Daniel Penny pleads not guilty in NYC subway chokehold death of Jordan Neely

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A U.S. Marine veteran who placed a homeless man in a fatal chokehold aboard a New York City subway train last month pleaded not guilty on Wednesday to revised charges.

Daniel Penny, 24, pleaded not guilty to second-degree manslaughter and criminally negligent homicide in the May 1 death of Jordan Neely, a former Michael Jackson impersonator who was shouting and begging for money on the Manhattan train, according to witnesses.

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Okay, if you’re going to charge this guy with a crime, then every cop that stops a person threatening others with bodily harm should be charged also. This is pure insanity!


It's amazing how quickly they will charge someone with murder when said person is not active duty police nor military...


You turned that criminal loose on the public without police officers to protect citizens so someone had to protect them from the violent criminal. Sure he was a sweet man never meant to hurt anybody after 43 arrest but none of you soft on crime activists offered the criminal a room in your house.,


Absolutely NOT guilty. God help this brave young man, he does not deserve this!


This more than ridiculous and shows how inept the judicial system is in NYC. When the authorities cannot or will not control a man threatening people on transit, it means decent law-abiding citizens who come to aid are punished????NYC DA, you make me SICK!


Good! Fight! The most unwilling participants always seem to be the target. Justice was served on that subway. This man is a hero and should be getting a key to the city.


Let this man go!! He protected ppl on subway from a dangerous man with a rap sheet a mile long this case is a disgrace!!


Imagine Americans being too cowardly to use their 2nd amendment to protect Daniel Penny


Now the family cares about their homeless family members why didn't they care before. So wrong. Glad the young man did what was right even though it cost him.


The news is not that Penny plead not guilty, but that the charges werent dropped...


He’s a hero and this should not even go to trial.


Crazy he deal with crazy person on street and he is guilty?! It’s wrong how he know this person mentally sick on street treat for public was real


This man did the right thing and things got out of hand…as they do with these situations. Let him go!


That's because he's not guilty!


The only reason this man is being charged is his skin color.


That's the trouble with the judicial system. Even if you aren't guilty, they have already screwed you long before the trial is over. I'm sure this guy has better things to do with his time, and could probably do without loosing all his money because the government can't manage to leave people alone. I think the government should give people back all the money they had to spend if they are found not guilty, and it should come out of the paycheck of the cops, lawyers, and judges. Not my taxes.


Free him! hes a hero taking out the trash that New york clown city fails to do everyday


Two wrongs don't make his death right, only legal law, can condemn a person to death. If a Police man/woman of the law cannot strangle an unarmed or a shouting, threatening man to death, nor should the Public; whatever colour, race, profession/veteran or creed you are; this is for any victim or perpetrator.

People cannot just strangle, or suffocate to death a man, woman a child, or a person with mental health issues suspected of a crime; this is very similar to the George Floyd death by strangulation of an unarmed suspect by 4 Police on camera, if nothing is done about it, there will be copy cat strangulation of unarmed suspects, or an innocent person accused and lynched by the public or a demonstration leading to rioting for justice.

Even though I hate all criminals with a deep passion and would like to see the DP in NY made legal. People defending are just dividing community/race/army/ to cause trouble, no veterans are above any Law; all should calm down, stop being emotional and wait for a court case.

He and his friends/public which were 3 to 5 men there could had easily held the unarmed suspect arms, or held him down, until the police came to arrest him; if a Police cannot strangle an unarmed man, no person should be able to.

All should be charged with manslaughter, especially the person that moved the dead insane man arm away, and the others for not intervening to stop the marine strangling the man to death without a trial or a court verdict or a jury sentencing a person to death. Sorry to say this, but the marine was the Judge, Jury and the executioner.P.S. if that dead insane man took out a knife, or a gun I would had agreed with that marine action, or any person protecting lives.

The subway authority should now start having security, cctv on all trains/entrances to evict all unpaying/disturbing, insane passengers, and mad people with mental health issues should now be locked up in a mental health prison to stop these lynching, or future copy cat strangulation, or deadly force by an angry/upset person on an unarmed suspect.


Now you're gonna see people not do anything to help. With the threat of going to prison.


*Please Lord have mercy on this hero!!* What a nasty country we live in!!
