Meet A Nebula -A Song about Space/Astronomy -Nebulae song -In A World Music Kids with The Nirks™

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Meet a Nebula! Join Vincent as he takes you out into the galaxy to meet some new friends, nebulae!
You’ll meet 5 different types of nebulae including a: Planetary Nebula, Emission Nebula, Reflection Nebula, Dark Nebula and Supernova Remnant. Vincent will take you on a tour to meet the coolest nebulae he can find: The Ring Nebula, Orion Nebula, Horsehead Nebula, Pleiades Nebula and the Crab Nebula. They are all excited to tell you about themselves and reveal some of the mysteries behind their clouds.

Out in space in the emptiness
You’ll find large clouds of gas and dust
Some are left over from a dying star
Others are where newborn stars are

These mysterious clouds are called Nebulae
There are several different kinds for you to see
Out in the expanse of our galaxy
We’ll go on an epic journey

CHORUS: Let’s go meet a Nebula
The coolest spectacle you ever saw
Incredible sculptures of gas and dust
Meeting one it is a must

Let’s go meet a Nebula
The greatest phenomena you ever saw
Let’s go meet a nebula now
Come with me I’ll show you how

I’m the Ring nebula from the constellation Lyra
I’m a ring-shaped cloud called a planetary nebula
I have nothing to do with planets, though
The name refers to how I look like a planet through a telescope

When some stars are nearing the end of their life
They throw off large shells of gas creating an awesome sight
I’m what’s left after my star had a very good long run
Your sun will probably create a planetary nebula when it is done

I’m Orion, one of the brightest nebulae in your sky
In the Orion constellation, I can be seen with the unaided eye
I am a diffuse nebula, a very common kind
It means I’m extended and don’t have boundaries well defined

I’m called an emission nebula, more particularly
A place where new stars form, a stellar nursery
Lighting up the cosmos, I’m where new stars are coming to life
A cloud of high-temperature ionized gas, I emit my own light


I’m the Horsehead nebula, you can find me in Orion
My cloud is shaped like horse’s head, I promise, I aint lyin’
I am what is known as a Dark nebula type
I’m a dark, dense cloud that blocks out the light

My cloud is so dense, that I absorb all light behind me
A mysterious shadowy figure, outlined by light around me
Dark nebulae are extremely hard to find
It helps when there are bright stars or an emission nebula nearby

I’m the Pleiades Nebula, you can find me in Taurus
A large cluster of stars, with a cloud of gas and dust
I have many names Pleiades, Seven Sisters, and M45
I reflect the light of stars around me and nearby

A Reflection Nebula, I don’t make any light of my own
I rely on the star cluster I’m passing through to make my presence known
The light of the stars around me reflects off my dust particles
Illuminating me in a way that makes me shine and sparkle


A fantastic sight to behold, I’m the Crab Nebula
You can find me in Taurus, an epic phenomenon
When a massive star ends its life in a blaze of glory
It explodes in supernova, but that’s not the end of the story

I’m a nebula type called a supernova remnant
I’m the material left over from a star’s explosive event
Although my star may be gone, it will never be forgotten
As a supernova remnant, we live on to honor them

Out in space in the emptiness
You’ll find large clouds of gas and dust
Some are left over from a dying star
Others are where newborn stars are

These mysterious clouds are called Nebulae
There are several different kinds for you to see
Out in the expanse of our galaxy
We’ll go on an epic journey


Counter Melody:
We are nebulae
Cosmic mysteries
Drifting through the galaxy
shimmering light so pure
with secrets we obscure
waiting to be explored
by you
Come and meet a nebula
Let’s go meet a nebula

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