QCTP Tool Holders for the Lathe

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More tool holders for the lathe never hurt: shaper project cutting dovetails, first real go with a tapping head, and a bit more on cold bluing.
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I watch your videos instead of mindless TV... Much more entertaining and I learn tons of stuff. Thank you!


Hey younger old Tony, I just stopped by from the future to re-watch some of your classics.


stubled upon this older Video and just wanted to bring some Light in the dark with the tapping head. As commented before it is from a machine factory (WMW - Werkzeug Maschinen Werke which translates to tool machine factory) from East Germany (the former GDR) It was one of the few and to my knowledge the biggest machine Factory there back in the days. They still exist today and besides building machines to your specifications, they offer cnc conversion kits for their older machines. (still for big bucks - so no hobby type affordable)
The writing on the side "Gewindebohrfutter" would most likely translate to "tapping head chuck"
Love your Viedeos! I know you're going through a dark time now, but can't wait to have you back!


I absolutely love your videos and your sense of humor! Out of all the youtube machinists, I find your videos to be the most pleasant to watch. I know there are many great machinists out there but their videos concentrate just on the machining part. In my opinion, your videos have the perfect balance between entertainment and education/machining tips. I like to watch a couple of your videos every night before I go to bed... Please keep up with the great work and continue making videos!


I enjoy your style of videos. Funny wit with some clever editing, along with some really detailed explanation of what your doing. Like the analogy of the camp fire with watching the shaper. Nice work on the tool holders.


I miss the shaper. I don't know why but I love watching them work and the clapper box is so soothing


Can't beat starting the day with a long TOT and short AvE video. Tony has by far the best metal parting techniques. I'd watch an entire video just on that. A+ for distance mounting too, that was an excellent toss.


I love watching your videos. Takes me back fifty years and more. I do love watching the shaper, it's such a versatile piece of gear..


your threading tool comes from the former GDR (German Democratic Republic), i.e. from East Germany and has been made by VEB August-Bebel Werk.
"VEB" is "Volkseigener Betrieb", which translates into "Publicly Owned Operation".
As many other factories in the GDR this operation was named after a Marxist/Socialist politician, in this case August Bebel.
Tools from East Germany tended to be of quite good quality.
Kind regards


Fun tip - if you don't need them blued in under an hour, there's a very easy and simple way to blue your parts that wears better than cold blue and is darker. Basically just thoroughly degrease your part, immerse it in distilled or very clean water (our tap water is runoff mountain water) and boil it. Let it cool and it will form a fine rust. Boil the part again to convert to black iron oxide, card it with OOOO steel wool or denim and repeat until you're happy. Overnight gives very fast results with just slightly matte finish, less time gives finer results, but requires more repetitions. It's that easy...

Thanks again for the great videos!


Love the light-hearted nature of your videos, great sense of humor, very enjoyable. One of my favorite channels, great job!


I've said it before, but your editing technique is very outstanding!


Watching this with my wife (God bless her) I just said out loud "that's s good idea tony" in reference to your angled holder for HSS to provide automatic relief. Just wanted you to know. Keep up the good work!


Love your channel Tony. Specially your sense of humour. And love your editing. Must take a great deal of your time. To make these video's. I nearly choked on a ice lolly when I see you was cutting the parts with that knife. Just brilliant. You do make me laugh.


Say Tony we miss you and hope you and your family are well.
I have been watching reruns and learning everyday looking forward to seeing you back on.
I'm sure your father in-law is watching you from above and waiting as we all are.
I know there's nothing I can do but if you need anything at all please let me know


That shaper is mesmerizing...I fell asleep to it and when I woke up the cat had eaten my mouse...


Always fun to watch some older TOT before a milling machine was the solution to taking stock square and cutting interesting shapes. What a treat!


Wow! As a dedicated viewer of all your new videos (2019), it’s amazing how far you’ve come in a few years in your video making. You have always been a wealth of information, but the specific personality and u inquest way of adding in humor in your most recent videos are what really add the enjoyment of your content. Not saying your older videos aren’t entertaining.


I love the circular nature of your channel... Making tools to help make tools to make tools to make tools...


Excellent video! I enjoy watching everything on your channel.

In my experience, cold blueing works much better when you heat up the part briefly with a heat gun or torch to about 150 degrees F and then apply some blueing fallowed by going over it with some 0000 steel wool and repeating the process from the beginning a few times until you are satisfied with the color. This process has given me a darker blue.
