bless 🙏🏼


How To Go To Heaven

1.  Realize you are a sinner   Romans 3:23    exp. lying, cussing, gossip, sex outside marriage
2. Punishment for sin-Lake of Fire   Revelation 20:15
3. Salvation is not in good deeds, baptism.or religion  Titus 3:5
4. Salvation is 100% in Jesus Christ, The True God   John 14:6  Jesus Christ loves you!
5. Jesus Christ died on the cross for all your sins, shed His blood,
    buried, and came alive.  Romans 10:9
6. Trust in Christ and His shed blood on the cross  only for salvation.
7. Right now pray, "Dear Lord Jesus Christ, please be my Savior and Lord,
    I trust in your blood at the cross, you were buried, and came alive, please
    come into heart and save me, I am a sinner, Amen." Romans 10:13
8. If you prayed and accepted Christ, heaven is your home.  John 3:16
9. Go to a Baptist church next Sunday
10. Read the Old King James Bible everyday
11. Every day pray to the Lord

LightHouse Ministries


David, proud to see you doing great...you are a prime example were God takes failures and makes champions of them...the best is yet to come for you.
