All Arkham DLC Stories Ranked

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What better way to celebrate getting all the DLC, and 240% in Arkham Knight, than by ranking every piece of DLC there is? I dunno, that's why you're here, isn't it?

Music Used
The Art of War
The Hunter
Blood of the Demon
Bring Her Back to Me
I Think You Should Do As He Says
Cold, Cold Heart
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Would have loved a second season of infamy with Zsasz, Bane, Deadshot and Killer Moth


I still feel robbed by the red hood DLC I have actually beaten it in 5 minutes once, I think we could have an amazing arkham sequel following red hood or Azrael going around ALL of gotham hunting down the order of St Dumas.


The fact that Harley Quin is a playable DLC character kind of made me wish that we got an actual Harley Quin boss fight in the main game.


I love the tank battle in heart of ice, it feels like you're overwhelmed with all the tanks, and batman is too. He is YELLING at freeze to detonate the cryogenerator and he still hesitates.


Cold cold heart at the top where it belongs. The XE suit. The character exploration of Freeze. It’s all so great and it feels more like a short game and less a DLC. It was definitely deserving of number 1.


Did you know that if you complete In From The Cold as the absolute last mission in Arkham Knight, it will forever snow in Gotham!


10:50 some of my favourite riddler quotes
“DIE FARTHER, I mean Batman”
“I don’t have an ego, I’m far too brilliant”


00:00 Intro
00:29 14 Wonderland Arkham Knight
01:20 13 Catwoman Arkham City
02:21 12 GCPD Lockdown Arkham Knight
03:49 11 Harley Quinn Arkham Knight
04:49 10 Flip of a Coin Arkham Knight
06:07 9 Beneath the Surface Arkham Knight
10:07 8 Catwoman's Revenge Arkham Knight
11:00 7 Red Hood Arkham Knight
12:29 6 Initiation Arkham Origins
13:36 5 Shadow War Arkham Knight
16:04 4 In From the Cold Arkham Knight
19:23 3 A Matter of Family Arkham Knight
21:15 2 Harley Quinn's Revenge Arkham City
24:26 1 Cold Cold Heart Arkham Origins


Harley quinns revenge, matter of family and cold cold heart are easily the best DLCs in the arkham series. They are the most fleshed out and are just great with the stories they tell. Cold cold heart shows us the origin of arkham Mr Freeze and why batman wants to help him. And even though I only first played it recently, it is my favorite arkahm DLC because of the influence from the animated series while also making it it's own thing as well as tying up some things from the main game. Matter of family fleshes out the relationship of the bat family and joker (especially with the thugs mentioning Jason near the start), Barbara and Tim and the character of Batgirl by herself, which we never got to see before. And harley quinns revenge shows the post arkham city/joker death landscape and how harley has been changed by it. All fantastic.

I wish I could like the arkham knight stories more than I do. They just aren't as fleshed out/don't offer as much and this is a minor thing, but I wish the DLCs gave us more challenge maps, like the batgirl predator rooms (specifically the one with the kraken, I love that one) or the red hood/ harley ones, maybe even freeze's ship too. (Edit: at least season of infamy was overall great, even though some of the original content was sadly cut)

And congratulations on the sponsor my guy!


Batman's deeper, more somber tone in Harley's Revenge was something I noticed in my recent replay of City and it was amazing. Gosh DANGIT, Kevin, you were amazing.


The mr freeze mission is by far the best thing in Arkham knight. I got more emotional then I thought I’d ever get in a Batman game. Mostly because Nora reminded me of my grandma. She had a terminal disease but lived everyday with a positive attitude. I really can’t explain it properly with words.


Cold Cold Heart definitely deserved top 1, it even has its own kinda side quests, clearly a masterpiece


I'd love to see a side missions ranked video next honestly, hearing your takes on the good and bad of the series would be pretty interesting


Seeing that you enjoyed Catwoman's Revenge, especially the final combat encounter was very surprising. Everyone I know, myself included, thinks that encounter is one of if not the worst and most unfair combat encounter in the entire series. Glad you could find some enjoyment out of it though.


I'm really glad Mr. Freeze got such good content in the Arkham games, because he's one of my personal favorite Batman villains, or just villains in general.


I personally view Ra’s thanking Batman is meant to be him being happy about finally finding peace in death and being proud of him for helping Gotham in ways he never could have


God, I love the dialog and character writing in Arkham Origins. Cold, Cold, Heart was a pure showcase of everything that Arkham Origins did well.


I actually prefer playing as Catwoman than Batman in Arkham City…I love her combos and how quick her movement is. I love roaming around Arkham City. Wish we could’ve free roamed as the DLC characters in Arkham Knight; could’ve been cool.


Cold cold heart was an adaptation of the emmy award winning episode from the animated series, but it took some liberties in a good way. Like the fact Fries witnessed another guard die from heat before him, or Boyle actually trying to kill Nora, or even Penguin’s inclusion. Great elements added in what is an amazing DLC imo.


Something cool about the Harley story pack is that if you stay in... I don't recall the name, the Detective Vision equivalent, you hear Harleen arguing with Harley, suggesting she may eventually regain her sanity.
