Understand Your Unique Way of Learning 🧠

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Join Jim Kwik, renowned brain coach and learning expert, as he explores the fascinating concept of learning styles and individual intelligence types. In this video, Jim introduces four distinct learning styles—Cheetah, Owl, Dolphin, and Elephant—and discusses how each person possesses their own unique way of processing and retaining information.

Discovering your learning style is crucial for maximizing your learning potential and achieving success in various aspects of life. Jim breaks down the characteristics of each learning style and offers practical insights into how you can identify and leverage your dominant intelligence type. Whether you're a fast-paced Cheetah learner, a detail-oriented Owl, a creative Dolphin, or a reflective Elephant, understanding your learning style empowers you to approach learning tasks more effectively and efficiently.

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This reminds me of a moment back in primairy school. I was terrible at sayings, i couldnt remember them as im bad at remembering set in stone things (words, dates, names, ...)

There was a teacher that would give kids extra lessons to improve them, this teacher made me go from a 1-2-3/10 to a 8/mostly 9/10 because he made me realise these things have a connection the the real world, he talked me through it, he showed me he cared, he showed me that if i link something to a feeling, a moment or a connection to that person it was easier for me to remember, i will always appreciate this teaching and hopefully one day i can show him/gift him something to confirm he did the right thing


Last year when i participated i was dolphin now iam owl😂


I have leant a lot about which type of learning and behavior I am, and I can say that I am a dolphin, creativity is my biggest trait.


I luv listening to Jim speak, so wise and calm.


Can't handle three mns from you, who am I ? Your grim reaper .. its just a matter of time ;)


Turns out I'm an owl. I love it. Those creatures are ruthless hunters!
