TURKEY's Decision Shocked NATO: Who is next?

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Turkey's relationship with NATO has been a complex one, characterized by strategic cooperation entwined with periods of tension and confrontation, dating from the early days of the Cold War to the present.

Turkey's journey into NATO began under the shadow of the Soviet Union's post-World War II expansions. The Turkish Straits crisis in 1946 was a pivotal moment when Soviet demands for joint control over the strategic Bosporus and Dardanelles straits led Turkey to seek Western support, which culminated in its NATO membership in 1952.

During the Cold War, Turkey was an essential ally for NATO, providing strategic geographic access near the Soviet Union. However, the relationship experienced strains, notably during the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis when U.S. Jupiter missiles were removed from Turkey as part of a secret agreement with the USSR, a decision made without significant consultation with Turkish leaders.

In the post-Cold War era, Turkey's role in NATO evolved with challenges such as the Cyprus dispute and differing views with the U.S. over Iraq in 2003. The acquisition of Russian S-400 missile defense systems in 2017 further strained relations, as it conflicted with NATO interoperability norms and led to Turkey being ousted from the F-35 fighter jet program.

More recently, Turkey's actions in Syria, its opposition to a NATO defense plan for the Baltics over the classification of certain groups as terrorists, and its initial resistance to Sweden and Finland's NATO membership applications have exemplified ongoing friction within the alliance. Despite these challenges, Turkey has also been an active participant in NATO missions, such as in Afghanistan and against ISIS in Syria.

Among recent tensions between Turkey and NATO, Turkey's position on the Israel-Hamas conflict has added strain to their relationship.

During his speech at the 79th UN General Assembly yesterday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan made a strong condemnation of Israeli actions in Gaza, comparing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Adolf Hitler. Erdoğan criticized the United Nations for failing to fulfill its mission, describing it as a "dysfunctional structure" and accusing it of allowing a genocide in Gaza to continue. He reported that over 41,000 Palestinians had died due to the conflict, including more than 17,000 children targeted by Israeli forces. Erdoğan called for immediate and global action to stop what he termed as barbaric actions by Israel and urged for a ceasefire and humanitarian aid for Gaza. He highlighted the discrepancy in global responses and urged those who support Israel unconditionally to reconsider their stance and recognize the State of Palestine.
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I think it will be very important to mention that Turkey acquired the S400 from Russia because America refused to supply Turkey with America Defence systems. Turkey had no alternative but to move on.


Reality check: We The Türks do not trust Westerners (anymore). I could give you a hundred reasons for this, but the bottom line is clear. The bridge of trust has collapsed and is almost impossible to repair...so what happens next?
Let me answer you with a ancient Türk proverb. The wolf spends the winter but does not forget the frost he was exposed to! We may have many good qualities, but being submissive and not reacting to injustice are not among them. If the West doesn't know the value of our friendship, then let it taste our rivalry! ... this is what will happen. Cheers!


Arrogance and double standards will lead to the collapse of the largest military alliance.


Turkey rejects tyranny and does what it wants. Love Turkey.


like the usa said Ukarain is a free nation and can do as it likes well thats what Turkey is doing 😅😂😅


The way Turkey was treated by NATO and EU is simply insulting. During the Cold War, Ankara was the powerful guardsman of the Bosporus, and the West had a good night sleep. What's the use of having Sweden and Finland as NATO members, while to keep Turkey in has never been so important as now. And why there's no any criticism of Israel's Gaza campaign while Russia is condemned to hell? Now, after driving Russia closer to the commies in Beijing, Turkey is drifting away from its "allies" who proved to be liars and hypocrits.


Viva and long live president of Turkey excellence Erdogan and his people.🤲🏼🤲🏼🤲🏼🤲🏼🤲🏼❤️🇸🇴🇹🇷❤️


I guess Turkey noticed the duplicity, hypocrisy and double standards of the West. Perhaps Turkey also finds that vassal is not a good fit for the country. The West keeps pontificating and giving sanctimonious lectures about the freedom that countries have in making their own decisions without outside interference; well Turkey is doing just that.


The issues before S400 were not mentioned in most places, Turkey, which applied many times to buy Patriot air defense system, was rejected every time and could not get it from NATO. While Turkey needed this weapon, its allies did not give it and an embargo was imposed. Turkey, which was forced, turned to S400. Whenever a weapon was needed, NATO and USA, EU prevented it from reaching these weapons and imposed embargoes. These weapons were sold to countries like Greece. Although Greece bought S300, it was not subject to the same sanctions. Also, India bought S400. USA did not impose sanctions on India. It has provided weapons to Kurdish terrorist organizations in Iraq and Syria for years and it still continues. Turkey has understood that it can no longer tolerate this situation. New alliances have turned towards new economic communities.


*Amazing video, you work for 40yrs to have $1M in your retirement, meanwhile some people are putting just $10K into trading from just few months ago and now they are multimillionaires*


-Taraflı bir video. 01:18 de bahsedilen s-400 meselesi videoda anlatıldığı gibi değil. Türkiye NATO müttefiklerinden hava savunma satın almak istedi. Amerika ve diğer müttefikler Türkiye'ye savunma sistemi satmadı. Türkiye bölgesinde bir çok savaş olan bir ülke. Bu sebeple Rusya'dan s-400 almak zorunda kaldı.

-Türkiye Suriye'de güvenli bölge planına karşı çıkmadı 01:25 de bahsedilen konu videoda anlatıldığı gibi değil. Türkiye IŞID denen terör örgütü ile savaştı. Bir çok IŞID bölgesini vurdu. Amerika bölgeye girdi ve PKK ya destek sağladı. PKK Türkiye ve Amerika tarafından terörist örgüt olarak kabul ediliyor. Amerikalı generaller daha sonra yaptığı basın açıklamaları ve röportajlarda Türkiye'yi kandırmak için PKK nın ismini değiştirip PYD yaptıklarını ama kadrolar aynı olduğu için Türkiye'yi kandıramadıklarını itiraf ettiler. Şuan Amerikan askerleri bölgedeki petrol kuyularını ellerinde tutup para kazanmak dışında bir şey yapmıyor. Amerika'nın Suriye'de olması ve askerlerini orda bulundurması uluslarası hukuka aykırı ve yasadışıdır. Ayrıca korsan şekilde Suriye halkının petrolünü çalmakta.

- 01:30 Finlandiya ve İsveç ülkesinde PKK fanatiklerinin kalmasına izin veriyor. Bu insanların bazıları Türkiye'de terör saldırısı yapıp masum sivilleri öldürdü. Ayrıca bu iki ülke NATO başvurusu öncesinde Türkiye'ye silah ambargosu uyguladı. Bunları yaptıktan sonra Türkiye'nin NATO ya girmesi için destek vermesini beklediler.

- 01:50 İsrail bir NATO üyesi değil. İsrail son 1 yıl içinde 10.000 bebeği öldürdü.

İsrail şuan Filistin'de bulunan bütün okul, ibadethane, sivil yerleşim yerleri, birleşmiş milletlerin kontrolündeki hastaneleri vurdu.

Konu ile ilgili Amerikan senatörü Bernie Sanders.

" I will introduce a resolution to block this $20 billion arms sale to Israel. " isimli videoyu izleyebilirsiniz. Amerikalı senatör durumu açıklıyor.

-Şuan İsrail başbakanı ve İsrail uluslarası mahkemede savaş suçlarından yargılanmaktadır. Video tarafsız olmadığı için bu konular dile getirilmiyor.

- 04:10 Türkiye f-35 uçağı üretimindeki ortaklardan birisi ve üreticilerindendir. Türkiye alıcı değil üretici ortaktır. S-400 meselesinden öncede Amerika'nın Türkiye'ye f-35 satma konusunda lobi çalışmaları sebebi ile tereddüttü vardı.

- 07:10 Türkiye komşuları olan İran ve Ermenistan, Ukrayna ve Rusya uzun yıllardır Nükleer enerji kullanıyor. Neden Türkiye'nin aynı enerjiye sahip olması videoyu yapan zihniyeti rahatsız etti. Bu santraller uluslararası kuruluşlar tarafından denetleniyor.

- 07:30 Türkiye Amerika tarafından ekonomik ve dolar üzerinden tehditlerle karşı karşıya kaldı. Dünyadaki Dolar egemenliği bir çok ülkeyi sürekli tehdit ediyor. BRICS bu emperyalist dünya düzenine bir alternatif. Ayrıca Türkiye 40 yıldır Avrupa birligi üyeliği için bekliyor ve üye ülkeler her yıl yeni talepler ile Türkiye'yi oyalıyor.

Bazı gerçekleri görmezden gelen taraflı ve kötü niyetli bir video.


Turkey Dodged a Serious Bullet by not buying the F35 Boondoggle 'aircraft'


El Salvador 🇸🇻 will be joining BRICS soon. BRICS seems to be key for any diversifying economy.


“Israel Hamas conflict”… do you mean g’cide?? Please edit.


Get out of nato your strong enough on your own


Why did they buy Turkiye the S400 tell thad also, because the usa dont give Turkiye the patriot lol. I hope Turkiye also step out of the nato group!! The west and usa are not fair players.


Although Turkey was seen as an ally of NATO, it had to deal with embargoes in many positions. In the 1974 Cyprus issue, the USA imposed an arms embargo on Turkey. The application to join the European Union was made on April 14, 1987. The inclusion of the Greek Cypriot side in the European Union stopped the negotiations between Turkey and the European Union. Despite the 37 years that passed, the negotiations were sabotaged by the EU by adding new articles each time. Turkey wanted to buy a Patriot air defense system, the USA did not sell it and did not give it even temporarily when Turkey needed it. Only Spain gave its own missile batteries. Turkey had to buy S400 in order to defend itself. And we were unilaterally removed by the USA from the F35 project that we entered by paying 1.4 billion dollars. The money we paid has still not been returned. Whenever Turkey expected help from the West, it did not happen. They did not even approve the sale of spare parts. Where is this attitude, an alliance, nothing but an officially hostile attitude. USA is a country that has given and is still giving weapons, money, helicopters, air defense missile systems to Kurdish terrorist organizations in Iraq and Syria (PKK is also considered a terrorist organization by USA). Turkey is not a place where stupid people live. We were forced to make our own choice. It has used the USA dollar as a threat against us at every opportunity. This attitude is one of the reasons why we have economic problems. Turkey is tired of these hostile attitudes and was forced to turn to the east. As a result, Western countries (USA, EU, NATO) should question their own actions and not try to show Turkey as unreliable. Turkey's BRICS application is the best choice for us and BRICS countries. There is nothing to worry about in this.


From Türkiye's perspective, the main reason why it remains a NATO member is the principle of keeping your friends close, your enemies closer.


Turkiey should improve its relations with Turkic


There are too many nations and people in Europe for US/NATO to govern.
