Google Ads: The Truth About Click Fraud

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My team can help your business grow through Google Ads, learn more here:


Is it in big G's interest to prevent all invalid clicks? Just a 1% unnaccounted for invalid click rate is worth hundreds of millions to their bottom line.

Then again so would a highly effective automated campaign algorithm...


Paying less per lead doesn't mean anything if the leads are ass. Odds are, the software was blocking malicious web crawlers, bots, etc. which were artificially inflating your lead totals.


ok, what if you have a local business, rest of the world excluded, and still get clicks from other countries, and sometimes even spam of 70 clicks per minute? IP addresses from all over the world clicking on ads, and only 20, or maximum 30% end up being considered invalid clicks when the average cost per click is around 30 pounds(London, UK) You can easily spend 200 to 500 pounds for a conversion. and the thing is that a company took over, with 7 websites on the first page. Block this GOOGLE


We could talk for hours about this, still I think you are not seeing the advantages of these tools and to which kind of accounts work for, so allow me address some things from what you say in your video:

1. These softwares are not for ecommerce businesses or those who DO remarketing campaigns, YOU ARE COMPLETELY right about this

2. I've been using ONE of these software (the big one you banned from your fb group, I guess) and convertion rate increased 100%. This customer sells car insurance.

3. Small businesses that DO not have HUGE budgets are really looking to optimize quality of clicks and YES prevent shity competitors from wasting their daily budget.
Have you ever worked with a washing machine/fridge repair guy before??? they get attacked massively, sometimes they don't even see their ads.

4. OK, let's say Google does this FREE (actually not, you pay, don't you)... Have you ever called their support call center with an account presenting this issue. I remember once asking a support guy what does a 2 Impressiones vs. 5 clicks meant in one of my campaigns, and he replied that we were having an excellent CTR.... really??? I mean the guy did not even understood my initial question.

Furthermore, it takes google HOURS to filter invalid clicks from your account. This means and I have experienced with several customers, that their ads just disappear from the face of the planet, google reports in account that daily budget is already gone, and you have an angry customer asking how is this possible, if ads just ran 45 minutes.

5. Have you ever approached google to ask them how do they prevent this from happening and/or asking how did invalid clicks report got to that number??? I invite you to do it and see their reaction... most of the time they don't have a clue of what you are talking about, say they will talk to their engineers and will get back to you with an answer. I did this question back in 2011 and still haven't got an answer

BOTTOM LINE, yes this does not apply to accounts under the variables you talk about in your video, but we have found these softwares very useful with some customers and DO get a lot of possitive results after using them..
