Why didn´t the disciples recognize Jesus after His resurrection? | Highlight

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How does Christianity reconcile the problem that witnesses have in recognizing Jesus after his resurrection? This is a difficult question because sometimes, the gospels do not give all the details of what happens. However, we can get some ideas.



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I imagine it was because Jesus was in His glorified body. The type of resurrected bodies that Paul described. Perhaps this was also how Jesus looked at the transfiguration demonstrating who He is even prior to physical death.


Why didn´t the disciples recognize Jesus after His resurrection? My grandmother died of Alzheimer's, she was less than 70 lbs at her death. In the resurrection, she will NOT be an elderly woman, that looks sickly. Oh no! She will be like the angels, eternally young and healthy. How does this example help answer today's question? Jesus had fasted 40 days, which would have made him appear like a holocaust victim, or like a starving child in Africa. Any muscle mass that He would have gained as a carpenter would have been eaten up with the starvation. Isaiah 53 says he had no beauty that we should desire Him. Jesus then walked over 3000 miles over the next three years, which means he had a high metabolism, and likely remained thin looking. Next let's highlight the trial and crucifixion. He was beaten by a band of soldiers, hit in the head with a reed, scourged, and then nailed to a Cross. Let's remember, this was the FINAL WAY THE DISCIPLES saw Jesus on Friday. After His resurrection, Jesus was YOUNG and HEALTHY looking, and actually had some MEAT ON HIS BONES, something the disciples were not used to seeing. Jesus NEVER appeared that healthy to them before. If I were there, I doubt that I would of recognized Jesus at first either.


I find the answer to be quite simple.

They weren’t expecting him to come back.

When you believe the resurrection comes at judgement day can you really expect a resurrection beforehand? It’s no surprise they wouldn’t think Jesus because as far as they were concern then. He was dead and ain’t coming back to the resurrection day.


The only believable explanation I have heard is that he materialized a brand new body. A dead body could never come back to life. And also Lazarus did not die but had a near death experience which happens to people all the time so all Jesus did was heal him.
If the same body could resurrect there is no way those who knew him including his own wife (Mary Magaline) could fail to recognize him.


Mike Licona is really a good Christian speaker and a great debater’s especially with a Muslim, he used to listens calmly to every question and give his every answer in a very humble and polite way. Moreover he never criticised others or other religion during debate. He is a great example of being a good Christian. Christian speaker or debater’s need to learn so much from him especially when they debate Christianity with others Religion.


Of course i would come across this video after wondering the same thing last night or the night before.


He wasn't recognized because his body was crucified, so as one person commented, he may have risen, before he ascended to heaven, in his gloried body, though the marks were still on his hands.


Can you please add a link to the scene in the film you reference?


Most atheists argue that the disciples didn’t recognize Jesus when he resurrected because he was really an imposter so it’s nice to hear another perspective that I could use to argue against theirs


Dr. Licona is more informed than me, but it seems that the obvious answer was that he was scarred. It's a sad reality that people avoid eye contact with someone who has heavy scarring on their face. If Jesus had a crown of thorns shoved into his head, his beard plucked out, and his whole body whipped, his appearance would have been very difficult to look at. We would avoid eye contact with such a person on the street. The Emmaus account literally says their faces were downcast. They weren't willing to look this stranger in the eye. But when they stopped to have a meal and they face him rather than walking beside him -- or perhaps see his hands as he passes them some bread -- now they actually look the man in the face and recognize him.


It always bothered me too that they didn’t recognize them


Not convinced with answers :(

How did Peter remember the denial of Jesus then?


*Remember that the gospels are theological-historical accounts of Jesus' life. They do not report "just the facts".*


John 21:12
“Jesus saith unto them, Come and dine. And none of the disciples durst ask him, Who art thou? knowing that it was the Lord


Alternatively, the risen Jesus was a spirit being as he was before he came to earth and took on bodies of flesh much like angekls did in the OT.


Maybe someone was pretending to be Jesus.


coz they thought he was dead. In fact he was not dead. It is natural if you see a person whom you thought was dead. your mind will be confused at first. If jesus had told them he would arise from dead they would not have been surprised and not scared of seeing him alive in front of them. If you look at the bible it says he was alive alive and alive in several verses. I don't understand why evangelists replace the alive word with resurrection resurrection and resurrection.


That answer doesn't explain a thing


It’s because his body decomposed and he probably had maggots and fly poo all over his face and body covered in bruises and cuts


Obviously because his beard had been pulled out before his crucifixion.
