4 Signs God is Opening Up New Doors (Don’t Miss It) | Melody Alisa

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Hey, sis! in today's video, I am sharing 4 signs that we will experience when God is doing a new thing in our lives. We don't want to miss the shift and the new doors the Lord is opening and by recognizing these signs, we'll be better equipped to enter into the new places and spaces God has for us. I hope you enjoy!!



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Hi! My name is Melody Alisa - welcome to my channel. I lived in South Korea for two years where I met God and I documented my life as an English teacher (check out my Life in Korea playlist for more on this!) Now, I call Atlanta home. On my YouTube channel, I share my Christian faith and life as a creative, a newlywed, and a new mom through weekly new videos!

melody alisa, signs god is shifting you, signs god is opening a door, are you ready for the shift, 4 signs god wants, 4 signs god is opening up new doors, how to know god is preparing you
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Hi, sis!! Who is ready and excited for the new thing God is doing in their life?! I know i am 🙌🏾 today’s question is: what is one new thing God is doing in your life? Maybe it’s something new you’re learning about yourself, something new you’re learning about God, or maybeeee it’s something you’re having to UNLEARN! let us know in the comments 💗

For me: I’ve been unlearning my definition of “important” and replacing it with what God seems important. For so long, productivity and accomplishment was my barometer of success but God has been showing me how ultimately unfulfilling that is.


I'm unlearning how to help/assist God in fulfilling His promises for me. Remembering that He's more than capable of fulfilling His own promises, so I'm learning to be still and let patience run its course


Things the Lord is revealing to me in this season:
1. The importance of obedience
2. How to rejoice and trust in Him in the midst of the storm
3. How to submit to His will for my life
4. Rejection = Protection + Redirection


God is teaching me 1st to learn how to have confidence in myself and see myself how he sees me💕 and 2nd to get out laziness and procrastination on the things he pushing me to do !!


New doors = pain, discouragement and tears BUT YOU WILL THANK GOD FOR THESE DIFFICULT SEASONS.

Thx a million Melody ❤


God is teaching me to trust him even when things are uncomfortable, to trust that he will walk me through everything that is hard for me. Praise the LORD for he has made me stronger mentally and in faith🙏


I quit my job and started a Sabatical. One month after that I received a job offer that is completely out of my comfort zone. I know god has plans for my life. I’m open to start working again if that is the Gods wishes. This video spoke to me. Thanks ❤


I love that you use bible verses to back up everything! 😭😭 thank you sis for doing this ministry 🤍


After I went through my Job season, I finally understood why I had to lose my romantic relationship and a few friendships. God was changing my circle and mindset for this new season


currently waiting on the Lord to bless me with my dream job. He is definitely preparing me through this waiting season and really wants me to fully depend on Him to provide for my every need before He blesses me with this job.


God is definitely switching up my algorithm and making himself known.


God is really helping me to know peace. I can say I don’t feel as worried about any particular thing anymore because I believe and trust God is in control. This was something I struggled with for years. I realised it one day when I saw everyone around me worrying about something and I did not feel worried, just felt the peace of God.


I lost girlfriend, job, account negative, heart broken, mentally battling everything going on but im beginning to start back leaning on god and i know that he is a about make wonders in my life praise yahweh❤️


I'm unlearning that I'm all alone and it's all up to me. God is replacing this with the reality that He is always with me and that nothing--no thing--is all up to me.


God is pruning me right now. He is pushing me to let go of pride and bitterness. Situations have been coming up that are forcing me to reevaluate my reactions but also identity the root causes of them.


I’m currently waiting for Him to open doors for me. I’m in need of job and everything seems to be so impossible to come to pass, but I take courage knowing He is mighty, powerful, and good! Take heart everyone! His will be done on earth as it is in heaven! All glory to Him 🫶🏼


The one thing God is doing in my life is allowing me to feel comfort in my relationship with Him and actually being disciplined enough to seek quiet time with Him every morning at 5:30am (which prior to 6-7wks ago I would struggle to wake up that early). It’s something about recognizing and yearning for that peace and quiet first thing in the morning that allows me to focus and enjoy my time with Him🥰


I recognize he is doing a new thing and I pray for more patience and less worry. Thank you ❤


This message was for me and I claim it in Jesus name! I have never been the first to watch a video ever before but I have been praying to God for a sign and this video showed up on my feed within 4 seconds of being uploaded ❤


Just like someone mentioned in the comments earlier, I am unlearning being my own god and let God do what he does best. I’m so used to taking control when I don’t need to. It’s tiring and I need to be still and rest in His great power.
