4 SIGNS you’re getting CLOSER with God than you THINK!

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Whoever is reading this, I pray for you: a heart free of sorrow, a mind free of worries, a life filled with joy, an abundant source of financial wealth, a body free of disease disability and a day filled with God's blessings


I have a hard time finding anyone who is truly on God’s path and Spirit filled let alone multiple friends - it can be very isolating but this is where the Lord has me right now. I am grateful He’s doing a deep work in my life but it does get lonely.


I’ve been following this channel for two weeks I’ve been praying daily worshipping and reading my Bible, if you stumble just know this channel and many others will lead you back to God stay humble ! God is so good thank you ❤😊


I just subscribed to this site. I’m so thankful for it. I’ve been a Christian for 45+ years, been in church and taught, yet, these last years we have suffered tremendous challenges. I’ve learned that no matter the experiences of our lives, God knows, is watching and guiding and that He controls the events for His purposes and my sanctification. Trust and leave everything in His hands - believe He is guiding us and in the end it will be worth it all. Trust and rest - do not fret! Thank God for these encouraging messages!❤


C.S Lewis was certainly a man of God and prayer! ❤🙏👣


God is The Alpha and Omega and he wants to welcome us home. Blessings & Grace to all reading this. 🙏✝️🙏


Pray for me .. failure every where.. waiting for god's favor once again..


I'm presently experiencing the transformation. God revealed Himself to me through my encounter with St. Padre Pio's spirit in my dream before the pandemic. It took a while before I recognized God's manifestations. When I finally did, I became much more aware of His omnipresence and boundless love. I realized that God is always watching over us and listening to our prayers. I no longer asked, 'Why me, LORD?' Instead, I understood that I was chosen because I am special. Every night before I sleep, I talk to God, asking for His forgiveness as I drift off. God's plan is perfect, and I am part of its fulfillment. TO GOD BE THE GLORY! 🙌


God's love is not unconditional, but it is unfailing.


If I were to kneel I'd be in pain and wouldn't be focused on my prayer to God. I think bowing your head is simple but if it's from your heart it's good. I also pray while I walk around my apt since I'm alone. I suppose if there were others here I'd go into a private place like Matthew 6:6 tells us, "But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly."

That said, I've really been enjoying these CSLewis teachings. Thank you for posting them.


Thank you God ...for using this prayer to transforms me to be more like Jesus
and to leave to Christ my sorrows and suffering...and for the peace of God .


Praise be to GOD ALMIGHTY the LORD of Hosts the KING of GLORY in JESUS name Amen 👑 👑 👑


My soul finds rest in GOD alone
My salvation comes from him
He is my fortress, I will not be
Shaken ✝️🌼🙏


I have felt that peace described in this story. It was beyond human description. It was a warmth the permeated my entire heart and body. God Bless all, Amen❤


There are times to separate from the toxic...God never asked us to shoulder their commitment to wickedness. "Shake dust off your sandals" and move on to the receptive hearts.


I am going through some difficulties it's my sincere prayer that God may forgive my sins and make me an instrument of his purposes


❤ 👑words like medicine for my spirit. Thank you 🙏


This message deeply resonated with me. Feeling God's presence and finding peace in Him is truly a blessing. Thank you for sharing such powerful insights and prayers! 💘💖❤💙


I'm Closer to GOD than ever before. I'm walking, talking, PRAYING w/out ceasing, Ministering when possible, Repenting daily for known and unknown sin, but that lying relentless devil knows it and TRIES to drop lies into my SPIRIT, Always trying to remind me of my past, I immediately remind that lying wonder of it's future
It's WARFARE Saints, I'm on the frontline, but I'm equipped Ephesians 6:12, Dreams are pouring in like flood, familiar spirits trying to forge covenants, Rejection, Persecution,
I know who I am
Thru knowledge the just shall be delivered
Blessings to Everyone ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


Thank you for these wonderful devotionals...they have been truly meaningful to my walk in these difficult times❤️👍🙏
