3 AMAZING new Twisty Puzzles - Unboxing and first impressions

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A first glimpse at the Mirrored Cube, Clover Cube Plus and Megaminx V2 by QuYi Mofangge.

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I recently became interested in “twisty puzzles” and am having a great time learning/playing with them!


Giving him a galaxy v2 was total overkill, but I love it :D


The bag at 5:10 contains 100 seeds for growing white clover.


That's cool that a puzzle could glow in the dark


5:14 the Chinese word on the silver bag is saying "3-leaf clover, 100 grains, suitable for four seasons". I think they are probably seeds


I'm glad I'm not the only one that cannot solve rubiks cube without an algorithm


I'd definitely recommend getting a regular 3x3x3 cube and learning how to solve it because it's a lot of fun. It's what initially got me interested in puzzles, and once you know your way around a Rubik's cube, there are so many more puzzles you can expose yourself to!


That clover cube 2x2 is the coolest thing I have seen in puzzling that I have thought of myself. So happy that it has finally been made


As a cuber I feel inclined to say that these are definitely not new, but it's cool to see one of my favourite youtubers doing one of my favourite things :D


OMG I have done the mirror cube without doing a normal one, it was tricky, but it was more to do with the shapes than the colours, so was a nice change! 😊❤


If you ever do figure out the normal 3x3x3 Rubik's cube, the mirror cube and megaminx are both great puzzles to go after next. Also if you want to find your own solution for the 3x3x3, I recommend reading/watching videos about "commutators" which are techniques that allow you to create your own algorithms. Once I learned about them I was able to start solving a lot of puzzles on my own.


i've never seen a non reflective mirror cube before, mine has a terrible mechanism but a lovely mirrored finish


These videos are so relaxing, i always watch them while eating dinner


It's hilarious watching him unbox speedcubes haha. Definitely do this again!


I suck at puzzles yet I still loooove your videos


Nice to see that you're introducing twisty puzzles to more of the general populace. The puzzles you're showing here are all beginner-level twisty puzzles, believe it or not. Twisty puzzles get much more complex than these, and that's precisely what I love most about them. In order to solve advanced puzzles you must go through the learning process of solving easy and intermediate puzzles. Examples of some advanced puzzles (that you can research on youtube) would be higher-order Ghost Cubes (4x4x4 and up), Sun-type puzzles (Sun Cube, Bagua Cube, Heaven's Eyes, Sunminx), Eitan's Star (a deep-cut 20-sided face turner), Radio Cube 3 (a cubic transformation of a Radiolarian 3, which is a 20-sided face turner), the Platinum Cube (which is a Ghost Master Skewb), the Ghost Octahedron, etc. The world of twisty puzzles is very vast and wide!

And to answer the question in your video, I typically solve the 3x3x3 Mirror Cube in 2-4 minutes, the Megaminx in 5-8 minutes, and the regular Clover Cube in 4-7 minutes.


Nice video!

Yeah, the Megaminx is on-par with a 3x3 in difficulty, namely due to the similar piece types. There may be far more pieces, but it's no more difficult getting them where you need them to be. Also, QiYi Megaminxes (X-Man is a sub-brand of their's) are among the best on the market, so if you wanted to get into speedsolving, the one you have is as good of a start as you can ask for, ha ha! QiYi makes pretty good puzzles in general though, so any one is a pretty good one to have. The Mirror Blocks (traditionally having mirrored stickers, hence the name) is also basically a 3x3, just you solve with shape and not color. A tad' more difficult to solve just due to recognition, plus going for speed is much harder to handle due to the surface extensions. I don't have a Clover cube, but it looks like a pretty fun solve!

Since you asked for solve times, I did one timed solve of each out of curiosity since I never timed myself on those before (Basically, I only really solved Megaminx and Mirror Blocks casually at the moment). I got a 1:24.71 on my Mofang Jioshi (Moyu) Mirror Blocks. Then on a Megaminx (QiYi QiHeng S) I got 5:24.05. The large difference in time doesn't mean there's that much difference in difficulty, just' that there are more pieces to move get in position, plus I'm more experienced in handling and solving cubic puzzles.


Every few videos you post I go back to that certain video to see how many new ppl couldn't take a joke. 78k and counting lol.


I’m low key envious of that galaxy v2 haha


Hi Mr.Puzzle! I still recommend the skewb and pyraminx!
