Jesus Calling is NOT Christian! | Jon Clash

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My brother in Christ, I've been going through a hard time & your videos have helped me in picking myself back up. Amen my brother.


Literally just threw mine in the dumpster


I just ordered a copy of the book it hasn't came yet. However, I will return it soon as I get it. God told me to research the book and I start to see videos similar to yours stating that "Jesus is Calling" is not a good buy for true believer of Christ Jesus. It is so easy to be deceived these days. May Christ Jesus continue to keep us.


Years ago when came out, I knew something wasn’t right so I threw it in trash after shredding.


Great video! Had no idea about that book. I don’t own one but Ive definitely see the devotionals.


Bro I used to read jesus calling and I would get this strange feeling that something was wrong I know now that that was God or Holy Spirit telling me not to read it anymore then your video just confirmed it for me.thanks bro God bless


I don’t have that devotional but I have another one she wrote. Something was off when I was reading it to my kids. God pressed on my heart that these books are bad. Thanks for this video.


"When we've been there ten thousand years,
bright shining as the sun,
we've no less days to sing God's praise,
than when we'd first begun."

That's the goal right?
To get There.

*Love God* with all your heart and soul and mind and strength.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after Righteousness.
Pray without ceasing...
Let us fix our eyes on Jesus...
*LOVE* covers a multitude of sins.
We are saved by *GRACE.*
Let us come boldly to the Throne of Grace...

All of the above sentences are Bible verses. Anyone can google them if there is a need to know which ones they are. I try and be in alignment with those things. I got this book a few weeks ago just because of videos like this. I bought it expecting to agree "Oh I see, that is a very wrong thing in this book!" But so far I have found nothing in it that jumps out at me like that. I am fine with having it and reading it. I don't think it's the deal breaker that is going to keep me out of Heaven and don't think that Jesus does either. (That's my opinion of course, I could be dead wrong.)
One of the arguments of this video is along the lines of "Jesus isn't nice as this book makes Him out to be... He overturned tables..." Something like that anyway.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for _I am gentle_ and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." (Matthew 11:28)

...And may you have the power to understand, as all of God's people should, How wide, how long, how HIGH and how *DEEP* His Love IS."
(Ephesians 3:18)

Everything below this paragraph is just going to be a "copy and paste."
Let's just take it on faith that Jesus Loves you as much as the below information says that He does...

"Near death experiences" are the kind of things where
people get into bad plane crashes or car crashes and things like that and then they "die" and leave their bodies and go on to experience Amazing things in another REALM. But "it wasn't their time" so they get sent back to earth to tell their stories. There are many books about that and many Youtube videos about that. Here comes just a few various quotes from various people who have had encounters with Jesus in the Heavenly

"This Man Loved me... what emanated from Him was an Astonishing *Love, * a Love _beyond my wildest imagining."_
"He is the Kindest, most Beautiful, most Loving, the most amazing
human being anywhere in a billion Universes."
"This Man is B E A U TI F U L... His Eyes are P I E R C I N G... but they pierce you with LOVE. So much LOVE that I felt like I was going to explode... LOVE beyond what words can even explain."
"He looked like a shaft of Light, He was so Glorious. His clothes looked like solid diamonds sparkling... Beautiful!... When He looks at you the Glory of God is emanating from Him... He looks like LOVE."
"Those are the most Alive Eyes I have ever seen. There is fire in those eyes. I look at those Eyes and they are so full of Love. There is no other Love like that. I was feeling THE BIGGEST DOSE OF LOVE EVER!!!"
"It wasn't just that there was a Man in the Center of this Light. The Light was coming out of Him... His arms are outstretched... and it's just pouring out this Light... Let me tell you about the LOVE... but words are just inadequate. It was Rapturous, it was blissful, it was joyful, it was ecstatic."
"Out of this Light stepped a Man... I was in awe as soon as I saw Him. He imbued into me.... *LOVE."*

"Let us fix our eyes on Jesus... who is now seated at the right hand of the Throne of God."
(Hebrews 12:2)

Here comes the absolute Best invitation that anyone could ever possibly be given...

I stand at the door and knock.
If anyone hears my voice and opens the door,
*I will*
come in and eat with that person,
and they with Me.

(Revelation 3:20)

"No eye has seen,
No ear has heard,
No mind has conceived
what God has prepared for those
who love Him."

(1 Corinthians 2:9)

***This world is not the Disneyland, it's just the temporary road to the Disneyland... The Place of *Amazing Wonderfulness* where we will be more Alive than ever and we will be Blissfully astounded at the Love of God and the Majesty of God in ways that cannot be done on earth.



Amen that’s true the Bible should be our only devotional


Is there any other small leather devotional I could buy? I really need a small one so I can bring it anywhere.


That's a horrifying thing for a Christian!!


Thank you so much for this video! i have this book "Jesus Calling" given to me by an elderly Christian lady. I read a few pages and i could tell something wasn't true but i couldn't tell what it was. I put it away and then after a few years started reading again. Like you said, it did take up my time for reading my bible. I still have it but haven't read it recently. After listening to you i completely believe this book isn't of God! I have struggled to read this book and may be that was God's way of nudging me to wake up! I'll definitely bin it! The devil really knows how to masquerade as an angel of light!


Thank you
I used mine some. In the trash it goes


Im trying to reserch why this book is bad. Dont we try to hear from God when we pray istead of soing all of the talking? Don't pastors and teachers read scripture and teach us about what its saying? Isnt Seek My face scripture? Just because you tell us its mysticism doesnt mean we should just blindly agree and go with you. This is the 3rd video but no one has gone into a page and tell why is goes against scripture.


Please show me some data that she has hurt people or caused harm, because there are plenty of testimony that she has helped people who had trauma in there life


Here researching this book because one of our assistant pastors started sharing excerpts from Jesus is Calling every Sunday during offering prayer time I suspected the origins were questionable, because I remember back when I was in AA people used to love this book. If you claim to speak for Jesus, you better be right, if not, that's called blasphemy.


Straight up automatic writing, which is New Age. She wrote as if Jesus himself was speaking. People in this comment section don’t understand at all. Ugh 😩


Well, Brian Simmons, the clown of the new apostolic reform says, "Jesus" spoke to him in a dream and said all Bible Versions And Translations are wrong, he needs to write a new bible, his false bible the passion translation. These people who say God talks to them!! Kenneth Copeland who said Jesus appeared to him and didn't claim to be God, James Ryle, the blue guitars and The Beatles, Marcus Rogers said Trump would be re-elected, and Yes, I Do like Trump, but don't put words in God's Mouth He didn't say!! Charles Stanley said God told him to buy a thanksgiving turkey!!


The best lie is close to the truth. If I told you I weighed 260 pounds, you might believe me. If I told you I weighed pounds, you would call me a liar to my face. So, again, the best lie is close to the truth. (Both would be complete lies.) So, just because there may not be blatant heresies in this book doesn't mean it's true or right or biblically sound.

I have just recently began investigating this book, and these are the biggest issues so far.

1. Writing in the First Person. The fact that she writes in first person as if her words are coming from Jesus Himself is incredibly audacious. Who else has ever done this (except for God calling)? It definitely should be a red flag that she dares to do this. Prophets in the Old Testament who spoke for God falsely were supposed to be stoned to death, so this is not a small issue. No matter what she says in the introduction, she writes as if she is giving a direct message from God--a true modern day prophet. But the canon of Scripture has been closed for a long time now, and it is completely sufficient without Sara Young. If the Scriptures aren't enough and we so desperately need this book, then how did Christians throughout the previous 19 centuries ever truly know Christ?

2. Emphasis. It is certainly true that God calls us to His presence, but that's not the only thing He ever says. It's as if she is reading Psalm 23 over and over and over again, but won't touch Psalm 51.

I'm doing some word frequency research over just the first four months so far (January through April). Here are some word frequency counts:

Presence = 115
Circumstances = 41
Feel/feels/feeling/feelings = 36
Problem/Problems = 36
Bless/Blessing = 35

Sin/sins = 4
Holy/holiness = 4
Forgiveness = 2
Cross = 2
Redeemed = 1

This is so disproportionately about feeling and circumstances and presence and blessings. It is nothing like the Bible, which certainly speaks of blessings, but not exclusively.

It is certainly true that Jesus tenderly carries His sheep close to His heart. He is most certainly the Lamb of God, but that's not all He is. He's also the Great I AM, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the Almighty, the One who is so holy that sinless angels cover their faces in His presence. Grace and TRUTH came through Jesus Christ--not just all grace. He is not only the Father of the Prodigal--He's also the Judge of all the earth.

This book just does NOT present an accurate picture of Jesus at all, but an extremely lopsided one where Jesus is always the Lamb and never the Lion.

3. Its Popularity. When has a very biblically sound book been so enthusiastically embraced by so many people--both Christians and non-Christians alike? It's the road that leads to destruction that is broad and through which many enter. The narrow road is the one that leads to life. So, the very fact that this has received such enormous acceptance among unbelievers and believers alike is actually a huge red flag.

4. The Absence of the Gospel. I have not yet found the Gospel to be present in any of the devotions. This may be the biggest issue.

If all you ever had was this book, you might feel good about yourself, but you would never understand the Gospel of Jesus Christ and you would never truly know God.

We need to recognize that just because something makes you feel good doesn't mean it's true or right or good for you in any way. Antifreeze apparently used to be sweet to the taste, but it would certainly kill you.

Reading this book certainly may make some people feel good and feel close to God and feel better about themselves, but it doesn't seem to lead people to salvation at all. If this is the case, then it is only making people who are not Christians feel better as they continue toward an eternity separated from Jesus.


well, Evangelicalism is not from God!!
