Top 3 places you CAN'T GO & people who went anyways... | Part 8

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Highlight from today's episode 👉 15:10

Time Stamps:
#3 -- "The Descent" -- 0:52 -- Man explores most deadly dive site in world
#2 -- "Swiss Cheese" -- 8:46-- Divers explore an underground lake
#1 -- "If Not Me, Then Who?" -- 13:36 -- Two massive ships collide in the South China Sea

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"Top 3 places you CAN'T GO & people who went anyways..." playlist 👇

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*For entertainment purposes only. Based on actual events.*

Thumbnail + final edits by Wes Adams:
TikTok @wesjadams
Instagram @wesjadams

('Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License')

Theme Song by: @RossBugden

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#forbidden #cave #mrballen
Nothing to see down here...
Seriously, no need to keep scrolling.
You are at the end. Nothing more exists beyond this. Promise.
What are you looking for? There is nothing else here.

OK, we lied, there's more....
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Gary was a true hero, putting others lives before his own


Gary deserves a statue, what a hero. Selfless courage to the highest level.


I served with Gary on the USS Ponce back in 2001-2004. He was a great sailor! It was very nice of you to share his story on this tragic night. He is a true hero! RIP Chief Rehm


When I heard Gary saved 19 of his "kids" I started crying. Stellar papa, right there. I can't say I blame him. I can't imagine being willing to leave them behind even if there seemed like there was no hope. 🖤🧿🖤


R.I.P. Gary Rehm what a true hero, this story brought tears to my eyes.


I've heard so many of these stories by now that I rarely get emotional. There's too many tragic ways to die, you know? But Gary's sacrifice for his "kids" absolutely made me cry bitter tears. What man.


finding that air pocket was like a miracle... but then realizing you won't be found must have been devastating. granted, he did it to himself - he was warned many times about the dangers - but I do feel sorry for his family.


The fact that 27 survivors, would've been ONLY 8, if it wasn't for that man's selflessness, is absolutely astonishing. I hope he's at peace and knows just how many lives he saved, and I hope his family are doing well 🥺💙


It must be frustrating to warn people that they need to train and can’t go diving somewhere and they don’t listen, die, and then you have to go down and get their bodies.


That last story made me cry; Gary was a true hero and his nobility will be remembered forever.


The fact that Yuri Lipski was recording his entire demise is horrifying. Apparently, the person who recovered Yuri's body and equipment didn't know the camera that Yuri used was still functional and didn't bother checking it for footage. He gave it to Yuri's mother... and the mother was one of the first people to watch her son die. I can't imagine how gut-wrenching that would be.

Edit: I don't know the story verbatim and by heart, so forgive me if this is not 100% correct.


Gary seems like he was a very selfless, brave man for putting his life on the line to save his fellow sailors. We should all aspire to be that caring for our fellow human beings.


Gary Rehm is a fucking hero. A role model in a time when there aren’t many. There is no greater love than a man who will lay down his life for a friend


Gary truly treated those sailors like his kids. He sacrificed his life to save as many lives as he could. He's a true hero.


That last one gave me an indescribable feeling through my whole body. It’s so sad but also so brave, helpful, heroic, selfless. I could go on. Rest In Peace to everyone throughout the video who’s lost their life❤️


You’re allowed to let go of the guideline in cave diving, you’re just always supposed to be in eye sight of it and if it’s a silty area then you want to be right beside it within arms reach. If you want to go explore away from the main line, then you tie off with a reel and begin laying your own line wherever you go so you can then always find your way back to the main line.


I can’t ever imagine being as selfless as Gary. What an incredible human


imagine being lucky enough to find an air pocket while almost drowning but unlucky enough that searchers don’t find you in time


My daughter is an OS1 in the Navy and recently finished sea duty on the USS Fitzgerald. She was part of the replacement crew that came in immediately after this tragedy happened. Several of her shipmates who survived the accident would go on to take their own lives roughly a year after this happened. The ship was rebuilt and has since been back to sea for another deployment but it still hasn’t 100% recovered from the events of this crash. As a Marine and as the mother of a Sailor it’s always heartbreaking to see young servicemembers die, especially like this. Fair wind and flowing seas shipmates.


Best telling of the Yuri Lipski story I’ve ever heard. I’ve watched the footage so many times and your narration made it feel fresh. Thank you for being so factual and respectful.
