HUGE Xmas Cube Haul! Fourteen new twisty puzzles!

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Merry Christmas, everyone! Here I show off a big crop of new puzzles, mostly from ZiiCube and a couple from the Cubicle. I unwrapped and unboxed these with my family of course, so this is less of an unboxing video and more of a first impressions video :)

Here's the list of puzzles you'll see:

X-Cube Master
LanLan Skewb Diamond
Dayan Corner-Turning Octahedron
LanLan Mosaic Cube
mf8/AJ 4x4 Dino Cube
mf8 Curvy Copter 3
mf8 Skewby Copter
limCube Morpho Aureola (AKA Curvy Copter Extreme)
WitEden 2x2x6
WitEden 3x3x7
Dayan F-Skewb
Dayan Master F-Skewb
WitEden 3x3x3 Mixup Plus

Not bad, right? A good day! Hope you all had a great Christmas Day too. See you in the next video!
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Skewby copter plus is a fenomenal solve, and you can eliminate the popping by just super glueing the little centers to their stocks, besides that the puzzle breaks in fine and it is a joy to solve.


I'm surprised how many of these I just received in my last batch of orders as well! (And quite a few that are in transit). Our progressions seem to be along the same lines, thus far at least. 😄

Very impressive haul btw!
I'm yet to get my hands on my 'Christmas haul'. I'm away on vacation, and there's 4 packages waiting for me at my security gate. Can't wait!

1. Good luck with the FTO... I hear there's some push to have it as part of the WCA. I'm yet to try it at all. I probably won't try Ben's speed tutorial though. I'm very bad with rules and algs in general 😛

2. I got pretty far with both the CCExtreme and the Skewby Copter Plus.
I've pretty much figured out the Skewby Copter. Very proud of that.
I think the Extreme is a tad bit tougher, as I'm stuck on one of the inner piece steps, no matter what order I solve the piecetypes in. I sense I'll be turning to a tutorial for that if I don't get the solution soon.

3. The X Cubes were among the first puzzles I ever added to my wishlist. I still haven't bought them. I could only find them on eBay, and shipping always exceeds the puzzle price, so.... 🙄


Wow, awesome stuff!
I get what you are saying about the FTO. Solving methods I read about seemed overly complex, and I couldn't solve it even with the algs in front of me (part of that was due to 'LanLan Lockup'). After fixing the puzzle, I tried to adapt my Rex cube method. It's not the quickest, but it works for me.

Love the Mosaic, one of my favorite easy puzzles. The big Xcube looks awesome!


Nice Xmas haul!
I have the LanLan Mosaic and had solved it just yesterday 😊 Nice and straightforward, you just need to get the solve sequence correct, no real algorithms needed. The "WhatEverItIs" Cube is the AJ Curvy Dino, which I ordered last Saturday from ZiiCube after getting the heads up from you concerning the current sale there. I'm expecting it to be an "extended" Mosaic (which I really like). I do like my corner turning Redi Cubes (Redi, Barrel, 8 Petal, Rediminx).
If fact, I ordered 40 cubes from ZiiCubes, mostly cheap and cheerful MoYu and QiYi pyramid variants along with fruity FanXin 3x3 shape mods. Since I now can solve Skews, I got the recent six MoYu Skewbs (the three MixUps, the Maple Leaf, Polaris, and Double Skewb). Also got the two MoYu Puppets, the AJ Curvy Dino, and the mf8 Unicorn.
I have a DianSheng Octahedron which I also haven't wrapped my brain around (haven't even tried solving it yet). I also have a LanLan corner-turning 4-Layer Octahedral which is similar (but different) to the one you just got.
Would like to see videos on all of your new haul to be honest 😊 Interested in the WitEden Mixup. I have the "standard" MixUp and the Octahedral Mixup I. Most of my attention has been on my VeryPuzzle Rhombic Tuttminx 66 since I got it in August, it's my current all time favourite. Waiting on the Big Stringray and CORD V1.0 to wing their way to me now. So yes, more on the VeryPuzzle range.


Please can you show some of these puzzles scrambled? You don't have to solve it just want to see them fully scrambled.
