Dr David Wood: Zakir Naik Declares: 'Jesus Is the God of Muhammad!' @SomaliChristianTVExMuslims

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Dr David Wood: Zakir Naik Declares: "Jesus Is the God of Muhammad!"🔴SUBSCRIBE & JOIN THE FAMILY❤️FOR MORE! @Somali Christian TV Ex-Muslim

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🔴 English Language Debates: 👇 🔴
( 1: Christian Prince Skype👉DebateTV (text first)
( 2: Sam Shamoun: Skype👉benny_malik3 )
( 3: Rob Christian: Skype 👉 Rob Christian)
( 4: David Wood: Skype 👉 David Wood )
( 5: SoldierOfChrist: Skype 👉 Amosz21 )
( 6: Somali Language Debates: ( Skype 👉Somali Christian Tv Ex-Muslim )

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🔴 English Language Debates: 👇 🔴
( 1: Christian Prince Skype👉Debate TV Christian Prince. (text first)
( 2: Sam Shamoun: Skype👉benny_malik3 )
( 3: Rob Christian: Skype 👉 RobChristian)
( 4: David Wood: Skype 👉 David Wood )
( 5: SoldierOfChrist: Skype 👉 Amosz21 )
( 6: Somali Language Debates: ( Skype 👉Somali Christian Tv Ex-Muslim


Thanks for sharing my family.lots of loving God bless you all!🥰🙏🏽🙇🏽


ironically Jesus's name alone destroys the whole quran. 😃


If you're feeling invisible, unloved, rejected, please know that Jesus sees you, loves you, and thinks you're worth dying for.


And yet the conforter ( muhammad) after being sent by Jesus he died by poison but Jesus is alive for more than 2, 000 years now and forever more. Where is the promise of Jesus who said Muhammad ( SAW) would stay forever with us!?


Zakir naik the famous village id'ot🤣


Well come from ethiopian orthodox church


"He who uses philosophy uses logic, and he who uses logic has become a heretic" ~~ibn Taymiyyah

Jn 14:26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

Muhammad came in the name of Allah, the name of a strange God. He did not come in the name of Jesus. All he does is undermine and disrespect Jesus.

Jn 14:13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.

Only God can answer prayers and give men according to what they ask. What does that make Jesus? GOD!


Zakar Naik will say anything as long as he has his gullible audience sharing him ignorantly. He know most of them will never crosscheck the bible let alone question his argurement. Just clap and laugh as if the kingdom of God is winning an argument and losing your soul.


This muslim is still trying to force Mohammed into being the comforter that this Muslim and all muslim believes Jesus is speaking of. With these words Jesus destroys this muslim scholar's claim of Mohammed being the comforter. Jesus said in John 14:18. I will not leave you comfortless I Will COME TO YOU. Jesus did not say that any other man will come to you. Jesus was the comforter while He walked this earth. As being the comforter He spoke these words to the multitude of 4000 people that he fed the seven loaves and the few fishes. He said in Matt 15:32. I have compassion on the multitude because they continue with me now three days and have nothing to eat and I will not send them away fasting lest they faint in a way.


We love you David and all soldier's of the truth.


Jesus wasn't talking about muhammad, he was talking about the Holy spirit


God bless you David and we love you.


Now we know why CP is looking you , why not debate him. Thank you David God bless you!


Quran 4:82 has brought a sense of relief and comfort to countless Muslims around the world. In the verse, Allah, the supposedly all-knowledgeable god, says to Muslims: “If the Quran is a false book, you will find in it much contradictions.” While the verse, itself, puts into doubt Allah’s all-knowing attribute, and seriously questioned his “no mistake ability”, the verse continues to bring a sense of relief to Muslims; because nobody knows the actual “number of contradictions” that is required to constitute (or to declare) the Quran a false book.
We must also note that a perfectly preserved book may also be a book that is replete (filled) with contradictions. This is no sign of miracle.


All glory and praise to the mighty Triune GOD!


@Somali Christian TV Ex-Muslims There is another interpretation that said the address is No 88 Al-Ghaashiya road, Block (Verse) 20, FLAT EARTH CITY, MECCA.
This might be near the city of NUPUR SHARMA where king NUPUR SHARMA is said to be the ruler.
Some people said KING NUPUR SHARMA has a very popular daughter called NUPUR SHARMA and Some people said KING NUPUR SHARMA does not have a daughter called NUPUR SHARMA.
There are many opinions about the story of KING NUPUR SHARMA. Those that are wise will accept the story of KING NUPUR SHARMA while others will not accept it.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


If Jesus is the one who sent Muhammad ﷺ (the Comforter) then that means he (Jesus) sent the Quran, and if he sent the Quran then he denies his sonship to God Almighty (Allah) and his divinity, and if Jesus (PBUH) sent Muhammad ﷺ and the Quran then Jesus Christ (PBUH) says in the Quran “They say, "Allah has taken a son." Exalted is He! Rather, to Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth. All are devoutly obedient to Him”. So in this verse Jesus is saying “They say that my Lord has taken me as His son, Exalted is He, rather to Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth” so even in this verse Jesus (PBUH) praises and glorifies God as his Lord and Master in both heaven and earth. In the verse Jesus (PBUH) says “I will ask the father, and He will send another helper to you, that he may be with you forever” so Jesus (PBUH) will ask God to send the helper (Muhammad ﷺ) to us and the Quran was given to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ by God through the Angel Gabriel and since you’re saying that Jesus is the god of Muhammad ﷺ (i.e Allah) then you should believe that Jesus (PBUH) refutes all the lies in the bible

By the way Jesus (PBUH) is known as Isa in the Quran, not Allah

In the Quran God is Allah

Isa is Jesus (PBUH)

Allah, Isa (God, Jesus)


Dr Wood, Christ has clearly spoken about 'Prophet Mohd', but in a different place. Matt 7:15-20. The Holy SPIRIT is a Comferter, and the Spirit of truth. Whereas Prophet Mohd was (according to Quran) a robber, plunderer, userper of other peoples wives as well as children. We see no truth in him but total falsehood. How can the learned Dr Naik still hold Mohd as Rasulullah Salalaho Alahi Wassalm.(man of God). A robber is a robber and a thief is a thief, we simply cannot mix up a plunderer with a prophet or a man of God. If we do so then our sanity becomes questionable...


David wood is fighting a fight with the devil in him.
