Tongues & Interpretations

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The end of the Holy Spirit gift list from 1 Cor 12. Speaking & Interpreting tongues. Get an overview of these last two gifts in less than 10 minutes!
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Interpretation in this case is never this or that depending on the interpreter. I.e. if there is a person present knowing the language a translation can be given but interpretation happens because there is not a translator, but will be like translating (all driven by the same Spirit). Another thing evident from your programs is you seem to be under the impression that scripture can be taken up to every ones own liking or feeling, however you want to see it. This is like the law requires that one drive at or below a certain speed limit and when the enforcer pulls you over then we will have a discussion on how I interpret or feel about this law. Scripture is truth and there is only one truth and not like this woke world would you have believe that every one has their truth. Truth is not negotiable!! This also shows the difference between saved and reborn Christians (another of your topics) . Christian in this case means the difference between these are not of any other religion like Muslim, Buddhist or Satanist. The difference between saved and reborn is, death, where the latter died to self to the desires of flesh and lives a Christ like life like Jesus did and the other has basically joined a religion. These will very seldom be interpreters or speak in tongues or drive out demons, the fire is not in them. When the scripture says without being reborn you can not enter the kingdom of God it is not negotiable or optional.
