The Threes: An Overview
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After the juggling and planning of the twos, now we get into the threes. Cards of finally getting into action. Implementing plans, gathering together, or breaking apart.
I think the two cards which perfectly illustrate this progression are the two of wands and the three of wands. The two is contextualizing the plan you have for your world while safe in your castle. The three is your plans actually going out into the world. Writers, job applications, putting your ideas out and testing the waters by doing.
The two of p to the three of p: Juggling ideas or projects has evolved into picking a project, picking a team, and getting to work. The wonderful act of collaboration.
Two of cups to three of cup: How to build a healthy relationship to celebrating each other, especially over a shared common passion or love.
Two of swords to three: As tarot explores all aspects of experience, some decisions, plans, relationships, or collaborations don’t work out. An idea doesn’t work.
Lots of Threes? Getting to work. Diving in. listening to the ideas of others, loving others, sending your ideas out to others, or learning which others aren’t in your corner.
Reversed: Prepare for bumps, disruptions, minor disagreements
After the juggling and planning of the twos, now we get into the threes. Cards of finally getting into action. Implementing plans, gathering together, or breaking apart.
I think the two cards which perfectly illustrate this progression are the two of wands and the three of wands. The two is contextualizing the plan you have for your world while safe in your castle. The three is your plans actually going out into the world. Writers, job applications, putting your ideas out and testing the waters by doing.
The two of p to the three of p: Juggling ideas or projects has evolved into picking a project, picking a team, and getting to work. The wonderful act of collaboration.
Two of cups to three of cup: How to build a healthy relationship to celebrating each other, especially over a shared common passion or love.
Two of swords to three: As tarot explores all aspects of experience, some decisions, plans, relationships, or collaborations don’t work out. An idea doesn’t work.
Lots of Threes? Getting to work. Diving in. listening to the ideas of others, loving others, sending your ideas out to others, or learning which others aren’t in your corner.
Reversed: Prepare for bumps, disruptions, minor disagreements